blob: 8ceb1ce097ea7e61ae8b5037a557769b7bc723e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/local_aggregation/local_aggregation.h"
#include "src/logger/event_record.h"
#include "src/logger/observation_writer.h"
#include "src/pb/event.pb.h"
#include "src/pb/observation.pb.h"
#include "src/public/lib/status.h"
#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/report_definition.pb.h"
namespace cobalt::logger::internal {
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
// EventLogger is an abstract interface used internally in to
// dispatch logging logic based on Metric type. Below we create subclasses
// of EventLogger for each of several Metric types.
class EventLogger {
EventLogger(local_aggregation::LocalAggregation& local_aggregation,
const ObservationWriter& observation_writer,
const system_data::SystemDataInterface& system_data,
util::CivilTimeConverterInterface& civil_time_converter)
: local_aggregation_(local_aggregation),
civil_time_converter_(civil_time_converter) {}
virtual ~EventLogger() = default;
// Factory for creating an appropriate EventLogger subclass for the type of metric being logged.
// |metric_type| is the type of metric to be logged with the created event logger.
// The remaining parameters are passed to the EventLogger constructor.
static std::unique_ptr<EventLogger> Create(
MetricDefinition::MetricType metric_type,
local_aggregation::LocalAggregation& local_aggregation,
const ObservationWriter& observation_writer,
const system_data::SystemDataInterface& system_data,
util::CivilTimeConverterInterface& civil_time_converter);
// Finds the Metric with the given ID. Expects that this has type
// |expected_metric_type|. If not logs an error and returns.
// If so then logs the Event specified by |event_record| to Cobalt.
// The |event_timestamp| is recorded as the time the event occurred at.
Status Log(std::unique_ptr<EventRecord> event_record,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& event_timestamp);
// Prepare an event for logging, and validate that it is suitable.
Status PrepareAndValidateEvent(uint32_t metric_id, MetricDefinition::MetricType expected_type,
EventRecord* event_record);
local_aggregation::LocalAggregation& local_aggregation() { return local_aggregation_; }
// Validates the supplied event_codes against the defined metric dimensions
// in the MetricDefinition.
virtual Status ValidateEventCodes(const MetricDefinition& metric,
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& full_metric_name);
friend class EventLoggersAddEventTest;
friend class EventLoggersLocalAggregationTest;
// Validate that the event is suitable for logging.
// Most of the event validation should be done here, as this occurs at the time
// the event occurs.
virtual Status ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record);
// Finishes setting up the event using |event_timestamp| as the time the event occurred at,
// and then performs any final validation of the |event_record|.
Status FinalizeEvent(EventRecord* event_record,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& event_timestamp);
// Traces an |event_record| into a string if the metric is tagged with
// also_log_locally. If not, it will return the empty string.
static std::string TraceEvent(const EventRecord& event_record);
// Logs a trace of an |event_record| that failed to be logged to Cobalt.
// |status| The status code reported to the user.
// |event_record| The event_record associated with the event.
// |trace| The string output from TraceEvent().
// |report| Information about the report for which the logging failed.
static void TraceLogFailure(const Status& status, const EventRecord& event_record,
const std::string& trace, const ReportDefinition& report);
// Logs a trace of an |event_record| that successfully logged to Cobalt.
// |event_record| The event_record associated with the event.
// |trace| The string output from TraceEvent().
static void TraceLogSuccess(const EventRecord& event_record, const std::string& trace);
local_aggregation::LocalAggregation& local_aggregation_;
const ObservationWriter& observation_writer_;
const system_data::SystemDataInterface& system_data_;
util::CivilTimeConverterInterface& civil_time_converter_;
// Implementation of EventLogger for metrics of type OCCURRENCE.
class OccurrenceEventLogger : public EventLogger {
using EventLogger::EventLogger;
~OccurrenceEventLogger() override = default;
Status ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) override;
// Implementation of EventLogger for metrics of type INTEGER.
class IntegerEventLogger : public EventLogger {
using EventLogger::EventLogger;
~IntegerEventLogger() override = default;
Status ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) override;
// Implementation of EventLogger for metrics of type INTEGER_HISTOGRAM.
class IntegerHistogramEventLogger : public EventLogger {
using EventLogger::EventLogger;
~IntegerHistogramEventLogger() override = default;
Status ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) override;
// Implementation of EventLogger for metrics of type STRING.
class StringEventLogger : public EventLogger {
using EventLogger::EventLogger;
~StringEventLogger() override = default;
Status ValidateEvent(const EventRecord& event_record) override;
} // namespace cobalt::logger::internal