blob: c12980f80c0fea129f542993bfe844dbdb88839c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
#include "src/local_aggregation_1_1/aggregation_procedures/aggregation_procedure.h"
#include "src/local_aggregation_1_1/backfill_manager.h"
#include "src/local_aggregation_1_1/local_aggregate_storage/local_aggregate_storage.h"
#include "src/logger/observation_writer.h"
#include "src/logger/privacy_encoder.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context_factory.h"
#include "src/pb/metadata_builder.h"
#include "src/public/lib/status.h"
#include "src/registry/report_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/system_data/system_data.h"
namespace cobalt::local_aggregation {
const uint32_t kDefaultBackfillManagerDays = 3;
// ObservationGenerator manages the background task that is responsible for generating observations
// and writing them to |observation_writer| on a regular schedule (~once per hour).
// There should be only one ObservationGenerator per system.
// Once the system clock has become accurate, the Start() method should be called with the
// SystemClockInterface exactly once. After that point, the ObservationGenerator will generate
// observations on a regular schedule until ShutDown() is called.
class ObservationGenerator {
// Constructor for ObservationGenerator
// |aggregate_storage|: The file-backed storage for MetricAggregate objects.
// |global_project_context_factory|: The current global registry.
// |metadata_builder|: Used to create ObservationMetadata.
// |observation_writer|: Used for writing generated observations to observation storage.
// |privacy_encoder|: Used for encoding generated observations using privacy algorithms.
// |generate_observations_with_current_system_profile|: If set, any missing system profile fields
// should be taken from the current system profile.
ObservationGenerator(LocalAggregateStorage* aggregate_storage,
const logger::ProjectContextFactory* global_project_context_factory,
MetadataBuilder* metadata_builder,
const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
std::unique_ptr<logger::PrivacyEncoder> privacy_encoder,
bool generate_observations_with_current_system_profile,
uint32_t backfill_manager_days = kDefaultBackfillManagerDays);
// Start begins the background thread to generate observations on a fixed schedule. This method
// should only be called once when the system clock has become accurate.
void Start(util::SystemClockInterface* clock);
// ShutDown halts the background thread, allowing the ObservationGenerator to be destroyed.
void ShutDown();
// GenerateObservationsOnce iterates through all of the metrics/reports in the global registry and
// attempts to generate observations for them. Any generated observations will be written to the
// |observation_writer_|.
// This method is called automatically in the background thread by 'GenerateObservations()', but
// can be called manually while testing to avoid having to wait.
Status GenerateObservationsOnce(util::TimeInfo utc, util::TimeInfo local);
void Run(util::SystemClockInterface* clock);
// GenerateObservations calculates TimeInfos for UTC and LOCAL timezones, and passes them in to
// InnerGenerateObservations().
Status GenerateObservations(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point system_time,
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point steady_time);
// GenerateObservationsForReportAggregate generates all needed observations for a given
// ReportAggregate, returning a Status::OK if all observations were generated.
Status GenerateObservationsForReportAggregate(
ReportAggregate* report_aggregate, AggregationProcedure* procedure,
util::TimeInfo end_time_info, const MetricDefinition* metric,
const logger::MetricRef& metric_ref, const ReportDefinition& report,
std::optional<const SystemProfile*> profile = std::nullopt);
LocalAggregateStorage* aggregate_storage_;
const logger::ProjectContextFactory* global_project_context_factory_;
MetadataBuilder* metadata_builder_;
const logger::ObservationWriter* observation_writer_;
std::unique_ptr<util::SteadyClockInterface> steady_clock_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_generate_obs_;
std::chrono::seconds generate_obs_interval_;
BackfillManager backfill_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<logger::PrivacyEncoder> privacy_encoder_;
uint32_t backfill_manager_days_;
std::thread worker_thread_;
struct ProtectedFields {
bool shut_down;
std::condition_variable_any wakeup_notifier;
util::ProtectedFields<ProtectedFields> protected_fields_;
} // namespace cobalt::local_aggregation