blob: 3ac9b5835528f60fc41201f0e68f086efb82069d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
option go_package = "cobalt";
import "src/pb/encrypted_message.proto";
// NOTE: This copy of observation_batch.proto is used by the Cobalt client.
// A second copy of this file is used by the Cobalt Shuffler and Analyzer
// running in Google production. It is necessary to have two copies due to
// requirements by the Google Logs Privacy team regarding the location of
// of .proto files used in logs processing pipelines. Any changes to this
// file must be replicated in the other copy of the file.
// The state of a single experiment on a device.
message Experiment {
// The id of the experiment as defined by the Experiment framework.
int64 experiment_id = 1;
// The id of the experiment arm as defined by the Experiment framework.
int64 arm_id = 2;
// A SystemProfile describes the client system on which an Observation is
// collected.
message SystemProfile {
reserved 3;
enum OS {
LINUX = 2;
enum ARCH {
X86_64 = 1;
ARM_64 = 2;
OS os = 1;
ARCH arch = 2;
// This is a string representing the board name of the device. If a board name
// cannot be determined, then this field will be 'unknown:<cpu signature>'.
string board_name = 4;
// This is a string representing the type of Fuchsia product from which
// an observation is collected.
// During development, this is going to refer to layers of the Fuchsia cake
// such as "garnet", "zircon", "topaz", etc... In the future, we will use
// something related to what sort of device we are running on, such as
// "Acme Lightbulb X" or "Machine Corp. Laptop III".
string product_name = 5;
// This is a string representing the version of the currently running system.
// The use of this field is system-specific. For example on Fuchsia a possible
// value for |version| is "20190220_01_RC00".
string system_version = 8;
// This is a string representation of the current channel. It is an arbitrary
// string that depends on the system. For example on Fuchsia some possible
// values are "qa-daily" and "fishfood".
// If cobalt is not able to determine the value of this field at startup (as
// is the case with Fuchsia), it will be set to '<unset>'.
// If cobalt is notified that the system itself can't determine the channel,
// the value will instead be '<unknown>'.
// Otherwise, this will be the value of the device's channel.
string channel = 9;
// Contains all the experiments the device has a notion of and the experiment
// state the device belongs to.
repeated Experiment experiments = 7;
// We used to have a field called |build_level|.
reserved 6;
reserved "build_level";
// ObservationMetadata describes the parts of an observation other than the
// secret payload.
message ObservationMetadata {
// next id: 8
// An Observation is for a particular Metric.
// The following three values together specify that metric.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 metric_id = 3;
// Starting in Cobalt 1.0 an Observation is for a particular Report.
// The tuple (customer_id, project_id, metric_id, report_id) specifies the
// Report.
uint32 report_id = 7;
// The day on which the observation occurred, expressed as the zero-based
// index relative to January 1, 1970.
// i.e. 0 = January 1, 1970
// 1 = January 2, 1970
// etc.
// We intentionally leave the meaning of this vague and leave it to each
// Encoder Client to define how to make it precise. Which day it is depends on
// time zone. The Encoder client is free to use the local time zone or a
// different time zone. The Encoder client is free to add some random noise to
// the time at which an event occurred and this might change the day.
uint32 day_index = 4;
// The profile of the client system on which the Observation was collected.
SystemProfile system_profile = 5;
// We used to have a field called |backend|.
reserved 6;
reserved "backend";
// A batch of encrypted Observations with common metadata.
// The Observations are encrypted to the public key of an Analyzer so the
// Shuffler cannot read them. |Observation| is defined in observation.proto.
// ObservationBatches are used for both input to and output from the Shuffler.
// As input they are organized into Envelopes, each Envelope coming from some
// client device. |Envelope| is defined in envelope.proto
// The output from the Shuffler consists of shuffled ObservationBatches, each
// ObservationBatch consisting of Observations from many clients.
message ObservationBatch {
// The common Metadata for all of the encrypted observations in this batch.
ObservationMetadata meta_data = 1;
// Each EncryptedMessage contains the ciphertext of an Observation that has
// been encrypted to the public key of the Analyzer.
repeated EncryptedMessage encrypted_observation = 2;