blob: d1492fd05201678aece1e1a2b1a66b88823d52ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "algorithms/rappor/rappor_encoder.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "./logging.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/hash.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/mac.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/random.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace rappor {
using crypto::byte;
using crypto::hmac::HMAC;
using encoder::ClientSecret;
namespace {
// Returns a human-readable string representation of |value| appropriate
// for debug messages.
std::string DebugString(const ValuePart& value) {
std::ostringstream stream;
switch (value.data_case()) {
case ValuePart::kStringValue:
stream << "'" << value.string_value() << "'";
case ValuePart::kIntValue:
stream << value.int_value();
case ValuePart::kIndexValue:
stream << "index-" << value.index_value();
case ValuePart::kBlobValue:
stream << "[blob value]";
stream << "unexpected value type";
return stream.str();
// Flips the bits in |data| using the given probabilities and the given RNG.
// p = prob_0_becomes_1
// q = prob_1_stays_1
void FlipBits(double p, double q, crypto::Random* random, std::string* data) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->size(); i++) {
byte p_mask = random->RandomBits(p);
byte q_mask = random->RandomBits(q);
data->at(i) = (p_mask & ~data->at(i)) | (q_mask & data->at(i));
} // namespace
RapporEncoder::RapporEncoder(const RapporConfig& config,
ClientSecret client_secret)
: config_(new RapporConfigValidator(config)),
random_(new crypto::Random()),
cohort_num_(DeriveCohortFromSecret()) {}
RapporEncoder::~RapporEncoder() {}
bool RapporEncoder::HashValueAndCohort(
const std::string serialized_value, uint32_t cohort_num,
uint32_t num_hashes, byte hashed_value[crypto::hash::DIGEST_SIZE]) {
// We append the cohort to the value before hashing.
std::vector<byte> hash_input(serialized_value.size() + sizeof(cohort_num_));
std::memcpy(, &serialized_value[0], serialized_value.size());
std::memcpy( + serialized_value.size(), &cohort_num,
// Now we hash |hash_input| into |hashed_value|.
// We are going to use two bytes of |hashed_value| for each hash in the Bloom
// filter so we need DIGEST_SIZE to be at least num_hashes*2. This should have
// already been checked at config validation time.
CHECK(crypto::hash::DIGEST_SIZE >= num_hashes * 2);
return crypto::hash::Hash(, hash_input.size(), hashed_value);
uint32_t RapporEncoder::ExtractBitIndex(
byte hashed_value[crypto::hash::DIGEST_SIZE], size_t hash_index,
uint32_t num_bits) {
// Each bloom filter consumes two bytes of |hashed_value|. Note that
// num_bits is required to be a power of 2 (this is checked in the
// constructor of RapporConfigValidator) so that the mod operation below
// preserves the uniform distribution of |hashed_value|.
return (*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&hashed_value[hash_index * 2])) %
std::string RapporEncoder::MakeBloomBits(const ValuePart& value) {
uint32_t num_bits = config_->num_bits();
uint32_t num_bytes = (num_bits + 7) / 8;
uint32_t num_hashes = config_->num_hashes();
std::string serialized_value;
byte hashed_value[crypto::hash::DIGEST_SIZE];
if (!HashValueAndCohort(serialized_value, cohort_num_, num_hashes,
hashed_value)) {
VLOG(1) << "Hash() failed";
return "";
// Initialize data to a string of all zero bytes.
// (The C++ Protocol Buffer API uses string to represent an array of bytes.)
std::string data(num_bytes, static_cast<char>(0));
for (size_t hash_index = 0; hash_index < num_hashes; hash_index++) {
uint32_t bit_index = ExtractBitIndex(hashed_value, hash_index, num_bits);
// Indexed from the right, i.e. the least-significant bit.
uint32_t byte_index = bit_index / 8;
uint32_t bit_in_byte_index = bit_index % 8;
// Set the appropriate bit.
data[num_bytes - (byte_index + 1)] |= 1 << bit_in_byte_index;
return data;
// We use HMAC as a PRF and compute
// HMAC_{client_secret}(attempt_number) % num_cohorts_2_power
uint32_t RapporEncoder::AttemptDeriveCohortFromSecret(size_t attempt_number) {
if (!config_->valid()) {
VLOG(1) << "config is not valid";
return UINT32_MAX;
if (!client_secret_.valid()) {
VLOG(1) << "client_secret is not valid";
return UINT32_MAX;
// Invoke HMAC.
byte hashed_value[crypto::hmac::TAG_SIZE];
if (!HMAC(, ClientSecret::kNumSecretBytes,
reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&attempt_number), sizeof(attempt_number),
hashed_value)) {
VLOG(1) << "HMAC() failed!";
return UINT32_MAX;
// Interpret the first two bytes of hashed_value as an unsigned integer
// and mod by num_cohorts_2_power.
CHECK_GT(config_->num_cohorts_2_power(), 0u);
return *(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(hashed_value)) %
uint32_t RapporEncoder::DeriveCohortFromSecret() {
size_t attempt_number = 0;
// Each invocation of AttemptDeriveCohortFromSecret() has probability > 1/2
// of returning a value < num_cohorts so the probability that this loop
// will execute more than n times is less than 1/(2^n).
while (true) {
uint32_t cohort = AttemptDeriveCohortFromSecret(attempt_number++);
if (cohort == UINT32_MAX) {
// Derivation failed.
return UINT32_MAX;
if (cohort < config_->num_cohorts()) {
return cohort;
Status RapporEncoder::Encode(const ValuePart& value,
RapporObservation* observation_out) {
if (!config_->valid()) {
return kInvalidConfig;
if (!client_secret_.valid()) {
VLOG(3) << "client_secret is not valid";
return kInvalidConfig;
if (cohort_num_ == UINT32_MAX) {
VLOG(1) << "Unable to derive cohort from client_secret.";
return kInvalidConfig;
std::string data = MakeBloomBits(value);
if (data.empty()) {
VLOG(3) << "MakeBloomBits failed on input: " << DebugString(value);
return kInvalidInput;
// TODO(rudominer) Consider supporting prr in future versions of Cobalt.
// Randomly flip some of the bits based on the probabilities p and q.
FlipBits(config_->prob_0_becomes_1(), config_->prob_1_stays_1(),
random_.get(), &data);
return kOK;
BasicRapporEncoder::BasicRapporEncoder(const BasicRapporConfig& config,
ClientSecret client_secret)
: config_(new RapporConfigValidator(config)),
random_(new crypto::Random()),
client_secret_(std::move(client_secret)) {}
BasicRapporEncoder::~BasicRapporEncoder() {}
Status BasicRapporEncoder::Encode(const ValuePart& value,
BasicRapporObservation* observation_out) {
if (!config_->valid()) {
return kInvalidConfig;
if (!client_secret_.valid()) {
VLOG(3) << "client_secret is not valid";
return kInvalidConfig;
auto bit_index = config_->bit_index(value);
if (bit_index == -1) {
VLOG(3) << "BasicRapporEncoder::Encode(): The given value was not one of "
<< "the categories: " << DebugString(value);
return kInvalidInput;
uint32_t num_bits = config_->num_bits();
uint32_t num_bytes = (num_bits + 7) / 8;
// Indexed from the right, i.e. the least-significant bit.
uint32_t byte_index = bit_index / 8;
uint32_t bit_in_byte_index = bit_index % 8;
// Initialize data to a string of all zero bytes.
// (The C++ Protocol Buffer API uses string to represent an array of bytes.)
std::string data(num_bytes, static_cast<char>(0));
// Set the appropriate bit.
data[num_bytes - (byte_index + 1)] = 1 << bit_in_byte_index;
// TODO(rudominer) Consider supporting prr in future versions of Cobalt.
// Randomly flip some of the bits based on the probabilities p and q.
FlipBits(config_->prob_0_becomes_1(), config_->prob_1_stays_1(),
random_.get(), &data);
return kOK;
} // namespace rappor
} // namespace cobalt