blob: f7e06cd9f6e6d8cd74f485dda1d9694e016045d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "src/lib/util/file_system.h"
#include "src/lib/util/protected_fields.h"
#include "src/logger/internal_metrics.h"
#include "src/observation_store/envelope_maker.h"
#include "src/observation_store/observation_store.h"
#include "src/public/diagnostics_interface.h"
#include "src/public/lib/statusor/statusor.h"
#include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
namespace cobalt::observation_store {
// FileObservationStore is an implementation of ObservationStore that persists
// observations to a file system.
// The store returns FileEnvelopeHolders from calls to TakeNextEnvelopeHolder().
// As long as there are FileEnvelopeHolders that have not been returned or
// deleted, the store should not be destroyed.
// This object is thread safe.
class FileObservationStore : public ObservationStore {
// FileEnvelopeHolder is an implementation of
// ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder.
// It represents the envelope as a list of filenames. The observations are not
// actually read into memory until a call to GetEnvelope() is made.
// Note: This object is not thread safe.
class FileEnvelopeHolder : public EnvelopeHolder {
// |fs|. An implementation of FileSystem used to interact with the system's filesystem.
// |store|. A pointer to the store from which this envelope holder came from.
// NOTE: This value cannot be null, and it is expected that the ObservationStore will
// outlive the FileEnvelopeHolder object.
// |root_directory|. The absolute path to the directory where the observation files are written.
// (e.g. /system/data/cobalt_legacy)
// |file_name|. The file name for the file containing the observations.
util::FileSystem &fs, FileObservationStore &store,
// TODO( NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters)
std::string root_directory, const std::string &file_name)
: fs_(fs),
file_names_({file_name}) {}
~FileEnvelopeHolder() override;
void MergeWith(std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> container) override;
const Envelope &GetEnvelope(util::EncryptedMessageMaker *encrypter) override;
size_t Size() override;
const std::set<std::string> &file_names() { return file_names_; }
void clear() { file_names_.clear(); }
std::string FullPath(const std::string &filename) const;
util::FileSystem &fs_;
FileObservationStore &store_;
const std::string root_directory_;
// file_names contains a set of file names that contain observations.
// These files should all be read into |envelope| when GetEnvelope is
// called.
std::set<std::string> file_names_;
bool envelope_read_ = false;
Envelope envelope_;
size_t cached_file_size_ = 0;
class FilenameGenerator {
// Default constructor: Uses std::chrono::system_clock to calculate the
// unix timestamp.
// Override the default method of calculating the current unix timestamp.
// |now| A function that returns the current unix timestamp (in milliseconds
// since the unix epoch).
explicit FilenameGenerator(std::function<int64_t()> now);
// GenerateFilename returns a unique filename. It is based on the current
// timestamp and a random number to avoid collisions.
std::string GenerateFilename() const;
std::function<int64_t()> now_;
mutable std::random_device random_dev_;
mutable std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> random_int_;
// |fs|. An implementation of FileSystem used to interact with the system's
// filesystem.
// |root_directory|. The absolute path to the directory where the observation
// files should be written. (e.g. /system/data/cobalt_legacy)
// |name| is used in log messages to distinguish this instance of
// FileObservationStore.
FileObservationStore(size_t max_bytes_per_observation, size_t max_bytes_per_envelope,
size_t max_bytes_total, util::FileSystem &fs,
DiagnosticsInterface *diagnostics, std::string root_directory,
std::string name = "FileObservationStore",
logger::InternalMetrics *internal_metrics = nullptr);
using ObservationStore::StoreObservation;
Status StoreObservation(std::unique_ptr<StoredObservation> observation,
std::unique_ptr<ObservationMetadata> metadata) override;
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> TakeNextEnvelopeHolder() override;
void ReturnEnvelopeHolder(std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> envelopes) override;
size_t Size() const override;
bool Empty() const override;
void DeleteData() override;
void ResetInternalMetrics(logger::InternalMetrics *internal_metrics) override {
const logger::InternalMetrics *internal_metrics() const override {
return internal_metrics_.get();
// ListFinalizedFiles lists all files in root directory that match the format
// <13-digit timestamp>-<7 digit random number>.data
std::vector<std::string> ListFinalizedFiles() const;
struct Fields {
bool metadata_written;
// last_written_metadata is a string encoding of the last metadata written
// to the active_file. If another observation comes in with an identical
// metadata, it is not necessary to write it again.
std::string last_written_metadata;
std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> active_file;
// files_taken lists the filenames that have been "Taken" from the store.
// These should not be used to construct EnvelopeHolders for
// TakeNextEnvelopeHolder(). If an EnvelopeHolder is returned, the
// associated file names should also be removed from this list.
std::set<std::string> files_taken;
// The total size in bytes of the finalized files. This should be kept up to
// date as files are added to/removed from the store.
size_t finalized_bytes;
util::ProtectedFields<Fields> protected_fields_;
// GetOldestFinalizedFile returns a file name for the oldest file in the
// store.
lib::statusor::StatusOr<std::string> GetOldestFinalizedFile(
util::ProtectedFields<Fields>::LockedFieldsPtr *fields) const;
// FullPath returns the absolute path to the filename by prefixing the file
// name with the root directory.
std::string FullPath(const std::string &filename) const;
bool FinalizeActiveFile(util::ProtectedFields<Fields>::LockedFieldsPtr *fields);
// GetActiveFile returns a pointer to the current OstreamOutputStream. If the
// file is not yet opened, it will be opened by this function.
// If this function is unable to open a file (if the file system is full for
// example) it will return nullptr.
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream *GetActiveFile(
util::ProtectedFields<Fields>::LockedFieldsPtr *fields);
util::FileSystem &fs_;
DiagnosticsInterface *diagnostics_;
const std::string root_directory_;
const std::string active_file_name_;
const std::string name_;
FilenameGenerator filename_generator_;
logger::InternalMetricsPtr internal_metrics_;
} // namespace cobalt::observation_store