blob: b540a04de446e82ef9bb7e0b38a75e85c229c1e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "grpc++/grpc++.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
// AuthEnforcer describes an interface to enforce authorization rules for
// requests to the report master API.
// Calls to CheckAuthorization return grpc::Status::OK if the call being checked
// is authorized and PERMISSION_DENIED or UNAUTHENTICATED otherwise.
class AuthEnforcer {
virtual grpc::Status CheckAuthorization(grpc::ServerContext *context,
uint32_t customer_id,
uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t report_config_id) = 0;
virtual ~AuthEnforcer() = default;
static std::shared_ptr<AuthEnforcer> CreateFromFlagsOrDie();
// NullEnforcer allows all requests.
class NullEnforcer final : public AuthEnforcer {
grpc::Status CheckAuthorization(grpc::ServerContext *context,
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t report_config_id) override;
virtual ~NullEnforcer() = default;
// NegativeEnforcer always denies permission. It is used for testing.
class NegativeEnforcer final : public AuthEnforcer {
grpc::Status CheckAuthorization(grpc::ServerContext *context,
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t report_config_id) override;
virtual ~NegativeEnforcer() = default;
// GoogleEmailEnforcer assumes requests were initially authenticated by the
// endpoints service. This enforcer then checks that the authenticated user
// is a account.
class GoogleEmailEnforcer final : public AuthEnforcer {
grpc::Status CheckAuthorization(grpc::ServerContext *context,
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t report_config_id) override;
virtual ~GoogleEmailEnforcer() = default;
friend class GoogleEmailEnforcerTest;
static grpc::Status GetEmailFromEncodedUserInfo(
const std::string &encoded_user_info, std::string *email);
static grpc::Status GetEmailFromServerContext(grpc::ServerContext *context,
std::string *email);
static bool CheckGoogleEmail(std::string email);
// LogOnlyEnforcer calls its underlying enforcer, logs any error the underlying
// enforcer returns and then returns an OK status.
// The purpose of LogOnlyEnforcer is to be able to see what would be the effect
// of turning on authorization.
class LogOnlyEnforcer final : public AuthEnforcer {
grpc::Status CheckAuthorization(grpc::ServerContext *context,
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t report_config_id) override;
virtual ~LogOnlyEnforcer() = default;
explicit LogOnlyEnforcer(std::shared_ptr<AuthEnforcer> auth_enforcer);
std::shared_ptr<AuthEnforcer> enforcer_;
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt