blob: f1045b67b91d4e7a06658effc54f917fbf2390d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/logger/event_loggers.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_config_helper.h"
#include "src/lib/util/datetime_util.h"
#include "src/logger/event_record.h"
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "src/pb/event.pb.h"
#include "src/pb/observation2.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/report_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/tracing.h"
namespace cobalt::logger::internal {
using ::cobalt::local_aggregation::EventAggregator;
using ::cobalt::rappor::RapporConfigHelper;
using ::cobalt::util::TimeToDayIndex;
using ::cobalt::util::TimeToHourIndex;
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
constexpr char TRACE_PREFIX[] = "[COBALT_EVENT_TRACE] ";
std::unique_ptr<EventLogger> EventLogger::Create(
MetricDefinition::MetricType metric_type, const Encoder* encoder,
EventAggregator* event_aggregator, const ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
const system_data::SystemDataInterface* system_data) {
switch (metric_type) {
case MetricDefinition::EVENT_OCCURRED: {
return std::make_unique<internal::OccurrenceEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT: {
return std::make_unique<internal::CountEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME: {
return std::make_unique<internal::ElapsedTimeEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE: {
return std::make_unique<internal::FrameRateEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE: {
return std::make_unique<internal::MemoryUsageEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::INT_HISTOGRAM: {
return std::make_unique<internal::IntHistogramEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::STRING_USED: {
return std::make_unique<internal::StringUsedEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
case MetricDefinition::CUSTOM: {
return std::make_unique<internal::CustomEventLogger>(encoder, event_aggregator,
observation_writer, system_data);
default: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to process a metric type of " << metric_type;
return nullptr;
std::string EventLogger::TraceEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
if (!event_record.metric()->meta_data().also_log_locally()) {
return "";
auto event = event_record.event();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Day index: " << event->day_index() << std::endl;
if (event->has_occurrence_event()) {
const auto& e = event->occurrence_event();
ss << "OccurrenceEvent: " << e.event_code() << std::endl;
} else if (event->has_count_event()) {
const auto& e = event->count_event();
ss << "CountEvent:" << std::endl;
ss << "EventCodes:";
for (const auto& code : e.event_code()) {
ss << " " << code;
ss << ", Component: " << e.component()
<< ", PeriodDurationMicros: " << e.period_duration_micros() << ", Count: " << e.count()
<< std::endl;
} else if (event->has_elapsed_time_event()) {
const auto& e = event->elapsed_time_event();
ss << "ElapsedTimeEvent:" << std::endl;
ss << "EventCodes:";
for (const auto& code : e.event_code()) {
ss << " " << code;
ss << ", Component: " << e.component() << ", ElapsedMicros: " << e.elapsed_micros()
<< std::endl;
} else if (event->has_frame_rate_event()) {
const auto& e = event->frame_rate_event();
ss << "FrameRateEvent:" << std::endl;
ss << "EventCodes:";
for (const auto& code : e.event_code()) {
ss << " " << code;
ss << ", Component: " << e.component()
<< ", FramesPer1000Seconds: " << e.frames_per_1000_seconds() << std::endl;
} else if (event->has_memory_usage_event()) {
const auto& e = event->memory_usage_event();
ss << "MemoryUsageEvent:" << std::endl;
ss << "EventCodes:";
for (const auto& code : e.event_code()) {
ss << " " << code;
ss << ", Component: " << e.component() << ", Bytes: " << e.bytes() << std::endl;
} else if (event->has_int_histogram_event()) {
const auto& e = event->int_histogram_event();
ss << "IntHistogramEvent:" << std::endl;
ss << "EventCodes:";
for (const auto& code : e.event_code()) {
ss << " " << code;
ss << ", Component: " << e.component() << std::endl;
for (const auto& bucket : e.buckets()) {
ss << "| " << bucket.index() << " = " << bucket.count() << std::endl;
} else if (event->has_string_used_event()) {
const auto& e = event->string_used_event();
ss << "StringUsedEvent: " << e.str() << std::endl;
} else if (event->has_custom_event()) {
const auto& e = event->custom_event();
ss << "CustomEvent:";
if (e.values().empty()) {
ss << " (Empty)";
ss << std::endl;
for (const auto& entry : e.values()) {
switch (entry.second.data_case()) {
ss << "| " << entry.first << " = ";
case CustomDimensionValue::kStringValue:
ss << entry.second.string_value();
case CustomDimensionValue::kIntValue:
ss << entry.second.int_value();
case CustomDimensionValue::kBlobValue:
ss << "Blob";
case CustomDimensionValue::kIndexValue:
ss << entry.second.index_value();
case CustomDimensionValue::kDoubleValue:
ss << entry.second.double_value();
ss << "No dimension value";
ss << std::endl;
return ss.str();
void EventLogger::TraceLogFailure(const Status& status, const EventRecord& event_record,
const std::string& trace, const ReportDefinition& report) {
if (!event_record.metric()->meta_data().also_log_locally()) {
<< event_record.project_context()->RefMetric(event_record.metric()).FullyQualifiedName()
<< "): Error (" << status << ")" << std::endl
<< trace << "While trying to send report: " << report.report_name() << std::endl;
void EventLogger::TraceLogSuccess(const EventRecord& event_record, const std::string& trace) {
if (!event_record.metric()->meta_data().also_log_locally()) {
<< event_record.project_context()->RefMetric(event_record.metric()).FullyQualifiedName()
<< "):" << std::endl
<< trace;
Status EventLogger::Log(std::unique_ptr<EventRecord> event_record,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& event_timestamp) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "EventLogger::Log", "metric_id", event_record->metric()->id());
FinalizeEvent(event_record.get(), event_timestamp);
if (system_data_) {
if (system_data_->release_stage() > event_record->metric()->meta_data().max_release_stage()) {
// Quietly ignore this metric.
LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 10) << "Not logging metric `"
<< event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(
<< "` because its max_release_stage ("
<< event_record->metric()->meta_data().max_release_stage()
<< ") is lower than the device's current release_stage: "
<< system_data_->release_stage();
return kOK;
int num_reports = event_record->metric()->reports_size();
int report_index = 0;
if (event_record->metric()->reports_size() == 0) {
VLOG(1) << "Warning: An event was logged for a metric with no reports "
"defined: "
<< event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(*event_record->metric());
// Store the trace before attempting to log the event. This way, if parts of
// the event are moved out of the object, the resulting trace will still have
// useful information.
auto trace = TraceEvent(*event_record);
for (const auto& report : event_record->metric()->reports()) {
auto status = MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(report, *event_record);
if (status != kOK) {
TraceLogFailure(status, *event_record, trace, report);
return status;
// If we are processing the final report, then we set may_invalidate
// to true in order to allow data to be moved out of |event_record|
// instead of being copied. One example where this is useful is when
// creating an immediate Observation of type Histogram. In that case
// we can move the histogram from the Event to the Observation and
// avoid copying. Since the |event_record| is invalidated, any other
// operation on the |event_record| must be performed before this for
// loop.
bool may_invalidate = ++report_index == num_reports;
status = MaybeGenerateImmediateObservation(report, may_invalidate, event_record.get());
if (status != kOK) {
TraceLogFailure(status, *event_record, trace, report);
return status;
TraceLogSuccess(*event_record, trace);
return kOK;
Status EventLogger::PrepareAndValidateEvent(uint32_t metric_id,
MetricDefinition::MetricType expected_type,
EventRecord* event_record) {
if (event_record->metric() == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "There is no metric with ID '" << metric_id << "' registered "
<< "in project '" << event_record->project_context()->FullyQualifiedName() << "'.";
return kInvalidArguments;
if (event_record->metric()->metric_type() != expected_type) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Metric "
<< event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(*event_record->metric())
<< " is not of type " << expected_type << ".";
return kInvalidArguments;
return ValidateEvent(*event_record);
void EventLogger::FinalizeEvent(EventRecord* event_record,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& event_timestamp) {
// Compute the day_index and hour index.
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(event_timestamp);
TimeToDayIndex(now, event_record->metric()->time_zone_policy()));
TimeToHourIndex(now, event_record->metric()->time_zone_policy()));
Status EventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& /*event_record*/) { return kOK; }
Status EventLogger::ValidateEventCodes(const MetricDefinition& metric,
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& full_metric_name) {
// Special case: Users of the version of the Log*() method that takes
// a single event code as opposed to a vector of event codes use the
// convention of passing a zero value for the single event code in the
// case that the metric does not have any metric dimensions defined. We have
// no way of distinguishing here that case from the case in which the user
// invoked the other version of the method and explicitly passed a vector of
// length one containing a single zero event code. Therefore we must accept
// a single 0 event code when there are no metric dimensions defined.
// The packing of multiple event codes into a single integer field in an
// Observation (see config/packed_event_codes.h) does not distinguish
// between a single event code with value 0 and an empty list of event codes.
// Therefore the server also cannot tell the difference between these two
// cases just by looking at an Observation and relies on the metric definition
// to distinguish them. Consequently there is no harm in us passing the
// single zero value to the Encoder: It will produce the same Observation
// whether or not we do.
if (metric.metric_dimensions_size() == 0 && event_codes.size() == 1 && event_codes.Get(0) == 0) {
return kOK;
// When new dimensions are added to a metric, they can only be appended, not deleted or inserted.
// Because of this, and because metric definitions may change before the matching code does, we
// want to accept events where fewer than the expected number of event_codes have been provided.
if (event_codes.size() > metric.metric_dimensions_size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The number of event_codes given, " << event_codes.size()
<< ", is more than the number of metric_dimensions, "
<< metric.metric_dimensions_size() << ", for metric " << full_metric_name << ".";
return kInvalidArguments;
for (int i = 0; i < event_codes.size(); i++) {
const auto& dim = metric.metric_dimensions(i);
auto code = event_codes.Get(i);
// This verifies the two possible validation modes for a metric_dimension.
// 1. If it has a max_event_code, then all we do is verify that the supplied
// code is <= that value
// 2. If no max_event_code is specified, we verify that the supplied code
// maps to one of the values in the event_code map.
if (dim.max_event_code() > 0) {
if (code > dim.max_event_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The event_code given for dimension " << i << ", " << code
<< ", exceeds the max_event_code for that dimension, " << dim.max_event_code()
<< ", for metric " << full_metric_name;
return kInvalidArguments;
} else {
bool valid = false;
for (const auto& event_code : dim.event_codes()) {
if (event_code.first == code) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The event_code given for dimension " << i << ", " << code
<< ", is not a valid event code for that dimension."
<< ". You must either define this event code in"
" the metric_dimension, or set max_event_code >= "
<< code << ", for metric " << full_metric_name;
return kInvalidArguments;
return kOK;
// The default implementation of MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation does nothing
// and returns OK.
Status EventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& /*report*/,
const EventRecord& /*event_record*/) {
return kOK;
Status EventLogger::MaybeGenerateImmediateObservation(const ReportDefinition& report,
bool may_invalidate,
EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "EventLogger::MaybeGenerateImmediateObservation");
auto encoder_result = MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(report, may_invalidate, event_record);
if (encoder_result.status != kOK) {
return encoder_result.status;
if (encoder_result.observation == nullptr) {
return kOK;
return observation_writer_->WriteObservation(*encoder_result.observation,
// The default implementation of MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation does
// nothing and returns OK.
Encoder::Result EventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(const ReportDefinition& /*report*/,
bool /*may_invalidate*/,
EventRecord* /*event_record*/) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "EventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
Encoder::Result result;
result.status = kOK;
result.observation = nullptr;
return result;
Encoder::Result EventLogger::BadReportType(const std::string& full_metric_name,
const ReportDefinition& report) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid Cobalt config: Report " << report.report_name() << " for metric "
<< full_metric_name << " is not of an appropriate type for the metric type.";
Encoder::Result encoder_result;
encoder_result.status = kInvalidConfig;
return encoder_result;
/////////////// OccurrenceEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
Status OccurrenceEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
if (event_record.metric()->metric_dimensions_size() != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The Metric "
<< event_record.project_context()->FullMetricName(*event_record.metric())
<< " has the wrong number of metric_dimensions. A metric of "
"type EVENT_OCCURRED must have exactly one metric_dimension.";
return kInvalidConfig;
const auto& occurrence_event = event_record.event()->occurrence_event();
if (occurrence_event.event_code() >
event_record.metric()->metric_dimensions(0).max_event_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The event_code " << occurrence_event.event_code() << " exceeds "
<< event_record.metric()->metric_dimensions(0).max_event_code()
<< ", the max_event_code for Metric "
<< event_record.project_context()->FullMetricName(*event_record.metric()) << ".";
return kInvalidArguments;
return kOK;
Encoder::Result OccurrenceEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(
const ReportDefinition& report, bool /*may_invalidate*/, EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "OccurrenceEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
const auto& occurrence_event = event.occurrence_event();
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate
// observations.
case ReportDefinition::SIMPLE_OCCURRENCE_COUNT: {
return encoder()->EncodeBasicRapporObservation(
event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric), &report, event.day_index(),
occurrence_event.event_code(), RapporConfigHelper::BasicRapporNumCategories(metric));
// Report type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES is valid but should not result in
// generation of an immediate observation.
case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
Encoder::Result result;
result.status = kOK;
result.observation = nullptr;
result.metadata = nullptr;
return result;
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
Status OccurrenceEventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
switch (report.report_type()) {
case ReportDefinition::UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES: {
return event_aggregator()->AddUniqueActivesEvent(, event_record);
return kOK;
///////////// CountEventLogger method implementations //////////////////////////
Status CountEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
const auto& metric = *(event_record.metric());
return ValidateEventCodes(metric, event_record.event()->count_event().event_code(),
Encoder::Result CountEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(const ReportDefinition& report,
bool /*may_invalidate*/,
EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "CountEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
auto* count_event = event_record->event()->mutable_count_event();
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate observations.
case ReportDefinition::INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM:
case ReportDefinition::NUMERIC_AGGREGATION: {
return encoder()->EncodeIntegerEventObservation(
event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric), &report, event.day_index(),
count_event->event_code(), count_event->component(), count_event->count());
// Report type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS and PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM are valid but should not result
// in generation of an immediate observation.
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
Encoder::Result result;
result.status = kOK;
result.observation = nullptr;
result.metadata = nullptr;
return result;
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
Status CountEventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
switch (report.report_type()) {
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
return event_aggregator()->AddCountEvent(, event_record);
return kOK;
///////////// IntegerPerformanceEventLogger method implementations /////////////
Encoder::Result IntegerPerformanceEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(
const ReportDefinition& report, bool /*may_invalidate*/, EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "IntegerPerformanceEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate
// observations.
case ReportDefinition::NUMERIC_AGGREGATION:
case ReportDefinition::NUMERIC_PERF_RAW_DUMP:
case ReportDefinition::INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM: {
return encoder()->EncodeIntegerEventObservation(
event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric), &report, event.day_index(),
EventCodes(event), Component(event), IntValue(event));
// Report type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS and PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM are valid but should not result
// in generation of an immediate observation.
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
Encoder::Result result;
result.status = kOK;
result.observation = nullptr;
result.metadata = nullptr;
return result;
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
////////////// ElapsedTimeEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& ElapsedTimeEventLogger::EventCodes(const Event& event) {
return event.elapsed_time_event().event_code();
std::string ElapsedTimeEventLogger::Component(const Event& event) {
return event.elapsed_time_event().component();
int64_t ElapsedTimeEventLogger::IntValue(const Event& event) {
return event.elapsed_time_event().elapsed_micros();
Status ElapsedTimeEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
const auto& metric = *(event_record.metric());
return ValidateEventCodes(metric, event_record.event()->elapsed_time_event().event_code(),
Status ElapsedTimeEventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
switch (report.report_type()) {
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
return event_aggregator()->AddElapsedTimeEvent(, event_record);
return kOK;
//////////////// FrameRateEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& FrameRateEventLogger::EventCodes(const Event& event) {
return event.frame_rate_event().event_code();
std::string FrameRateEventLogger::Component(const Event& event) {
return event.frame_rate_event().component();
int64_t FrameRateEventLogger::IntValue(const Event& event) {
return event.frame_rate_event().frames_per_1000_seconds();
Status FrameRateEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
const auto& metric = *(event_record.metric());
return ValidateEventCodes(metric, event_record.event()->frame_rate_event().event_code(),
Status FrameRateEventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
switch (report.report_type()) {
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
return event_aggregator()->AddFrameRateEvent(, event_record);
return kOK;
////////////// MemoryUsageEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& MemoryUsageEventLogger::EventCodes(const Event& event) {
return event.memory_usage_event().event_code();
std::string MemoryUsageEventLogger::Component(const Event& event) {
return event.memory_usage_event().component();
int64_t MemoryUsageEventLogger::IntValue(const Event& event) {
return event.memory_usage_event().bytes();
Status MemoryUsageEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
const auto& metric = *(event_record.metric());
return ValidateEventCodes(metric, event_record.event()->memory_usage_event().event_code(),
Status MemoryUsageEventLogger::MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
switch (report.report_type()) {
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS:
case ReportDefinition::PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM: {
return event_aggregator()->AddMemoryUsageEvent(, event_record);
return kOK;
///////////// IntHistogramEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
Status IntHistogramEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) {
const auto& int_histogram_event = event_record.event()->int_histogram_event();
const auto& metric = *(event_record.metric());
auto status = ValidateEventCodes(metric, int_histogram_event.event_code(),
if (status != kOK) {
return status;
if (!metric.has_int_buckets()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid Cobalt config: Metric "
<< event_record.project_context()->FullMetricName(metric)
<< " does not have an |int_buckets| field set.";
return kInvalidConfig;
const auto& int_buckets = metric.int_buckets();
uint32_t num_valid_buckets;
switch (int_buckets.buckets_case()) {
case IntegerBuckets::kExponential:
num_valid_buckets = int_buckets.exponential().num_buckets();
case IntegerBuckets::kLinear:
num_valid_buckets = int_buckets.linear().num_buckets();
case IntegerBuckets::BUCKETS_NOT_SET:
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid Cobalt config: Metric "
<< event_record.project_context()->FullMetricName(metric)
<< " has an invalid |int_buckets| field. Either exponential "
"or linear buckets must be specified.";
return kInvalidConfig;
// In addition to the specified num_buckets, there are the underflow and
// overflow buckets.
num_valid_buckets += 2;
size_t num_provided_buckets = int_histogram_event.buckets_size();
for (auto i = 0u; i < num_provided_buckets; i++) {
if (int_histogram_event.buckets(i).index() >= num_valid_buckets) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The provided histogram is invalid. The index value of "
<< int_histogram_event.buckets(i).index() << " in position " << i
<< " is out of bounds for Metric "
<< event_record.project_context()->FullMetricName(metric) << ".";
return kInvalidArguments;
return kOK;
Encoder::Result IntHistogramEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(
const ReportDefinition& report, bool may_invalidate, EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "IntHistogramEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
auto* int_histogram_event = event_record->event()->mutable_int_histogram_event();
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate
// observations.
case ReportDefinition::INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM: {
HistogramPtr histogram = std::make_unique<RepeatedPtrField<HistogramBucket>>();
if (may_invalidate) {
// We move the buckets out of |int_histogram_event| thereby
// invalidating that variable.
} else {
return encoder()->EncodeHistogramObservation(
event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric), &report, event.day_index(),
int_histogram_event->event_code(), int_histogram_event->component(),
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
/////////////// StringUsedEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////
Encoder::Result StringUsedEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(
const ReportDefinition& report, bool /*may_invalidate*/, EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "StringUsedEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
const auto& string_used_event = event_record->event()->string_used_event();
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate
// observations.
case ReportDefinition::HIGH_FREQUENCY_STRING_COUNTS: {
return encoder()->EncodeRapporObservation(event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric),
&report, event.day_index(),
case ReportDefinition::STRING_COUNTS_WITH_THRESHOLD: {
return encoder()->EncodeForculusObservation(
event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric), &report, event.day_index(),
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
/////////////// CustomEventLogger method implementations ///////////////////////
Status CustomEventLogger::ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& /*event_record*/) {
// TODO(ninai) Add proto validation.
return kOK;
Encoder::Result CustomEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(const ReportDefinition& report,
bool may_invalidate,
EventRecord* event_record) {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "CustomEventLogger::MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation");
const MetricDefinition& metric = *(event_record->metric());
const Event& event = *(event_record->event());
auto* custom_event = event_record->event()->mutable_custom_event();
switch (report.report_type()) {
// Each report type has its own logic for generating immediate
// observations.
case ReportDefinition::CUSTOM_RAW_DUMP: {
EventValuesPtr event_values =
std::make_unique<google::protobuf::Map<std::string, CustomDimensionValue>>();
if (may_invalidate) {
// We move the contents out of |custom_event| thereby invalidating
// that variable.
} else {
event_values = std::make_unique<google::protobuf::Map<std::string, CustomDimensionValue>>(
return encoder()->EncodeCustomObservation(event_record->project_context()->RefMetric(&metric),
&report, event.day_index(),
return BadReportType(event_record->project_context()->FullMetricName(metric), report);
} // namespace cobalt::logger::internal