blob: 6abdb3e5209798d7abfb185b65f54d8392ca1138 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "./logging.h"
#include "encoder/envelope_maker.h"
#include "encoder/observation_store.h"
#include "encoder/observation_store_update_recipient.h"
#include "encoder/send_retryer.h"
#include "encoder/shuffler_client.h"
#include "third_party/clearcut/uploader.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
using send_retryer::SendRetryerInterface;
// ShippingManager is a central coordinator for collecting encoded Observations
// and sending them to the Shuffler. Observations are accumulated in the
// ObservationStore and periodically sent in batches to the Shuffler by a
// background worker thread on a regular schedule. ShippingManager also performs
// expedited off-schedule sends when too much unsent Observation data has
// accumulated. A client may also explicitly request an expedited send.
// ShippingManager is used to upload data to a Shuffler. The unit of data sent
// in a single request is the *Envelope*. ShippingManager will get Envelopes
// from the ObservationStore, and attempt to send them.
// Usage: Construct a ShippingManager, invoke Start() once. Whenever an
// observation is added to the ObservationStore, call NotifyObservationsAdded()
// which allows ShippingManager to check if it needs to send early. Optionally
// invoke RequestSendSoon() to expedite a send operation.
// Usually a single ShippingManager will be constructed for each shuffler
// backend the client device wants to send to. All applications running on that
// device use the same set of ShippingManagers.
class ShippingManager : public ObservationStoreUpdateRecipient {
// Use this constant instead of std::chrono::seconds::max() in
// ScheduleParams below in order to effectively set the wait time to
// infinity.
static const std::chrono::seconds kMaxSeconds;
// Parameters passed to the ShippingManager constructor that control its
// behavior with respect to scheduling.
// schedule_interval: How frequently should ShippingManager perform regular
// periodic sends to the Shuffler? Set to kMaxSeconds to effectively
// disable periodic sends.
// min_interval: Because of expedited sends, ShippingManager may sometimes
// send to the Shuffler more frequently than |schedule_interval|. This
// parameter is a safety setting. ShippingManager will never perform two
// sends within a single period of |min_interval| seconds.
// 0 <= min_interval <= schedule_interval <= kMaxSeconds
class ScheduleParams {
ScheduleParams(std::chrono::seconds schedule_interval,
std::chrono::seconds min_interval)
: schedule_interval_(schedule_interval), min_interval_(min_interval) {
CHECK_GE(min_interval.count(), 0);
CHECK_LE(min_interval_.count(), schedule_interval_.count());
CHECK_LE(schedule_interval.count(), kMaxSeconds.count());
friend class ShippingManager;
std::chrono::seconds schedule_interval_;
std::chrono::seconds min_interval_;
// Constructor
// scheduling_params: These control the ShippingManager's behavior with
// respect to scheduling sends.
// observation_store: The ObservationStore used for storing and retrieving
// observations.
// encrypt_to_shuffler: An util::EncryptedMessageMaker used to encrypt
// messages to the shuffler and the analyzer.
ShippingManager(const ScheduleParams& scheduling_params,
ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler);
// The destructor will stop the worker thread and wait for it to stop
// before exiting.
virtual ~ShippingManager();
// Starts the worker thread. Destruct this object to stop the worker thread.
// This method must be invoked exactly once.
void Start();
void NotifyObservationsAdded() override;
// Register a request with the ShippingManager for an expedited send. The
// ShippingManager's worker thread will try to send all of the accumulated,
// unsent Observations as soon as possible but not sooner than |min_interval|
// seconds after the previous send operation has completed.
void RequestSendSoon();
using SendCallback = std::function<void(bool)>;
// A version of RequestSendSoon() that provides feedback about the send.
// |send_callback| will be invoked with the result of the requested send
// attempt. More precisely, send_callback will be invoked after the
// ShippingManager has attempted to send all of the Observations that were
// added to the ObservationStore. It will be invoked with true if all such
// Observations were succesfully sent. It will be invoked with false if some
// Observations were not able to be sent, but the status of any particular
// Observation may not be determined. This is useful mainly in tests.
void RequestSendSoon(SendCallback send_callback);
// Blocks for |max_wait| seconds or until the worker thread has successfully
// sent all previously added Observations and is idle, waiting for more
// Observations to be added. This method is most useful if it can be arranged
// that there are no concurrent invocations of NotifyObservationsAdded() (for
// example in a test) because such concurrent invocations may cause the idle
// state to never be entered.
void WaitUntilIdle(std::chrono::seconds max_wait);
// Blocks for |max_wait| seconds or until the worker thread is in the state
// where there are Observations to be sent but it is waiting for the
// next scheduled send time. This method is most useful if it can be
// arranged that there are no concurrent invocations of RequestSendSoon()
// (for example in a test) because such concurrent invocations might cause
// that state to never be entered.
void WaitUntilWorkerWaiting(std::chrono::seconds max_wait);
// These diagnostic stats are mostly useful in a testing environment but
// may possibly prove useful in production also.
size_t num_send_attempts();
size_t num_failed_attempts();
grpc::Status last_send_status();
// Has the ShippingManager been shut down?
bool shut_down();
// Causes the ShippingManager to shut down. Any active sends by the
// SendRetryer will be canceled. All condition variables will be notified
// in order to wake up any waiting threads. The worker thread will exit as
// soon as it can.
void ShutDown();
// The main method run by the worker thread. Executes a loop that
// exits when ShutDown() is invoked.
void Run();
// Helper method used by Run(). Does not assume mutex_ lock is held.
void SendAllEnvelopes();
// Helper method used by Run(). Does not assume mutex_ lock is held.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder>
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder> envelope_to_send) = 0;
const ScheduleParams schedule_params_;
// Variables accessed only by the worker thread. These are not
// protected by a mutex.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point next_scheduled_send_time_;
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler_;
send_retryer::CancelHandle cancel_handle_; // Not protected by a mutex. Only
// accessed by the worker thread.
// The background worker thread that runs the method "Run()."
std::thread worker_thread_;
// A struct that contains a mutex and all the fields we want to protect
// with that mutex.
struct MutexProtectedFields {
// Protects access to all variables below.
std::mutex mutex;
// Variables accessed by the worker thread and the API
// threads. These are protected by |mutex|.
bool expedited_send_requested = false;
// The queue of callbacks that will be invoked when the next send
// attempt completes.
std::vector<SendCallback> send_callback_queue;
// Set shut_down to true in order to stop "Run()".
bool shut_down = false;
// We initialize idle_ and waiting_for_schedule_ to true because initially
// the worker thread isn't even started so WaitUntilIdle() and
// WaitUntilWorkerWaiting() should return immediately if invoked. We will
// set them to false in Start().
bool idle = true;
bool waiting_for_schedule = true;
// These diagnostic stats are mostly useful in a testing environment but
// may possibly prove useful in production also.
size_t num_send_attempts = 0;
size_t num_failed_attempts = 0;
grpc::Status last_send_status;
ObservationStore* observation_store;
std::condition_variable add_observation_notifier;
std::condition_variable expedited_send_notifier;
std::condition_variable shutdown_notifier;
std::condition_variable idle_notifier;
std::condition_variable waiting_for_schedule_notifier;
// Constructing a LockedFields object constructs a std::unique_lock and
// therefore locks the mutex in |fields|.
struct LockedFields {
explicit LockedFields(MutexProtectedFields* fields)
: lock(fields->mutex), fields(fields) {}
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
MutexProtectedFields* fields; // not owned.
// All of the fields that are accessed by multiple threads and therefore
// need to be protected by a mutex. Do not access this variable directly.
// Instead invoke the method lock() which returns a smart pointer to a
// |LockedFields| that wraps this field. All access to this field should
// be via the following idiom:
// auto locked = lock();
// locked->fields->[field_name].
MutexProtectedFields _mutex_protected_fields_do_not_access_directly_;
// Provides access to the fields that are protected by a mutex while
// acquiring a lock on the mutex. Destroy the returned std::unique_ptr to
// release the mutex.
std::unique_ptr<LockedFields> lock() {
return std::unique_ptr<LockedFields>(
new LockedFields(&_mutex_protected_fields_do_not_access_directly_));
// Does the work of RequestSendSoon() and assumes that the fields->mutex lock
// is held.
void RequestSendSoonLockHeld(MutexProtectedFields* fields);
// InvokeSendCallbacksLockHeld invokes all SendCallbacks in
// send_callback_queue, and also clears the send_callback_queue list.
void InvokeSendCallbacksLockHeld(MutexProtectedFields* fields, bool success);
// LegacyShippingManager uses a SendRetryer to send Observations to the Shuffler
// so in case a send fails it will be retried multiple times with exponential
// back-off.
// LegacyShippingManager uses gRPC to send to the Shuffler. The unit of data
// sent in a single gRPC request is the *Envelope*. ShippingManager will access
// individual Envelopes by reading from the ObservationStore.
class LegacyShippingManager : public ShippingManager {
// Parameters passed to the LegacyShippingManager constructor that will be
// passed to the method SendRetryer::SendToShuffler(). See the documentation
// of that method.
class SendRetryerParams {
SendRetryerParams(std::chrono::seconds initial_rpc_deadline,
std::chrono::seconds deadline_per_send_attempt)
: initial_rpc_deadline_(initial_rpc_deadline),
deadline_per_send_attempt_(deadline_per_send_attempt) {}
friend class ShippingManager;
friend class LegacyShippingManager;
friend class ClearcutV1ShippingManager;
std::chrono::seconds initial_rpc_deadline_;
std::chrono::seconds deadline_per_send_attempt_;
// send_retryer_params: Used when the ShippingManager needs to invoke
// SendRetryer::SendToShuffler().
// send_retryer: The instance of |SendRetryerInterface| encapsulated by
// this ShippingManager. ShippingManager does not take ownership of
// send_retryer which must outlive ShippingManager.
LegacyShippingManager(const ScheduleParams& scheduling_params,
ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler,
const SendRetryerParams send_retryer_params,
SendRetryerInterface* send_retryer);
const SendRetryerParams send_retryer_params_;
SendRetryerInterface* send_retryer_; // not owned
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder> SendEnvelopeToBackend(
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder> envelope_to_send);
class ClearcutV1ShippingManager : public ShippingManager {
const ScheduleParams& scheduling_params,
ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler,
std::unique_ptr<::clearcut::ClearcutUploader> clearcut);
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder> SendEnvelopeToBackend(
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder> envelope_to_send);
std::mutex clearcut_mutex_;
std::unique_ptr<::clearcut::ClearcutUploader> clearcut_;
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt