blob: 6eea32ea897ea41131aefb820c01863720cc2050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
// A Cobalt Epoch is a contiguous sequence of days used to aggregate
// observations. Each Report analyzes a set of observations from one epoch.
// Some encodings, such as Forculus, use the current epoch as a parameter.
// Each Cobalt |Observation| includes a |day_index| which determines in
// which epoch the Observation falls.
enum EpochType {
// Each day is a different epoch.
DAY = 0;
// A week epoch is a seven day period from Sunday to Saturday
WEEK = 1;
// A month epoch is the set of days in a single month of the Gregorian
// calendar
MONTH = 2;
// Messages that describe the configuration of an encoding.
// These are registered in the Cobalt Config Database and consumed
// by both the Encoder and the Analyzer. Each ObservationPart (see
// observation.proto) contains the ID of an EncodingConfig describing how the
// data was encoded.
message ForculusConfig {
// Must satisfy 2 <= threshold <= 1,000,000
uint32 threshold = 1;
// Forculus threshold encryption is based on the current epoch. For example
// if epoch_type = WEEK and threshold = 20 then the criteria for being able
// to decrypt a given ciphertext is that at least 20 different clients
// all submit observations of that ciphertext tagged with a day_index in
// the same week, from Sunday to Saturday.
EpochType epoch_type = 2;
message RapporConfig {
// k = the number of Bloom filter bits. This must satisfy
// 1 <= h < k < 1024, where h = num_hashes.
uint32 num_bloom_bits = 1;
// h = the number of hashes. This must satisfy
// 1 <= h < 8
uint32 num_hashes = 2;
// m = the number of cohorts. This must satisfy
// 1 <= m < 1024
uint32 num_cohorts = 3;
// All probabilities below must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]
// prob_0_becomes_1 MAY NOT BE EQUAL to prob_1_stays_1.
// p = p(a zero bit is changed to a one bit in the IRR)
float prob_0_becomes_1 = 4;
// q = p(a one bit remains a one bit in the IRR)
float prob_1_stays_1 = 5;
// f = p(a bit is randomly assigned a value in the PRR)
// Note: Not Implemented in version 0.1 of Cobalt.
// This value must not be set to a non-zero value.
float prob_rr = 6;
// A list of categories to be used in Basic RAPPOR for a metric part of
// type STRING. They must be distinct, non-empty strings and the number
// of categories, k, must satisfy 1 < k < 1024. The zero-based index of a
// category in the list is its bit position in the encoding.
message StringCategories {
repeated string category = 1;
// A range of integer categories to be used in Basic RAPPOR for a metric part of
// type INT. The categories are those integers in the range [first, last].
// The number of categories, k = last - first + 1, must satisfy
// 1 < k < 1024. If i is an integer in the range [first, last] then the bit
// position of category i in the encoding is i - first.
message IntRangeCategories {
int64 first = 1;
int64 last = 2;
message BasicRapporConfig {
// All probabilities below must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].
// prob_0_becomes_1 MAY NOT BE EQUAL to prob_1_stays_1.
// p = p(a zero bit is changed to a one bit in the IRR)
float prob_0_becomes_1 = 1;
// q = p(a one bit remains a one bit in the IRR)
float prob_1_stays_1 = 2;
// f = p(a bit is randomly assigned a value in the PRR)
// NOTE: PRR is not implemented in Version 0.1 of Cobalt.
// This value must not be set to a non-zero value.
float prob_rr = 3;
// For basic RAPPOR the Encoder needs to know the list of categories.
// For encoding metric parts of type STRING |string_categories| should be used
// and for encoding metric parts of type INT |int_range_categories| should be
// used.
oneof categories {
StringCategories string_categories = 7;
IntRangeCategories int_range_categories = 8;
// The NoOpEncoding specifies that no encoding will be performed. Unencoded
// raw input-values will be used as observations.
message NoOpEncodingConfig {
// There is no configuration to specify.
message EncodingConfig {
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 id = 3;
oneof config {
ForculusConfig forculus = 4;
RapporConfig rappor = 5;
BasicRapporConfig basic_rappor = 6;
NoOpEncodingConfig no_op_encoding = 99;
// Constains the list of all EncodingConfigs that are registered in the
// Cobalt system. An instance of RegisteredEncodings is deserialized
// from a text file.
message RegisteredEncodings {
repeated EncodingConfig element = 1;