blob: 63d455829df77e689e139f706b980828ceed4249 [file] [log] [blame]
package config_parser
import (
descriptor_pb ""
func FilterHideOnClient(c *config.CobaltRegistry) {
func filterWithCobaltOptions(options *config.CobaltOptions, field reflect.Value) {
if options.HideOnClient {
// Set the field to its zero value (in proto-land this is the same as
// unsetting the value).
func filterPointer(rc reflect.Value) {
if rc.IsNil() {
// get the value of the pointer.
msgValue := rc.Elem()
// Check if we can treat rc as a descriptor.Message
msgInterface, ok := rc.Interface().(descriptor.Message)
if !ok {
// This might be a oneof wrapper struct, so we treat it as a generic
// struct and blindly recurse through all fields.
// The way that golang handles oneof fields does not map 1:1 onto the logical
// protobuf structure. It is implemented as a golang interface for each of the
// possible variants. Since we can't easily look up the descriptor information
// for individual oneof variants, we ignore them and simply try to filter the
// value.
for i := 0; i < msgValue.NumField(); i++ {
if msgValue.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" {
// Get message's proto descriptor information
_, msgDescriptor := descriptor.ForMessage(msgInterface)
for _, field := range msgDescriptor.GetField() {
filterMessageField(field, msgValue)
func findFieldWithinStruct(name string, rc reflect.Value) (foundField int) {
foundField = -1
nameTag := "name=" + name + ","
// Search through the struct for a matching field tag (there's no way to
// convert field.GetName() to the generated field name, so we're stuck
// with this See:
for i := 0; i < rc.NumField(); i++ {
// The go protobuf compiler adds tags to the generated go code. One of those
// tags is called 'protobuf' and contains key-value entries, one of which is
// the name of the field in the proto file.
if strings.Contains(rc.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("protobuf"), nameTag) {
foundField = i
return foundField
func filterMessageField(field *descriptor_pb.FieldDescriptorProto, msgValue reflect.Value) {
foundField := findFieldWithinStruct(field.GetName(), msgValue)
// Oneof fields are not treated the same as other fields, so there will be
// a "field" at this level, that has no corresponding real field in the
// struct. This means that we have no straightforward way of filtering
// individual oneof variants, or a oneof field as a whole. We can filter
// within the sub-messages, but at the level of oneof, our handling is subtly
// broken.
if foundField < 0 {
// Finally, we can extract the CobaltOptions extension.
if options_extension, err := proto.GetExtension(field.GetOptions(), config.E_CobaltOptions); err == nil {
filterWithCobaltOptions(options_extension.(*config.CobaltOptions), msgValue.Field(foundField))
// Recurse for the sub message.
func filterReflectedValue(rc reflect.Value) {
switch rc.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < rc.NumField(); i++ {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
for i := 0; i < rc.Len(); i++ {
case reflect.Map:
for _, k := range rc.MapKeys() {
reflect.Uint, reflect.Int,
reflect.Uint8, reflect.Int8,
reflect.Uint16, reflect.Int16,
reflect.Uint32, reflect.Int32,
reflect.Uint64, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64,
reflect.String, reflect.Bool:
// These are expected base-cases. It may be extended when more field types are
// used in the config proto.
case reflect.Invalid:
// This is likely generated by filter_test.go.
glog.Exitf("Unexpected type found in protobuf: %v. If this is expected, add another value to the case in filter.go", rc.Kind())