blob: ec8d8eaf610af367c9ca672d045bea0159091524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "src/pb/observation.proto";
// An Event is the unit of data logged in Cobalt.
// Events are associated with a specific Metric. There is a different Event
// type for each Metric type. Events are also tagged with a day index indicating
// the day on which the event occurred.
message Event {
// An Event has one of the following types. These types correspond to
// the various Metric types defined in config/metric_definitions.proto.
oneof type {
OccurrenceEvent occurrence_event = 8;
IntegerEvent integer_event = 9;
IntegerHistogramEvent integer_histogram_event = 10;
StringEvent string_event = 11;
// The three-part unique numerical identifier of the Metric that this
// Event is associated with.
uint32 customer_id = 1000;
uint32 project_id = 1001;
uint32 metric_id = 1002;
// The index of the day on which this Event occurred.
uint32 day_index = 1003;
// The hour id for this Event.
uint32 hour_id = 1005;
reserved 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 999;
// Records that an event occurred a number of times.
message OccurrenceEvent {
// The event codes for the event that occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the metric definition.
repeated uint32 event_code = 1;
// The number of times the event occurred.
uint64 count = 2;
// Records that an event occurred a number of times.
message IntegerEvent {
// The event codes for the event that occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the metric definition.
repeated uint32 event_code = 1;
// The elapsed time in microseconds.
int64 value = 2;
// Records a frame-rate.
message StringEvent {
// The event codes for the event that occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the metric definition.
repeated uint32 event_code = 1;
// The associated system component
string string_value = 2;
// Records a histogram over a set of integer buckets. The semantics of the
// Metric must be specified in comments near the Metric definition. The
// numerical values of the buckets is specified in the |int_buckets|
// field of the MetricDefinition.
message IntegerHistogramEvent {
// The event codes for the event that occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the metric definition.
repeated uint32 event_code = 1;
// The set of bucket indices and their corresponding counts.
repeated HistogramBucket buckets = 3;