blob: ed0290f44a002797a63d388bddd2b15341abd577 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/util/consistent_proto_store.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "src/public/lib/statusor/status_macros.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/str_cat.h"
namespace cobalt::util {
using google::protobuf::MessageLite;
constexpr char kTmpSuffix[] = ".tmp";
constexpr char kOverrideSuffix[] = ".override";
ConsistentProtoStore::ConsistentProtoStore(std::string filename, FileSystem *fs)
: primary_filename_(std::move(filename)), fs_(fs) {}
ConsistentProtoStore::ConsistentProtoStore(FileSystem *fs) : fs_(fs) {}
// Write uses a series of operations to write new data. The goal of each of
// these operations is that if the operation is interrupted or fails, the
// store will still be valid.
// 1. Ensure a valid state of the files
// - Check if a file exists at override_file_. A file here indicates an
// interrupted Write operation, so it is cleaned up by attempting to
// delete the file at primary_file_, and rename override_file_ to
// primary_file_. (This is equivalent performing steps 4/5 which were not
// completed after the previous write)
// 2. Write to a temporary file (tmp_file_)
// - Writing to a file is not atomic, but this temp file is guaranteed
// never to be read, so if the write is not finished, it is not an issue.
// 3. Rename the temp file to override_file_
// - Renames are as close to an atomic operation you can get in a
// filesystem. If the rename fails, nothing changes, but if it succeeds,
// then the store will immediately start reading from this file.
// 4. Delete original file (at primary_file_)
// - Since the Read operation has switched to using the file at
// override_file_ for read operations, it is safe to delete the
// original file.
// 5. Rename the file at override_file_ to primary_file_
// - Again, this is a rename so essentially atomic. If this succeeds, then
// Read operations should immediately switch to using this file. If it
// fails, the file should still exist at override_file_ so the store
// should continue reading it successfully.
Status ConsistentProtoStore::Write(const std::string &primary_filename, const MessageLite &proto) {
auto tmp_filename = absl::StrCat(primary_filename, kTmpSuffix);
auto override_filename = absl::StrCat(primary_filename, kOverrideSuffix);
// Check if override_file_ exists
if (fs_->FileExists(override_filename)) {
DeletePrimary(primary_filename); // Ignore errors since primary_file_ might not exist
auto status = MoveOverrideToPrimary(override_filename, primary_filename);
if (!status.ok()) {
// If renaming override_file_ to primary_file_ fails, we should bail
// since a write operation is not safe.
return Status(status.error_code(), "Error during recovery: " + status.error_message(),
CB_RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteToTmp(tmp_filename, proto));
CB_RETURN_IF_ERROR(MoveTmpToOverride(tmp_filename, override_filename));
CB_RETURN_IF_ERROR(MoveOverrideToPrimary(override_filename, primary_filename));
return Status::OkStatus();
Status ConsistentProtoStore::Write(const MessageLite &proto) {
return Write(primary_filename_, proto);
Status ConsistentProtoStore::Read(const std::string &primary_filename, MessageLite *proto) {
auto tmp_filename = absl::StrCat(primary_filename, kTmpSuffix);
auto override_filename = absl::StrCat(primary_filename, kOverrideSuffix);
auto istream_or = fs_->NewProtoInputStream(override_filename);
if (istream_or.ok()) {
auto istream = istream_or.ConsumeValueOrDie();
if (proto->ParseFromZeroCopyStream(istream.get())) {
return Status::OkStatus();
CB_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto istream, fs_->NewProtoInputStream(primary_filename));
if (!proto->ParseFromZeroCopyStream(istream.get())) {
return Status(StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"Unable to parse the protobuf from the store. Data is corrupt.");
return Status::OkStatus();
Status ConsistentProtoStore::Read(MessageLite *proto) {
return Read(primary_filename_, proto);
Status ConsistentProtoStore::WriteToTmp(const std::string &tmp_filename, const MessageLite &proto) {
CB_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto outstream, fs_->NewProtoOutputStream(tmp_filename));
if (!proto.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(outstream.get())) {
return Status(StatusCode::DATA_LOSS, "Unable to serialize proto to the output stream.");
return Status::OkStatus();
Status ConsistentProtoStore::MoveTmpToOverride(const std::string &tmp_filename,
const std::string &override_filename) {
if (!fs_->Rename(tmp_filename, override_filename)) {
return Status(StatusCode::DATA_LOSS,
"Unable to rename `" + tmp_filename + "` => `" + override_filename + "`.",
return Status::OkStatus();
Status ConsistentProtoStore::DeletePrimary(const std::string &primary_filename) {
// If the primary file doesn't exist. We don't care.
if (!fs_->FileExists(primary_filename)) {
return Status::OkStatus();
if (!fs_->Delete(primary_filename)) {
return Status(StatusCode::ABORTED, "Unable to remove old file `" + primary_filename + "`.",
return Status::OkStatus();
Status ConsistentProtoStore::MoveOverrideToPrimary(const std::string &override_filename,
const std::string &primary_filename) {
if (!fs_->Rename(override_filename, primary_filename)) {
return Status(StatusCode::ABORTED,
"Unable to rename `" + override_filename + "` => `" + primary_filename + "`.",
return Status::OkStatus();
} // namespace cobalt::util