blob: 7fd23ce248d7549516eeb9ca039f929269bf54fb [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "src/pb/common.proto";
// NOTE: This file is used by the Cobalt server and not by the client. It is
// included in the client repo only for reference. The canonical version of this
// file is located in Google's internal code repository, and the file is
// automatically copied to Cobalt's open source Git repo. Do
// not edit the copy of this file in the open-source Cobalt Git repo as those
// edits will be overwritten when the file is next copied.
// A row of output for reports that use the OCCURRENCE_COUNTS global aggregation
// This row gives a total count that is associated with a date, a system_profile
// and an event_vector.
message OccurrenceCountReportRow {
// The report date. This is the date on which the local aggregation period
// ended, as measured on the device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The event_vector labels for this row.
// There will be one event_label for each metric dimension
// that was included in the report, in the order the dimensions are declared
// in the ReportDefinition. If the ReportDefinition specifies no metric
// dimensions should be included then this repeated field will be empty.
// For each dimension, if the event_code in that dimension of the event_vector
// has not been assigned a label, then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_labels = 3;
// The sum of the `counts`s associated with this row's event_vector, from all
// Observations included in the report from devices with the `system_profile`.
// Unless the report is configured to not use any local differential privacy
// noise, this value is an estimate. Also the value is truncated to
double count = 4;
// The expected Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the `count` field.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report, and that use the Poisson
// privacy mechanism.
double privacy_enabled_rms_error = 6;
// The number of devices that have the report and could be reporting data.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report.
int64 privacy_enabled_device_count = 5;
// A row of output for reports that use the INTEGER_HISTOGRAMS global
// This row gives the count for one bucket of an int-range histogram
// associated with a date, a system_profile and an event_vector.
message IntegerHistogramReportRow {
// The report date. This is the date on which the local aggregation period
// ended, as measured on the device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The event_vector labels for this row.
// There will be one event_label for each metric dimension
// that was included in the report, in the order the dimensions are declared
// in the ReportDefinition. If the ReportDefinition specifies no metric
// dimensions should be included then this repeated field will be empty.
// For each dimension, if the event_code in that dimension of the event_vector
// has not been assigned a label, then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_labels = 3;
// The *inclusive* upper and lower bounds for this bucket.
// required: bucket_min_value <= bucket_max_value. The bucket consists
// of integers in the interval [bucket_min_value, bucket_max_value].
int64 bucket_min_value = 4;
int64 bucket_max_value = 5;
// The bucket index, which is useful for sorting the data in visualizations.
int32 bucket_index = 6;
// The number of values that fall in this bucket. Unless the report is
// configured to not use any local differential privacy noise, this value is
// an estimate. Also the value is truncated to MAX_DOUBLE.
double count = 7;
// The expected Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the `count` field.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report, and that use the Poisson
// privacy mechanism.
double privacy_enabled_rms_error = 9;
// The number of devices that have the report and could be reporting data.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report.
int64 privacy_enabled_device_count = 8;
// A row of output for reports that use the SUM_AND_COUNTS global aggregation
// procedure, namely reports of type FLEETWIDE_MEANS. The goal of such a report
// is to compute the mean of a set of event values when each device in the fleet
// contributues a different number of event values. The fleetwide mean is
// given by sum/count. We emit sum and count separately so that a
// post-processing step (such as within a dashboard) may compute the mean over
// larger populations such as multiple days, multiple system_profiles, or
// multiple event_vectors.
// This row gives the sum and count associated with a date, a system_profile
// and an event_vector.
message SumAndCountReportRow {
// The report date. This is the date on which the local aggregation period
// ended, as measured on the device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The event_vector labels for this row.
// There will be one event_label for each metric dimension
// that was included in the report, in the order the dimensions are declared
// in the ReportDefinition. If the ReportDefinition specifies no metric
// dimensions should be included then this repeated field will be empty.
// For each dimension, if the event_code in that dimension of the event_vector
// has not been assigned a label, then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_labels = 3;
// The sum of all of the `sum` fields from all of the Observations included
// in the report that are associated with this row's event_vector and from
// devices with the `system_profile`.
// Unless the report is configured to not use any local differential privacy
// noise, this value is an estimate. Also the value is truncated to
double sum = 4;
// The sum of all of the `count` fields from all of the Observations included
// in the report that are associated with this row's event_vector and from
// devices with the `system_profile`.
// Unless the report is configured to not use any local differential privacy
// noise, this value is an estimate. Also the value is truncated to
double count = 5;
// The expected Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the `sum` and `count`
// fields.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report, and that use the Poisson
// privacy mechanism.
double privacy_enabled_rms_error = 7;
// The number of devices that have the report and could be reporting data.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report.
int64 privacy_enabled_device_count = 6;
// A row of output for reports that use the NUMERIC_STATS global aggregation
// This row gives the numeric statistics associated with a date, a
// system_profile and an event_vector.
message NumericStatsReportRow {
// The report date. This is the date on which the local aggregation period
// ended, as measured on the device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The event_vector labels for this row.
// There will be one event_label for each metric dimension
// that was included in the report, in the order the dimensions are declared
// in the ReportDefinition. If the ReportDefinition specifies no metric
// dimensions should be included then this repeated field will be empty.
// For each dimension, if the event_code in that dimension of the event_vector
// has not been assigned a label, then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_labels = 3;
// Each of the statistics below are computed over the set of all values
// that are associated with the event_vector for this row
// from all Observations that contributed to the report that are
// from devices with the `system_profile`. Unless the report is
// configured to not use any local differential privacy noise, each of these
// value is an estimate and has been truncated to fit in a double.
// The sum of all the values.
double sum = 4;
// The sum of the squares of the differences from the mean.
double sum_of_squares = 5;
// The count of the number of values.
double count = 6;
// The count of the number of values (already included in `count`) that are
// zero.
double zero_count = 7;
// 1st percentile.
double percentile_1 = 101;
// 5th percentile.
double percentile_5 = 105;
// 10th percentile.
double percentile_10 = 110;
// 25th percentile.
double percentile_25 = 125;
// 50th percentile.
double percentile_50 = 150;
// 75th percentile.
double percentile_75 = 175;
// 90th percentile.
double percentile_90 = 190;
// 95th percentile.
double percentile_95 = 195;
// 99th percentile.
double percentile_99 = 199;
// The expected Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the statistics fields above.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report, and that use the Poisson
// privacy mechanism.
double privacy_enabled_rms_error = 9;
// The number of devices that have the report and could be reporting data.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report.
int64 privacy_enabled_device_count = 8;
// A row of output for reports that utilize the STRING_HISTOGRAMS global
// aggregation procedure, for the STRING_COUNTS and UNIQUE_DEVICE_STRING_COUNTS
// report types.
// This row gives one string and its associated count of occurrences for the
// string associated with a date, a system_profile and an event_vector.
message StringCountReportRow {
// The report date. This is the date on which the local aggregation period
// ended, as measured on the device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The event_vector labels for this row.
// There will be one event_label for each metric dimension
// that was included in the report, in the order the dimensions are declared
// in the ReportDefinition. If the ReportDefinition specifies no metric
// dimensions should be included then this repeated field will be empty.
// For each dimension, if the event_code in that dimension of the event_vector
// has not been assigned a label, then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_labels = 3;
// The string value. One of the candidate strings, or the string "<other>".
string string_value = 4;
// The count for this string. Unless the report is configured to not use any
// local differential privacy noise, each of these value is an estimate and
// has been truncated to fit in a double. Also the value is truncated to
double count = 5;
// The expected Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for the `count` field.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report, and that use the Poisson
// privacy mechanism.
double privacy_enabled_rms_error = 7;
// The number of devices that have the report and could be reporting data.
// This value will only be set for reports that have a privacy_level set that
// enables differential privacy for the report.
int64 privacy_enabled_device_count = 6;
// Report row types below are no longer used for the current Cobalt report
// types. They were used in old Cobalt reports that were deleted, but still
// have data stored for them.
// TODO(b/250660054): remove the messages below when they are no longer used.
// A row of output for a report of type SIMPLE_OCCURRENCE_COUNT.
// Gives the total daily, fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of an
// event with a particular event code, on a particular day, considering only
// devices matching a particular system profile.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message SimpleOccurrenceCountReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The label for the event code associated with the events that occurred. If
// the event_code has not been assigned a label (in the event_codes field of
// the MetricDefinition) then this will be a string of the form
// "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
string event_code = 3;
// The total count of the event occurrence on the `date`, over all reporting
// devices with the `system_profile`. Unless `local_privacy_noise_level` in
// the Reportdefintion is set to NONE, this value is an estimate.
float count = 4;
// An estimate of the standard error in the value of the `count`. This will
// be zero if `local_privacy_noise_level` in the Reportdefintion is NONE.
// Multiply this value by z_{alpha/2} to obtain the radius of an approximate
// 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval. For example an approximate 95%
// confidence interval for the count is given by
// (count_estimate - 1.96*std_error, count_estimate + 1.96 * std_error)
// because 1.96 ~= z_{.025} meaning that P(Z > 1.96) ~= 0.025 where
// Z ~ Normal(0, 1).
float std_err = 5;
// A row of output for a report of type EVENT_COMPONENT_OCCURRENCE_COUNT.
// Gives the total daily fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of an
// event with a particular event code, for a particular component, on a
// particular day, considering only devices matching a particular system
// profile.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message EventComponentOccurrenceCountReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// `candidate_list` or `candidate_file` fields). There are also two special
// values of `component`.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// The total sum of the event occurrence counts for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all
// reporting devices with the `system_profile`.
int64 sum = 5;
// The count of Observations that contributed to the `sum`.
int64 count = 6;
// A row of output for a report of type NUMERIC_AGGREGATION.
// Gives the total daily fleet-wide statistics of a numerical metric, for a
// particular event code, for a particular component, on a particular day,
// considering only devices matching a particular system profile. The
// statistics include the number of observations, the mean, median, minimum,
// maximum, and sum.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message NumericAggregationReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// `candidate_list` or `candidate_file` fields). There are also two special
// values of `component`.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// The count of Observations that contributed to the statistics.
int64 count = 5;
// The mean value of the collected Observation values for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting devices
// with the `system_profile`.
float mean = 6;
// The median value of the collected Observation values for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting devices
// with the `system_profile`.
int64 median = 7;
// The minimum value of the collected Observation values for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting devices
// with the `system_profile`.
int64 min = 8;
// The maximum value of the collected Observation values for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting devices
// with the `system_profile`.
int64 max = 9;
// The total sum of the collected Observation values for events with the
// `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting devices
// with the `system_profile`.
int64 sum = 10;
// A mapping of percentiles of the collected Observation values for events
// with the `event_code` and `component`, on the `date`, over all reporting
// devices with the `system_profile`. The key is a percentile between 0 and
// 100, and the value is the fleet-wide observed value at that percentile.
map<uint32, int64> percentiles = 11;
// A row of output for a report of type INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM.
// Gives the value for one bucket of an integer range histogram, aggregated
// over the fleet, for a particular event code, a particular component, on a
// particular day, considering only devices matching a particular system
// profile.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message IntRangeHistogramReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// `candidate_list` or `candidate_file` fields). There are also two special
// values of `component`.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// String describing the interval of integers for this bucket, such as
// "10-15".
string bucket_name = 5;
// The count for this bucket.
int64 bucket_count = 6;
// The bucket index, which is useful for sorting the data in visualizations.
int32 bucket_index = 7;
// A row of output for a report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES.
// Gives an estimate of the number of devices with a particular system profile
// which experienced at least one event with a particular event code, during a
// particular time window.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message UniqueActivesReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date of the last day of the aggregation window, as measured on the
// device. This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The size in days of the aggregation window (deprecated).
uint32 window_size = 4;
// A string describing the aggregation window, with units in hours or days.
// The format is Nh (for a window of N hours) or Nd (for a window of N days).
string aggregation_window = 8;
// The total count of active devices over the aggregation window, over all
// reporting devices with the `system_profile`. Unless
// `local_privacy_noise_level` in the Reportdefintion is set to NONE, this
// value is an estimate.
float active_count = 5;
// An estimate of the standard error in the value of `active_count`. This will
// be zero if `local_privacy_noise_level` in the ReportDefinition is NONE.
// Multiply this value by z_{alpha/2} to obtain the radius of an approximate
// 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval. For example an approximate 95%
// confidence interval for the count is given by
// (count_estimate - 1.96*std_error, count_estimate + 1.96 * std_error)
// because 1.96 ~= z_{.025} meaning that P(Z > 1.96) ~= 0.025 where
// Z ~ Normal(0, 1).
float std_err = 6;
// The total number of Observations received for the aggregation window,
// over all reporting devices with the `system_profile`. This is equal to
// the total number of Fuchsia devices with `system_profile` which were
// awake at a time that locally aggregated Observations for this
// ReportDefinition and this aggregation window were created and uploaded,
// whether or not `event_code` occurred on the device during the window.
int64 sample_size = 7;
// A row of output for a report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS.
// Gives statistics over all devices of the sum of the numeric values associated
// with a particular kind of event, over all occurrences of that event on
// individual devices, over a particular time window.
// For example, if used with an EVENT_COUNT metric, reports statistics over all
// devices of the number of occurrences of an event on each device during the
// window. If used with an ELAPSED_TIME metric, reports statistics over all
// devices of the total amount of time logged on each device during the window.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message PerDeviceNumericStatsReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date of the last day of the on-device aggregation window, as measured
// on the device, using the time zone policy of the report's parent metric.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// `candidate_list` or `candidate_file` fields). There are also two special
// values of `component`:
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// The size in days of the aggregation window (deprecated).
uint32 window_size = 5;
// A string describing the aggregation window, with units in hours or days.
// The format is Nh (for a window of N hours) or Nd (for a window of N days).
string aggregation_window = 9;
// The mean of the values contributing to this report row.
float mean = 6;
// The standard deviation of the values contributing to this report row.
float stddev = 7;
// The number of devices reporting a nonzero value for this report row.
int64 unique_actives = 8;
// Percentiles: the value of `percentile_N` is the smallest value k
// contributed by a device to this report row such that at least N percent
// of devices reported a value less than or equal to k.
// 1st percentile.
int64 percentile_1 = 101;
// 5th percentile.
int64 percentile_5 = 105;
// 25th percentile.
int64 percentile_25 = 125;
// 50th percentile.
int64 percentile_50 = 150;
// 75th percentile.
int64 percentile_75 = 175;
// 95th percentile.
int64 percentile_95 = 195;
// 99th percentile.
int64 percentile_99 = 199;
// The number of unique devices that contributed to this report row. This is
// equal to the number of ReportParticipationObservations received by
// the ReportGenerator for this report, aggregation window size, and date.
int64 sample_size = 200;
// A row of output for a report of type PER_DEVICE_HISTOGRAM.
// Gives the value for one bucket of an integer range histogram, aggregated
// over the fleet, for a particular event code, a particular component, on a
// particular day with a particular aggregation_window, considering only devices
// matching a particular system profile.
// DEPRECATED: no longer used in the latest version of Cobalt. Retained until
// stored Cobalt data no longer uses this row type.
message PerDeviceHistogramReportRow {
option deprecated = true;
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// `system_profile_field` entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The labels for the event codes associated with the events that occurred.
// There is one label for each metric_dimension in the metric definition. If
// an event code has not been assigned a label this will be a string of the
// form "<code 42>", where `42` is the numeric event code observed.
repeated string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// `candidate_list` or `candidate_file` fields). There are also two special
// values of `component`.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// String describing the interval of integers for this bucket, such as
// "10-15".
string bucket_name = 5;
// The count for this bucket.
int64 bucket_count = 6;
// The bucket index, which is useful for sorting the data in visualizations.
int32 bucket_index = 7;
// A string describing the aggregation window, with units in hours or days.
// The format is Nh (for a window of N hours) or Nd (for a window of N days).
string aggregation_window = 8;
// The number of unique devices that contributed to this report row. This is
// equal to the number of ReportParticipationObservations received by
// the ReportGenerator for this report, aggregation window size, and date with
// the same SystemProfile.
int64 fleet_size = 9;