blob: b5710953807e108967fce7457ae30dcf813efdf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_encoder.h"
#include "src/lib/crypto_util/random.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/logger/status.h"
#include "src/logger/types.h"
#include "src/pb/event.pb.h"
#include "src/pb/observation2.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/report_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/system_data/client_secret.h"
#include "src/system_data/system_data.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace logger {
// A HistogramPtr provides a moveable way of passing the buckets of a Histogram.
using HistogramPtr = std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<HistogramBucket>>;
// A EventValuesPtr provides a moveable way of passing the dimensions of a
// custom event.
using EventValuesPtr = std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Map<std::string, CustomDimensionValue>>;
// An Encoder is used for creating Observations, including applying any
// privacy-preserving encodings that may be employed. An Observation
// is the unit of encoded data that is sent from a client device to the Shuffler
// and ultimately to the Analyzer.
// Observations are derived from Events. Events are the raw data directly
// logged by a Cobalt user on the client system.
// There are two broad categories of Observations: immediate Observations and
// locally-aggregated observations. An immediate Observation is generated
// directly from a single Event at the time the Event is logged. A
// locally-aggregated Observation is computed based on the data of many
// logged Events over a period of time.
// An Observation is associated with a Metric and this means that the
// Observation is derived from one or more Events belonging to that Metric.
// An Observation is always generated for a particular Report. The Report
// definition indicates whether the Observation should be an immediate or
// locally aggregated Observation and how the Observation should be encoded.
// An Observation is always tagged with a day_index indicating the day on
// which the Observation was encoded. For immediate Observations this will
// be the same as the day the corresponding Event was logged. For
// locally-aggregated Observations this will be the day the aggregation was
// completed.
// An Observation is always associated with an instance of ObservationMetadata
// that contains the metric_id, report_id and day_index, among other data.
// There will usually be a singleton instance of Encoder on a client device.
// The Encoder interface is not exposed directly to Cobalt users. Instead it
// is used by the Logger implementation in order to encode immediate
// Observations and it is used by the Local Aggregator to encode
// locally-aggregated Observations.
// All of the Encode*() methods take the same first three parameters:
// (1) |metric| A MetricRef that provides the names and IDs of the customer,
// project and metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// Note that the methods of this class do not see the MetricDefinition
// itself and have no knowledge of the different Metric types or their
// meanings. In particular no validation against the MetricDefintion or type
// is performed by this class. If any such validation is needed it must be
// performed by the caller prior to invoking the Encode*() methods of this
// class.
// (2) |report| A pointer to the definition of the Report associated with the
// Observation being encoded. The ReportDefinition may carry fields
// particular to the encoding to be performed. The following
// ReportDefinition fields are always required to be populated: |name|,
// |id|, |system_profile_field|. Additionaly, each Encode*() method may
// require other fields of ReportDefinition to be populated. This will be
// specified in the comments for each Encode*() method.
// (3) |day_index| The day associated with the Observation being encoded.
// Historical note: This Encoder class is in the |logger| package and was
// created as part of Cobalt 1.0. There is also an older class named "Encoder"
// in the |encoder| package that was created as part of Cobalt 0.1. In Cobalt
// 0.1 there were only immediate Observations, there was no Logger class, and
// the older Encoder class played the role of both the newer Logger and the
// newer Encoder. During the transition from Cobalt 0.1 to Cobalt 1.0
// code in the logger package may reference code in the older encoder package.
class Encoder {
// Constructor
// client_secret: A random secret that is generated once on the client
// and then persisted by the client and used repeatedly. It is used as
// an input by some of the encodings.
// system_data: Used to obtain the SystemProfile, a filtered copy of which
// will be included in the generated ObservationMetadata. The Encoder does
// not take ownership of system_data and system_data is allowed to be
// NULL, in which case no SystemProfile will be added to the
// ObservationMetadata.
Encoder(system_data::ClientSecret client_secret,
const system_data::SystemDataInterface* system_data);
// The output of the Encode*() methods is a triple consisting of a status
// and, if the status is kOK, a new observation and its metadata. The
// observation will have been assigned a new quasi-unique |random_id|.
struct Result {
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<Observation2> observation;
std::unique_ptr<ObservationMetadata> metadata;
// Encodes an Observation of type BasicRapporObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded. In addition to the common fields always required, this method also
// requires that the |local_privacy_noise_level| field be set. This is used to
// determine the p and q values for Basic RAPPOR.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// value_index: The index to encode using Basic RAPPOR. It must be in
// the range [0, num_categories - 1]
// num_categories: The number of categories to use in the Basic RAPPOR
// encoding.
Result EncodeBasicRapporObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t value_index,
uint32_t num_categories) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type IntegerEventObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// event_codes: This will be used to populate the bits of the Obseravtion's
// |event_code|.
// component: The hash of this value will populate the Observation's
// |component_name_hash| field.
// value: This will populate the Observation's |value| field.
Result EncodeIntegerEventObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, int64_t value) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type HistogramObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// event_codes: This will be used to populate the bits of the Obseravtion's
// |event_code|.
// component: The hash of this value will populate the Observation's
// |component_name_hash| field.
// histogram: This will be used to populate the Observation's |buckets| field.
// This method does not validate |histogram| against the Metric definition.
// That is the caller's responsibility.
Result EncodeHistogramObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, HistogramPtr histogram) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type CustomObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// event_values: This will be used to populate the Observation's |values|
// field. This method does not validate |event_values| against the Metric's
// proto definition. That is the caller's responsibility.
Result EncodeCustomObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, EventValuesPtr event_values) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type RapporObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded. In addition to the common fields always required, this method also
// requires that the |local_privacy_noise_level| field be set. This is used to
// determine the p and q values for String RAPPOR. Additionally
// The fields |expected_population_size| and |expected_string_set_size| from
// the ReportDefinition will be consulted when configuring the String
// RAPPOR algorithm.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// str: The string to encode using String RAPPOR.
Result EncodeRapporObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, const std::string& str) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type UniqueActivesObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded. In addition to the common fields always required, this method also
// requires that the |local_privacy_noise_level| field be set. This is used to
// determine the p and q values for Basic RAPPOR.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// This is the last day (inclusive) of the rolling window associated with this
// Observation.
// event_code: The event code of the Event associated with this Observation.
// This value should be a nonnegative integer less than or equal to the
// max_event_code of the MetricDefinition wrapped by |metric|, but it is the
// caller's responsibility to ensure this.
// was_active: Set to true if an event with code |event_code|
// occurred during the window of size |window_size| ending on |day_index|,
// false otherwise. If |was_active| is true, the BasicRapporObservation field
// of the UniqueActivesObservation is a Basic RAPPOR encoding of a 1 bit.
// If |was_active| is false, the BasicRapporObservation field is a Basic
// RAPPOR encoding of a 0 bit.
// aggregation_window: The aggregation window associated with the Observation.
// This should be one of the OnDeviceAggregationWindows specified in |report|
// (or equivalent, if |report| has a WindowSize) but it is the caller's
// responsibility to ensure this.
Result EncodeUniqueActivesObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t event_code, bool was_active,
const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type PerDeviceNumericObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// This is the last day (inclusive) of the rolling window associated with this
// Observation.
// component: The component associated with this Observation. The hash of this
// value will populate the Observation's |component_name_hash| field.
// event_codes: This will be used to populate the bits of the Obseravtion's
// |event_code|.
// value: This will populate the |value| field of the the
// IntegerEventObservation wrapped by the PerDeviceNumericObservation.
// aggregation_window: The aggregation window associated with the Observation.
// This should be one of the OnDeviceAggregationWindows specified in |report|
// (or equivalent, if |report| has a WindowSize) but it is the caller's
// responsibility to ensure this.
Result EncodePerDeviceNumericObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component, const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
int64_t value, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type PerDeviceNumericHistogramObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
// This is the last day (inclusive) of the rolling window associated with this
// Observation.
// component: The component associated with this Observation. The hash of this
// value will populate the Observation's |component_name_hash| field.
// event_codes: This will be used to populate the bits of the Obseravtion's
// |event_code|.
// value: This is the raw value of the aggregation. This will be used to populate HistogramBuckets
// field wrapped by the HistogramObservation in PerDeviceNumericObservation.
// aggregation_window: The aggregation window associated with the Observation.
// This should be one of the OnDeviceAggregationWindows specified in |report|
// (or equivalent, if |report| has a WindowSize) but it is the caller's
// responsibility to ensure this.
Result EncodePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component, const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
int64_t value, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const;
// Encodes an Observation of type ReportParticipationObservation.
// metric: Provides access to the names and IDs of the customer, project, and
// metric associated with the Observation being encoded.
// report: The definition of the Report associated with the Observation being
// encoded.
// day_index: The day index associated with the Observation being encoded.
Result EncodeReportParticipationObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index) const;
// Encodes a BasicRapporObservation for a given |metric|, |report|, and
// |day_index| in which the data field is a Basic RAPPOR encoding of a vector
// of |num_categories| zero bits.
Result EncodeNullBasicRapporObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t num_categories) const;
// Makes an Observation and ObservationMetadata with all information that
// is independent of which Encode*() method is being invoked.
Result MakeObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index) const;
const system_data::ClientSecret client_secret_;
const system_data::SystemDataInterface* system_data_;
mutable crypto::Random random_;
} // namespace logger
} // namespace cobalt