blob: 8cf831592406548b21f89dcba39fa08e0b5e6917 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include "config/analyzer_config.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace config {
// AnalyzerConfigManager vends shared pointers to an AnalyzerConfig.
// The purpose of this class is to be able to update the configuration data
// pointers to which it vends.
class AnalyzerConfigManager {
// Get a pointer to the current analyzer config. Do not cache.
std::shared_ptr<AnalyzerConfig> GetCurrent();
// Updates the cached configuration from the external Git repository specified
// in the constructor. This may block for up to |timeout_seconds| seconds.
// Returns true if the update operation succeeded. Otherwise the previous
// cached configuration is maintained.
bool Update(unsigned int timeout_seconds);
static std::shared_ptr<AnalyzerConfigManager> CreateFromFlagsOrDie();
// This constructor is to be used when parameters related to updating the
// configuration are unnecessary because you don't intend to update the
// config. (such as in tests.)
explicit AnalyzerConfigManager(std::shared_ptr<AnalyzerConfig> config);
// Constructor.
// |config| is the initial configuration to be held.
// |cobalt_registry_proto_path| is the path on disk where the serialized
// CobaltRegistry is to be stored.
// |config_update_repository_url| is the url for a git repository containing
// cobalt configuration information. It is parsed using config_parser. See
// the documentation for config_parser to understand the format of the repo.
// |config_parser_bin_path| is the path to the config_parser binary.
AnalyzerConfigManager(std::shared_ptr<AnalyzerConfig> config,
std::string cobalt_registry_proto_path,
std::string config_update_repository_url,
std::string config_parser_bin_path);
// Reads the configuration from a file containing a serialized CobaltRegistry.
static std::unique_ptr<AnalyzerConfig>
ReadConfigFromSerializedCobaltRegistryFile(std::string config_path);
std::shared_ptr<AnalyzerConfig> ptr_;
// This mutex protects ptr_. A thread dereferencing or updating ptr_ should
// grab a lock on m_ first.
std::mutex m_;
const std::string cobalt_registry_proto_path_;
const std::string update_repository_path_;
const std::string config_parser_bin_path_;
} // namespace config
} // namespace cobalt