blob: 3af2ccf973f948c583d26d501f74715dfa415050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors.All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/registry/project_configs.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/escaping.h"
namespace cobalt::config {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kNumReportsPerMetric = 3;
constexpr size_t kNumMetricsPerProject = 5;
constexpr size_t kNumCustomers = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kNonExistent = 20;
std::string NameForId(const std::string& prefix, uint32_t id) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << prefix << "Name" << id;
return stream.str();
std::string CustomerNameForId(uint32_t id) { return NameForId("Customer-", id); }
std::string ProjectNameForId(uint32_t id) { return NameForId("Project-", id); }
std::string ReportNameForId(uint32_t id) { return NameForId("Report-", id); }
std::string MetricNameForId(uint32_t id) { return NameForId("Metric-", id); }
// We create 3n projects for customer n.
size_t NumProjectsForCustomer(uint32_t customer_id) { return 3 * customer_id; }
void SetupReport(uint32_t report_id, ReportDefinition* report) {
void SetupMetric(uint32_t metric_id, MetricDefinition* metric) {
for (size_t i = 1u; i < kNumReportsPerMetric; i++) {
SetupReport(i, metric->add_reports());
void SetupProject(uint32_t project_id, ProjectConfig* project) {
for (size_t i = 1u; i <= kNumMetricsPerProject; i++) {
SetupMetric(i, project->add_metrics());
void SetupCustomer(uint32_t customer_id, size_t num_projects, CustomerConfig* customer) {
for (auto i = 1u; i <= num_projects; i++) {
SetupProject(i, customer->add_projects());
std::unique_ptr<CobaltRegistry> NewTestRegistry(
size_t num_customers, const std::function<size_t(uint32_t)>& num_projects_for_customer_fn) {
auto cobalt_registry = std::make_unique<CobaltRegistry>();
for (size_t i = 1u; i <= num_customers; i++) {
SetupCustomer(i, num_projects_for_customer_fn(i), cobalt_registry->add_customers());
return cobalt_registry;
std::unique_ptr<CobaltRegistry> NewTestRegistry() {
return NewTestRegistry(kNumCustomers, NumProjectsForCustomer);
// Constructs a ProjectConfigs that wraps a CobaltRegistry with the
// specified number of customers and projects-per-customer.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectConfigs> NewProjectConfigs(size_t num_customers,
size_t num_projects_per_customer) {
return std::make_unique<ProjectConfigs>(NewTestRegistry(
[num_projects_per_customer](uint32_t /*unused*/) { return num_projects_per_customer; }));
} // namespace
class ProjectConfigsTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Checks that |*customer_config| is as expected.
static bool CheckCustomer(uint32_t expected_customer_id, const CustomerConfig* customer_config) {
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, customer_config);
if (customer_config == nullptr) {
return false;
auto customer_id = customer_config->customer_id();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_customer_id, customer_id);
if (expected_customer_id != customer_id) {
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(CustomerNameForId(expected_customer_id), customer_config->customer_name());
if (CustomerNameForId(expected_customer_id) != customer_config->customer_name()) {
return false;
size_t expected_num_projects = NumProjectsForCustomer(customer_id);
size_t num_projects = customer_config->projects_size();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_projects, num_projects);
return num_projects == expected_num_projects;
// Checks that |*project_config| is as expected.
static bool CheckProject(uint32_t expected_project_id, const ProjectConfig* project_config) {
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, project_config);
if (project_config == nullptr) {
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_project_id, project_config->project_id());
if (expected_project_id != project_config->project_id()) {
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(ProjectNameForId(expected_project_id), project_config->project_name());
if (ProjectNameForId(expected_project_id) != project_config->project_name()) {
return false;
size_t num_metrics = project_config->metrics_size();
EXPECT_EQ(kNumMetricsPerProject, num_metrics);
return num_metrics == kNumMetricsPerProject;
// Checks that |project_configs| is as expected.
static bool CheckProjectConfigs(const ProjectConfigs& project_configs) {
for (uint32_t customer_id = 1; customer_id <= kNumCustomers; customer_id++) {
std::string expected_customer_name = CustomerNameForId(customer_id);
size_t expected_num_projects = NumProjectsForCustomer(customer_id);
// Check getting the customer by ID.
bool success = CheckCustomer(customer_id, project_configs.GetCustomerConfig(customer_id));
if (!success) {
return false;
for (uint32_t project_id = 1; project_id <= expected_num_projects; project_id++) {
std::string project_name = ProjectNameForId(project_id);
// Check getting the project by ID.
success =
CheckProject(project_id, project_configs.GetProjectConfig(customer_id, project_id));
if (!success) {
return false;
// Check using an invalid project_id.
auto* project =
project_configs.GetProjectConfig(customer_id, expected_num_projects + project_id);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, project);
if (project != nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
// Test GetCustomerConfig by id.
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, GetCustomerConfigById) {
ProjectConfigs project_configs(NewTestRegistry());
const CustomerConfig* customer;
customer = project_configs.GetCustomerConfig(1);
EXPECT_NE(customer, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(customer->customer_id(), 1u);
customer = project_configs.GetCustomerConfig(2);
EXPECT_NE(customer, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(customer->customer_id(), 2u);
// Customer does not exist.
customer = project_configs.GetCustomerConfig(kNonExistent);
EXPECT_EQ(customer, nullptr);
// Test GetProjectConfig by id.
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, GetProjectConfigById) {
ProjectConfigs project_configs(NewTestRegistry());
const ProjectConfig* project;
project = project_configs.GetProjectConfig(1, 1);
EXPECT_NE(project, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(project->project_id(), 1u);
project = project_configs.GetProjectConfig(1, 2);
EXPECT_NE(project, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(project->project_id(), 2u);
// Customer does not exist.
project = project_configs.GetProjectConfig(kNonExistent, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(project, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project does not exist.
project = project_configs.GetProjectConfig(1, kNonExistent);
EXPECT_EQ(project, nullptr);
// Test GetMetricDefintion.
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, GetMetricDefinitionById) {
ProjectConfigs project_configs(NewTestRegistry());
const MetricDefinition* metric;
metric = project_configs.GetMetricDefinition(1, 1, 1);
EXPECT_NE(metric, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(metric->id(), 1u);
metric = project_configs.GetMetricDefinition(1, 1, 2);
EXPECT_NE(metric, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(metric->id(), 2u);
// Customer does not exist.
metric = project_configs.GetMetricDefinition(kNonExistent, 1, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(metric, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project does not exist.
metric = project_configs.GetMetricDefinition(1, kNonExistent, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(metric, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project exists, metric does not exist.
metric = project_configs.GetMetricDefinition(1, 1, kNonExistent);
EXPECT_EQ(metric, nullptr);
// Test GetReportDefinition.
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, GetReportDefinitionById) {
ProjectConfigs project_configs(NewTestRegistry());
const ReportDefinition* report;
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(1, 1, 1, 1);
EXPECT_NE(report, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(report->id(), 1u);
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(1, 1, 1, 2);
EXPECT_NE(report, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(report->id(), 2u);
// Customer does not exist.
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(kNonExistent, 1, 2, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(report, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project does not exist.
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(1, kNonExistent, 2, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(report, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project exists, metric does not exist.
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(1, 1, kNonExistent, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(report, nullptr);
// Customer exists, project exists, metric exist, report does not exist.
report = project_configs.GetReportDefinition(1, 1, 1, kNonExistent);
EXPECT_EQ(report, nullptr);
// Tests using a ProjectConfigs constructed directly from a
// CobaltRegistry
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, ConstructForCobaltRegistry) {
ProjectConfigs project_configs(NewTestRegistry());
// Tests using a ProjectConfigs obtained via CreateFromCobaltRegistryBytes().
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, CreateFromCobaltRegistryBytes) {
auto cobalt_registry = NewTestRegistry();
std::string bytes;
auto project_configs = ProjectConfigs::CreateFromCobaltRegistryBytes(bytes);
// Tests using a ProjectConfigs obtained via CreateFromCobaltRegistryBase64().
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, CreateFromCobaltRegistryBase64) {
auto cobalt_registry = NewTestRegistry();
std::string bytes;
std::string cobalt_registry_base64;
absl::Base64Escape(bytes, &cobalt_registry_base64);
auto project_configs = ProjectConfigs::CreateFromCobaltRegistryBase64(cobalt_registry_base64);
// Tests the logic that determines whether or not a ProjectConfigs is empty
// or contains a single project.
TEST_F(ProjectConfigsTest, IsSingleProject) {
// An ProjectConfigs constructed from an empty CobaltRegistry is empty but
// is not a single project.
auto project_configs = NewProjectConfigs(0, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(project_configs->TakeSingleProjectConfig() == nullptr);
// A ProjectConfigs constructed from a CobaltRegistry with 1 customer with
// no projects is not empty and is not a single project.
project_configs = NewProjectConfigs(1, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(project_configs->TakeSingleProjectConfig() == nullptr);
// A ProjectConfigs constructed from a CobaltRegistry with 1 customer with 1
// project is not empty and is a single project.
project_configs = NewProjectConfigs(1, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, project_configs->single_customer_id());
EXPECT_EQ("Customer-Name1", project_configs->single_customer_name());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, project_configs->single_project_id());
EXPECT_EQ("Project-Name1", project_configs->single_project_name());
// Test TakeSingleProjectConfg() in the case that there is a single project.
EXPECT_NE(project_configs->GetProjectConfig(1, 1), nullptr);
auto project_config = project_configs->TakeSingleProjectConfig();
EXPECT_TRUE(project_config != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("Project-Name1", project_config->project_name());
EXPECT_EQ(project_configs->GetProjectConfig(1, 1), nullptr);
// A ProjectConfigs constructed from a CobaltRegistry with 1 customer with 2
// projects is not empty and is not a single project.
project_configs = NewProjectConfigs(1, 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(project_configs->TakeSingleProjectConfig() == nullptr);
// A ProjectConfigs constructed from a CobaltRegistry with 2 customers with
// 1 project each is not empty and is not a single project.
project_configs = NewProjectConfigs(2, 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(project_configs->TakeSingleProjectConfig() == nullptr);
} // namespace cobalt::config