blob: d31f3e9d8d3577a7a010cee9c09e3d97c56c5e29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "./observation.pb.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
// An abstraction of the interface to SystemData that allows mocking in
// tests.
class SystemDataInterface {
virtual ~SystemDataInterface() = default;
// Returns the SystemProfile for the current system.
virtual const SystemProfile& system_profile() const = 0;
// The Encoder client creates a singleton instance of SystemData at start-up
// time and uses it to query data about the client's running system. There
// are two categories of data: static data about the system encapsulated in
// the SystemProfile, and dynamic stateful data about the running system.
class SystemData : public SystemDataInterface {
// Constructor: Populuates system_profile_ with the real SystemProfile
// of the actual running system and the specified product name.
explicit SystemData(const std::string& product_name);
virtual ~SystemData() = default;
// Returns the SystemProfile for the current system.
const SystemProfile& system_profile() const override {
return system_profile_;
// Overrides the stored SystemProfile. Useful for testing.
void OverrideSystemProfile(const SystemProfile& profile);
void PopulateSystemProfile();
SystemProfile system_profile_;
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt