blob: cf9f28377e8f3ab48f84c3b06fc12d7bac261280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "util/crypto_util/cipher.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/errors.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/random.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/types.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace crypto {
const char* kLine1 = "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,\n";
const char* kLine2 = "But I have promises to keep,\n";
const char* kLine3 = "And miles to go before I sleep,\n";
const char* kLine4 = "And miles to go before I sleep.";
const char* kLines[] = {kLine1, kLine2, kLine3, kLine4};
const int kNumLines = 4;
// Tests SymmetricCipher().
// This function is invoked by the SymmetricCipherTest.
// It encrypts and then decrypts |plain_text| and checks that the
// recovered text is equal to the plain text. It generates a random
// key and nonce.
void doSymmetricCipherTest(SymmetricCipher* cipher, const byte* plain_text,
int ptext_len) {
// Initialize
byte key[SymmetricCipher::KEY_SIZE];
byte nonce[SymmetricCipher::NONCE_SIZE];
Random rand;
rand.RandomBytes(key, SymmetricCipher::KEY_SIZE);
rand.RandomBytes(nonce, SymmetricCipher::NONCE_SIZE);
EXPECT_TRUE(cipher->set_key(key)) << GetLastErrorMessage();
// Encrypt
std::vector<byte> cipher_text;
EXPECT_TRUE(cipher->Encrypt(nonce, plain_text, ptext_len, &cipher_text))
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
// Decrypt
std::vector<byte> recovered_text;
EXPECT_TRUE(cipher->Decrypt(nonce,, cipher_text.size(),
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
// Compare
std::string((const char*), recovered_text.size()),
std::string((const char*)plain_text));
TEST(SymmetricCipherTest, TestManyStrings) {
SymmetricCipher cipher;
// Test once with each line separately.
for (int i = 0; i < kNumLines; i++) {
doSymmetricCipherTest(&cipher, (const byte*)kLines[i], strlen(kLines[i]));
// Test once with all lines together.
std::string all_lines;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumLines; i++) {
all_lines += kLines[i];
doSymmetricCipherTest(&cipher, (const byte*),
// Test once with a longer string: Repeat string 32 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
all_lines += all_lines;
doSymmetricCipherTest(&cipher, (const byte*),
// This function is invoked by the HybridCipherTest
// It encrypts and then decrypts |plain_text| and checks that the
// recovered text is equal to the plain text.
void doHybridCipherTest(HybridCipher* hybrid_cipher, const byte* plain_text,
int ptext_len, std::string public_key,
std::string private_key) {
// Encrypt
std::vector<byte> cipher_text;
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
ASSERT_TRUE(hybrid_cipher->Encrypt(plain_text, ptext_len, &cipher_text))
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
byte fingerprint[HybridCipher::PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE];
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
// Decrypt
std::vector<byte> recovered_text;
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
ASSERT_TRUE(hybrid_cipher->Decrypt(, cipher_text.size(),
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
// Compare
std::string((const char*), recovered_text.size()),
std::string((const char*)plain_text));
// Decrypt with flipped salt[HybridCipher::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE] ^=
0x1; // flip a bit in the first byte of the salt
EXPECT_FALSE(hybrid_cipher->Decrypt(, cipher_text.size(),
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
// Decrypt with modified public_key_part[HybridCipher::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE] ^=
0x1; // flip salt bit back[2] ^= 0x1; // flip any bit except in first byte (due to
// X9.62 serialization)
EXPECT_FALSE(hybrid_cipher->Decrypt(, cipher_text.size(),
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
void doGenerateKeys(std::string* public_key, std::string* private_key) {
ASSERT_TRUE(HybridCipher::GenerateKeyPairPEM(public_key, private_key))
<< GetLastErrorMessage();
TEST(HybridCipherTest, Test) {
HybridCipher hybrid_cipher;
std::string public_key;
std::string private_key;
// Test with five different key pairs
for (int times = 0; times < 5; ++times) {
doGenerateKeys(&public_key, &private_key);
// Test once with each line separately.
for (int i = 0; i < kNumLines; i++) {
doHybridCipherTest(&hybrid_cipher, (const byte*)kLines[i],
strlen(kLines[i]), public_key, private_key);
// Test once with all lines together.
std::string all_lines;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumLines; i++) {
all_lines += kLines[i];
doHybridCipherTest(&hybrid_cipher, (const byte*),
all_lines.size(), public_key, private_key);
// Test once with a longer string: Repeat string 32 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
all_lines += all_lines;
doHybridCipherTest(&hybrid_cipher, (const byte*),
all_lines.size(), public_key, private_key);
} // namespace crypto
} // namespace cobalt