blob: f94b1eb324e091d82628fb302768e86b50372297 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "encoder/encoder.h"
#include <utility>
#include "./gtest.h"
#include "./logging.h"
#include "config/client_config.h"
#include "encoder/client_secret.h"
// Generated from encoder_test_config.yaml
#include "encoder/encoder_test_config.h"
#include "encoder/project_context.h"
#include "third_party/gflags/include/gflags/gflags.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
using config::ClientConfig;
namespace {
// These must match values specified in the build files.
const uint32_t kCustomerId = 1;
const uint32_t kProjectId = 1;
// This unix timestamp corresponds to Friday Dec 2, 2016 in UTC
// and Thursday Dec 1, 2016 in Pacific time.
const time_t kSomeTimestamp = 1480647356;
// This is the day index for Friday Dec 2, 2016
const uint32_t kUtcDayIndex = 17137;
// This is the day index for Thurs Dec 1, 2016
const uint32_t kPacificDayIndex = 17136;
// Returns a ProjectContext obtained by parsing the configuration specified
// in envelope_maker_test_config.yaml
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> GetTestProject() {
// Parse the base64-encoded, serialized CobaltConfig in
// encoder_test_config.h. This is generated from encoder_test_config.yaml.
// Edit encoder_test_config.yaml to make changes. The variable name
// below, |cobalt_config_base64|, must match what is specified in the
// invocation of generate_test_config_h() in CMakeLists.txt.
std::unique_ptr<ClientConfig> client_config =
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, client_config);
return std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext>(new ProjectContext(
kCustomerId, kProjectId,
class FakeSystemData : public SystemDataInterface {
FakeSystemData() {
system_profile_.set_board_name("Testing Board");
const SystemProfile& system_profile() const override {
return system_profile_;
SystemProfile system_profile_;
} // namespace
// Checks |result|: Checks that the status is kOK, that the observation and
// metadata are not null, that the observation has a single part named
// "Part1", that it uses the expected encoding and that it is not empty.
// |expect_utc| should be true to indicate that it is expected that the
// day index was computed using UTC.
void CheckSinglePartResult(
const Encoder::Result& result,
uint32_t expected_metric_id,
uint32_t expected_encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
ASSERT_EQ(Encoder::kOK, result.status);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result.observation);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(kCustomerId, result.metadata->customer_id());
EXPECT_EQ(kProjectId, result.metadata->project_id());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_metric_id, result.metadata->metric_id());
if (expect_utc) {
EXPECT_EQ(kUtcDayIndex, result.metadata->day_index());
} else {
// Only perform the following check when running this test in the Pacific
// timezone. Note that |timezone| is a global variable defined in <ctime>
// that stores difference between UTC and the latest local standard time, in
// seconds west of UTC. This value is not adjusted for daylight saving.
// See \
// Time-Zone-Functions.html#Time-Zone-Functions
if (timezone / 3600 == 8) {
EXPECT_EQ(kPacificDayIndex, result.metadata->day_index());
const Observation& observation = *result.observation;
// The Metric specified has only one part named "Part1" so the encoded
// observation should have one part named "Part1".
ASSERT_EQ(1, observation.parts_size());
const ObservationPart& obs_part ="Part1");
// The observation part should use the right encoding.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_encoding_config_id, obs_part.encoding_config_id());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_encoding, obs_part.value_case());
// We sanity test the Observation by checking that it is not empty.
switch (expected_encoding) {
case ObservationPart::kForculus: {
EXPECT_NE("", obs_part.forculus().ciphertext());
case ObservationPart::kRappor: {
EXPECT_NE("", obs_part.rappor().data());
case ObservationPart::kBasicRappor: {
EXPECT_NE("", obs_part.basic_rappor().data());
case ObservationPart::kUnencoded: {
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << " Unexpected case";
void CheckSystemProfileValid(const Encoder::Result& result,
const Metric* metric) {
ASSERT_EQ(Encoder::kOK, result.status);
if (metric->system_profile_field_size() == 0) {
const auto& fields = metric->system_profile_field();
if (std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), SystemProfileField::OS) !=
fields.end()) {
EXPECT_EQ(SystemProfile::FUCHSIA, result.metadata->system_profile().os());
} else {
if (std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), SystemProfileField::ARCH) !=
fields.end()) {
EXPECT_EQ(SystemProfile::ARM_64, result.metadata->system_profile().arch());
} else {
if (std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), SystemProfileField::BOARD_NAME) !=
fields.end()) {
EXPECT_EQ("Testing Board", result.metadata->system_profile().board_name());
} else {
EXPECT_EQ("", result.metadata->system_profile().board_name());
// Tests the EncodeString() method using the given |value| and the given
// metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single part named
// "Part1". We validate that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty.
// Returns the encoded Observation.
Observation DoEncodeStringTest(
std::string value,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result =
encoder.EncodeString(metric_id, encoding_config_id, value);
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
// In case the encode operation failed
// we CHECK fail here because Google Test doesn't allow us to FAIL() from
// a method that has a return value and if we do nothing the following line
// will cause Protobuf to CHECK fail in a more mysterious way.
CHECK(result.status == Encoder::kOK);
return *result.observation;
// Tests the EncodeInt() method using the given |value| and the given
// metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single part named
// "Part1". The encoding is expected to be for Basic RAPPOR.
// We validate that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty.
// Returns the encoded Observation.
Observation DoEncodeIntTest(
int64_t value,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result =
encoder.EncodeInt(metric_id, encoding_config_id, value);
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
return *result.observation;
// Tests the EncodeDouble() method using the given |value| and the given
// metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single part named
// "Part1".
// If expectOK is true then we verify that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty. Otherwise
// we verify that kInvalidArguments is returned.
Observation DoEncodeDoubleTest(
bool expectOK,
double value,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result =
encoder.EncodeDouble(metric_id, encoding_config_id, value);
if (expectOK) {
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, result.status)
<< "encoding_config_id=" << encoding_config_id;
return *result.observation;
// Tests the EncodeIndex() method using the given |index| and the given
// metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single part named
// "Part1".
// If expectOK is true then we verify that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty. Otherwise
// we verify that kInvalidArguments is returned.
void DoEncodeIndexTest(bool expectOK,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result =
encoder.EncodeIndex(metric_id, encoding_config_id, index);
if (expectOK) {
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, result.status)
<< "encoding_config_id=" << encoding_config_id;
// Tests the EncodeBlob() method using the given |value| and the given
// metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single part named
// "Part1". The encoding is expected to be for Forculus.
// We validate that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty.
// Returns the encoded Observation.
Observation DoEncodeBlobTest(
const void* data,
size_t num_bytes,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result =
encoder.EncodeBlob(metric_id, encoding_config_id, data, num_bytes);
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
return *result.observation;
// Tests the EncodeIntBucketDistribution() method using the given |distribution|
// and the given metric and encoding. The metric is expected to have a single
// part named "Part1". The encoding is expected to be NoOp.
// Returns the encoded Observation.
// If expectOK is true then we verify that there are no errors and that the
// produced Observation has the |expected_type| and is non-empty. Otherwise
// we verify that kInvalidArguments is returned.
Observation DoEncodeIntBucketDistributionTest(
bool expect_ok,
const std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t>& distribution,
uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
bool expect_utc,
const ObservationPart::ValueCase& expected_encoding) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
// Set a static current time so we can test the day_index computation.
// Encode an observation for the given metric and encoding. The metric is
// expected to have a single part.
Encoder::Result result = encoder.EncodeIntBucketDistribution(
metric_id, encoding_config_id, distribution);
if (expect_ok) {
CheckSinglePartResult(result, metric_id, encoding_config_id, expect_utc,
CheckSystemProfileValid(result, project->Metric(metric_id));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, result.status)
<< "encoding_config_id=" << encoding_config_id;
return *result.observation;
// Tests EncodeString() with Forculus as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeStringForculus) {
// Metric 1 has a single string part.
// EncodingConfig 1 is Forculus.
DoEncodeStringTest("some value", 1, 1, false, ObservationPart::kForculus);
// Tests EncodeString() with String RAPPOR as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeStringRappor) {
// Metric 1 has a single string part.
// EncodingConfig 2 is String RAPPOR
DoEncodeStringTest("some value", 1, 2, false, ObservationPart::kRappor);
// Tests EncodeString() with Basic RAPPOR as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeStringBasicRappor) {
// Metric 1 has a single string part.
// EncodingConfig 3 is Basic RAPPOR with string values. Here we need the
// value to be one of the categories.
DoEncodeStringTest("Apple", 1, 3, false, ObservationPart::kBasicRappor);
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeStringForculusWithSystemProfile) {
// Metric 9, 10, and 11 have a single string part, with 1, 2, or 3
// system_profile_fields.
// EncodingConfig 1 is Forculus.
DoEncodeStringTest("Apple", 9, 1, false, ObservationPart::kForculus);
DoEncodeStringTest("Pear", 10, 1, false, ObservationPart::kForculus);
DoEncodeStringTest("Grapefruit", 11, 1, false, ObservationPart::kForculus);
// Tests EncodeString() with NoOp as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeStringNoOp) {
// Metric 1 has a single string part.
// EncodingConfig 7 is NoOp.
auto obs = DoEncodeStringTest("some value", 1, 7, false,
"some value","Part1").unencoded().unencoded_value().string_value());
// Tests EncodeInt() with Basic RAPPOR as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeIntBasicRappor) {
// Metric 2 has a single integer part.
// EncodingConfig 4 is Basic RAPPOR with int values. Here we need the value
// to be one of the categories.
DoEncodeIntTest(125, 2, 4, true, ObservationPart::kBasicRappor);
// Tests the EncodeIndex() method with both valid and invalid inputs.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeIndex) {
// Metric 6 has a single part of type INDEX.
// EncodingConfig 8 is Basic RAPPOR with five INDEXed categories.
bool expect_ok = true;
uint32_t index = 0;
bool expect_utc = true;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
index = 1;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
index = 4;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
// Index 5 should yield kInalidArgs.
expect_ok = false;
index = 5;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
// Reset to index 0 just to confirm it still succeeds.
expect_ok = true;
index = 0;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 1 which has one string part. That should fail.
expect_ok = false;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 1, 8, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 2 which has one int part. That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 2, 8, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 3 which has one blob part. That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 3, 8, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 7 which has one double part. That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 7, 8, expect_utc,
// Reset to metric 6 just to confirm it still succeeds.
expect_ok = true;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 8, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 1 which is Forculus. That should fail.
expect_ok = false;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 1, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 2 which is String RAPPOR. That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 2, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 3 which is Basic RAPPOR with string categories.
// That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 3, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 4 which is Basic RAPPOR with int categories.
// That should fail.
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 4, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 7 which is NoOpEncoding. That should be OK.
expect_ok = true;
DoEncodeIndexTest(expect_ok, index, 6, 7, expect_utc,
// Tests the EncodeDouble() method with both valid and invalid inputs.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeDouble) {
// Metric 7 has a single part of type DOUBLE.
// EncodingConfig 7 is NoOp.
bool expect_ok = true;
double value = 3.14159;
bool expect_utc = true;
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 7, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 1 which has one string part. That should fail.
expect_ok = false;
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 1, 7, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 2 which has one int part. That should fail.
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 2, 7, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to metric 3 which has one blob part. That should fail.
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 3, 7, expect_utc,
// Reset to metric 7 just to confirm it still succeeds.
expect_ok = true;
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 7, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 1 which is Forculus. That should fail.
expect_ok = false;
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 1, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 2 which is String RAPPOR. That should fail.
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 2, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 3 which is Basic RAPPOR with string categories.
// That should fail.
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 3, expect_utc,
// Now we switch to encoding 4 which is Basic RAPPOR with int categories.
// That should fail.
DoEncodeDoubleTest(expect_ok, value, 7, 4, expect_utc,
// Tests EncodeInt() with NoOp encoding as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeIntNoOp) {
// Metric 2 has a single integer part.
// EncodingConfig 7 is NoOp
auto obs = DoEncodeIntTest(42, 2, 7, true, ObservationPart::kUnencoded);
// Tests EncodeBlob() with Forculus as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeBlobForculus) {
// Metric 3 has a single blob part.
// EncodingConfig 1 is Forculus.
std::string a_blob("This is a blob");
DoEncodeBlobTest((const void*), a_blob.size(), 3, 1, false,
// Tests EncodeBlob() with NoOp encoding as the specified encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeBlobNoOp) {
// Metric 3 has a single blob part.
// EncodingConfig 7 is NoOp.
std::string a_blob("This is a blob");
auto obs = DoEncodeBlobTest((const void*), a_blob.size(), 3, 7,
false, ObservationPart::kUnencoded);
EXPECT_EQ("This is a blob","Part1").unencoded().unencoded_value().blob_value());
// Tests EncodeIntBucketDistribution() with NoOp encoding.
TEST(EncoderTest, EncodeIntBucketDistributionNoOp) {
// Metric 9 has a single int bucket distribution part.
// EncodingConfig 7 is NoOp.
std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t> distribution = {{0, 10}, {2, 6}, {11, 1}};
bool expect_ok = true;
bool expect_utc = true;
auto obs = DoEncodeIntBucketDistributionTest(
expect_ok, distribution, 8, 7, expect_utc, ObservationPart::kUnencoded);
for (auto it = distribution.begin(); it != distribution.end(); it++) {
expect_ok = false;
// Metric 1 has a single string part. That should fail.
DoEncodeIntBucketDistributionTest(expect_ok, distribution, 1, 7, expect_utc,
// Metric 2 has an integer part, but no int_buckets set. That should fail.
DoEncodeIntBucketDistributionTest(expect_ok, distribution, 2, 7, expect_utc,
// There are only 10 buckets + the overflow buckets configured.
// This should fail.
distribution[12] = 10;
DoEncodeIntBucketDistributionTest(expect_ok, distribution, 8, 7, expect_utc,
// Tests the advanced API, when used corretly.
TEST(EncoderTest, AdvancedApiNoErrors) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
Observation observation;
Encoder::Value value;
// EncodingConfig 2 is String RAPPOR
value.AddStringPart(2, "city", "San Francisco");
// EncodingConfig 4 is Basic RAPPOR with integer categories.
value.AddIntPart(4, "rating", 125);
// Metric 4 has a "city" part of type STRING and
// a "rating" part of type INT.
Encoder::Result result = encoder.Encode(4, value);
// Check the result
ASSERT_EQ(Encoder::kOK, result.status);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result.observation);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(kCustomerId, result.metadata->customer_id());
EXPECT_EQ(kProjectId, result.metadata->project_id());
EXPECT_EQ(4u, result.metadata->metric_id());
// We did not set the current time to a static value but rather used the
// real time that the test was run. Sanity test the day index: It should
// be at least the day on which this test was written and less than
// 20 years in the future from that.
EXPECT_TRUE(result.metadata->day_index() >= kPacificDayIndex);
EXPECT_TRUE(result.metadata->day_index() < kPacificDayIndex + 365 * 20);
EXPECT_NE("", result.observation->parts().at("city").rappor().data());
EXPECT_NE("", result.observation->parts().at("rating").basic_rappor().data());
// Tests the advanced API, when used incorretly.
TEST(EncoderTest, AdvancedApiWithErrors) {
// Build the ProjectContext encapsulating our test config data.
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project = GetTestProject();
FakeSystemData system_data;
// Construct the Encoder.
Encoder encoder(project, ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), &system_data);
std::unique_ptr<Encoder::Value> value(new Encoder::Value());
// EncodingConfig 2 is String RAPPOR
value->AddStringPart(2, "city", "San Francisco");
// There is no metric 99.
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(99, *value).status);
// Metric 4 has two parts but value has only one part.
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(4, *value).status);
// EncodingConfig 4 is Basic RAPPOR with integer categories.
value->AddIntPart(4, "rating", 1234);
value->AddIntPart(4, "dummy", 1234);
// Metric 4 has two parts but value has three parts.
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(4, *value).status);
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(2, "city", "San Francisco");
// "rating" is spelled wrong
value->AddIntPart(4, "ratingx", 1234);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(4, *value).status);
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(2, "city", "San Francisco");
// "rating" has the wrong type
value->AddStringPart(4, "rating", "1234");
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(4, *value).status);
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(2, "city", "San Francisco");
// There is no encoding_config 99.
value->AddIntPart(99, "rating", 1234);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(4, *value).status);
// Forculus does not accept integer values.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddIntPart(1, "Part1", 42);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(2, *value).status);
// String RAPPOR does not accept integer values.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddIntPart(2, "Part1", 42);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(2, *value).status);
// String RAPPOR does not accept blob values.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddBlobPart(2, "Part1", (const void*)"1234", 4);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(3, *value).status);
// Basic RAPPOR does not accept blob values.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddBlobPart(3, "Part1", (const void*)"1234", 4);
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(3, *value).status);
// Basic RAPPOR requires the value to be one of the candidates.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(3, "Part1", "San Francisco");
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidArguments, encoder.Encode(1, *value).status);
// EncodingConfig 5 is an invalid Forculus config.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(5, "Part1", "dummy");
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidConfig, encoder.Encode(1, *value).status);
// EncodingConfig 6 is an invalid String RAPPOR config.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(6, "Part1", "dummy");
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidConfig, encoder.Encode(1, *value).status);
// Metric 5 is missing a time_zone_policy.
value.reset(new Encoder::Value());
value->AddStringPart(1, "Part1", "dummy");
EXPECT_EQ(Encoder::kInvalidConfig, encoder.Encode(5, *value).status);
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();