blob: 80ed53886caf96c07901b6e85b3ac348a3c251a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/logger/logger_interface.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/public/lib/clock_interfaces.h"
#include "src/public/lib/registry_identifiers.h"
#include "src/public/lib/report_spec.h"
#include "src/system_data/system_data.h"
namespace cobalt {
// CobaltService is the primary public interface for Cobalt on client platforms.
class CobaltServiceInterface {
virtual ~CobaltServiceInterface() = default;
// NewLogger returns a new instance of a Logger object based on the provided |project_context|.
virtual std::unique_ptr<logger::LoggerInterface> NewLogger(
std::unique_ptr<logger::ProjectContext> project_context) = 0;
// NewLogger returns a new instance of a Logger object using the customer_id and project_id based
// on the registry provided in the config. If the project is not found, this will return nullptr.
// If no registry was provided, this will crash.
virtual std::unique_ptr<logger::LoggerInterface> NewLogger(uint32_t customer_id,
uint32_t project_id) = 0;
// NewLogger returns a new instance of a Logger object using the customer_id and project_id based
// on the registry provided in the config. If the project is not found, this will return nullptr.
// If no registry was provided, this will crash. This method also allows for
// setting experiment_id information.
virtual std::unique_ptr<logger::LoggerInterface> NewLogger(
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, std::vector<uint32_t> experiment_ids) = 0;
// SystemClockIsAccurate lets CobaltService know that it no longer needs to maintain an
// UndatedEventManager, and can flush the data from it into the observation store.
// This method should be used at most once in the lifetime of a CobaltServiceInterface object.
// |system_clock|: An instance of SystemClockInterface that is used to add a timestamp to all of
// the events that were received before the system clock was made accurate. It is then given to
// the EventAggregator if |start_event_aggregator_worker| is true.
virtual void SystemClockIsAccurate(std::unique_ptr<util::SystemClockInterface> system_clock,
bool start_event_aggregator_worker) = 0;
// system_data returns a pointer to the internal SystemDataInterface object. This should only be
// used for updating the Experiment state or channel in the system data.
virtual system_data::SystemDataInterface* system_data() = 0;
// system_data_ref returns a reference to the internal SystemDataInterface object. This should be
// used instead of system_data().
virtual system_data::SystemDataInterface& system_data_ref() = 0;
enum class DataCollectionPolicy {
// In COLLECT_AND_UPLOAD mode, we collect and upload data as normal.
// In DO_NOT_UPLOAD mode, we collect data but do not upload it. This is intended to be a
// temporary state, and should be followed by setting the policy to either COLLECT_AND_UPLOAD or
// In DO_NOT_COLLECT mode, we silently drop all logged events. When switching to DO_NOT_COLLECT
// mode, all stored device-specific data will be deleted.
// Sets the data collection policy.
virtual void SetDataCollectionPolicy(DataCollectionPolicy policy) = 0;
// Triggers an out of schedule generation of aggregate observations for rolling windows ending
// now.
// Returns the result of the generation.
// This method is intended for use in cobalt embeddings where running the local aggregation
// background threads is undesirable. This should only be called if
// CobaltConfig::start_worker_threads is false.
// This method should be called before attempting to read observations from the ObservationStore
// for uploading, to make sure that the most up-to-date aggregated observations have been created.
virtual Status GenerateAggregatedObservations() = 0;
// The remaining methods are mostly useful for testing the Cobalt system.
// Triggers an out of schedule generation of aggregate observations for rolling windows ending on
// |final_day_index_utc|.
// Returns the result of the generation.
// This method is intended for use in the Cobalt testapps which require a single thread to
// both log events to and generate Observations from an EventAggregator.
virtual Status GenerateAggregatedObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc) = 0;
// Returns the number of Observations that have been added to the ObservationStore.
[[nodiscard]] virtual uint64_t num_observations_added() const = 0;
// Returns a vector containing the number of Observations that have been added
// to the ObservationStore for each specified report.
[[nodiscard]] virtual std::vector<uint64_t> num_observations_added_for_reports(
const std::vector<lib::ReportIdentifier>& report_specs) const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<uint64_t> num_observations_added_for_reports(
const std::vector<lib::ReportSpec>& report_specs) const {
std::vector<lib::ReportIdentifier> identifiers;
for (const lib::ReportSpec& spec : report_specs) {
return num_observations_added_for_reports(identifiers);
using SendCallback = std::function<void(bool)>;
// Register a request for an expedited send of observations to the server. The
// accumulated unsent Observations will be sent as soon as possible (with some rate limiting).
// |send_callback| will be invoked with the result of the requested send
// attempt. More precisely, send_callback will be invoked after the
// attempt to send all of the outstanding Observations. It will be invoked with true if all such
// Observations were successfully sent. It will be invoked with false if some
// Observations were not able to be sent, but the status of any particular
// Observation may not be determined. This is useful mainly in tests.
virtual void ShippingRequestSendSoon(const SendCallback& send_callback) = 0;
// Blocks for |max_wait| seconds or until the sending of all previously added Observations is
// complete.
virtual void WaitUntilShippingIdle(std::chrono::seconds max_wait) = 0;
// Courtesy signal for Cobalt to begin a graceful shutdown.
// Cobalt may be terminated before the shut down process is complete. The
// amount of time before this occurs depends on caller. No metrics should be
// logged after the shutdown signal is sent.
virtual void ShutDown() = 0;
// These diagnostic stats are mostly useful in a testing environment but
// may possibly prove useful in production also.
[[nodiscard]] virtual size_t num_shipping_send_attempts() const = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual size_t num_shipping_failed_attempts() const = 0;
} // namespace cobalt