blob: 7fbbc317bdcbab7d1eb41d952cf3d74052152778 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "src/registry/annotations.proto";
import "src/registry/report_definition.proto";
option go_package = "config";
// A Metric is a category of Events that a user logs to Cobalt.
// A Metric belongs to a Project and has a name and a type.
// When an Event is logged in Cobalt's Logger interface, a Metric is
// specified and the Event then belongs to that Metric.
// A MetricDefinition includes a list of ReportDefinitions. These are the
// definitions of the Reports that should be run for that Metric. Generating a
// Report involves the Cobalt client sending Observations to the server based
// on the Events belonging to the Metric, and the server performing an analysis
// of those Observations in order to generate the Report output.
// When an Observation is sent from a Cobalt client to the server, it contains
// a Metric id and a Report id. This indicates that the
// Observation is derived from the Events belonging to the Metric for the
// purpose of generating the Report.
// A MetricDefinition is used to define a Metric.
// Next ID: 17
message MetricDefinition {
reserved 6, 7;
reserved "event_codes", "max_event_code";
// Unique name for this Metric within its owning project.
// The name must obey the syntax of a C variable name and must have length
// at most 64.
string metric_name = 1;
// The Cobalt config YAML parser will automatically set the values of
// customer_name and project_name based on the context of the YAML file.
string customer_name = 14 [(cobalt_options).hide_on_client = true];
string project_name = 15 [(cobalt_options).hide_on_client = true];
// These three numbers form this Metric's unique numerical ID in Cobalt. The
// Cobalt config YAML parser will automatically set the value of
// customer_id and project_id based on the context of the YAML file.
// The user must manually set the |id| field to a number uniquely identifying
// this Metric within its project.
uint32 customer_id = 2;
uint32 project_id = 3;
uint32 id = 4;
// A Metric has one of the following types.
// Next ID: 8
enum MetricType {
UNSET = 0;
// Records that an event has occurred.
// Event fields:
// - uint32 event_code # The event_code for the event that occurred.
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes. (For metrics of type EVENT_OCCURRED there
// must be exactly one).
// - max_num_event_codes # Upper bound on future growth of event_codes
// Compatible report types:
// Records that an event occurred a number of times.
// Event fields:
// - repeated uint32 event_code # The event codes for the event that
// occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the
// metric definition.
// - string component # The associated system component
// - int64 period_duration_micros # Time over which the count was taken
// - uint32 count # The number of times the event occurred.
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes.
// Compatible report types:
// Records an elapsed time.
// Event fields:
// - repeated uint32 event_code # The event codes for the event that
// occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the
// metric definition.
// - string component # The associated system component
// - int64 elapsed_micros # The elapsed time in microseconds.
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes.
// Compatible report types:
// Records a frame-rate.
// Event fields:
// - repeated uint32 event_code # The event codes for the event that
// occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the
// metric definition.
// - string component # The associated system component
// - int32 frame_rate # round(frames-per-second * 1000)
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes.
// Compatible report types:
// Records a memory-usage.
// Event fields:
// - repeated uint32 event_code # The event codes for the event that
// occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the
// metric definition.
// - string component # The associated system component
// - int64 bytes # Memory usage in bytes.
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes.
// Compatible report types:
// Records a histogram over a set of integer buckets. The semantics of the
// Metric must be specified in comments near the Metric definition. The
// numerical values of the buckets is specified below in the |int_buckets|
// field.
// This Metric type is intended to be used in situations where the client
// wishes to aggregate a large number of integer-valued measurements
// *in-process*, prior to submitting the data to Cobalt.
// Event fields:
// - repeated uint32 event_code # The event codes for the event that
// occurred. There must be one event code
// given for each dimension specified in the
// metric definition.
// - string component # The associated system component
// - vector<HistogramBucket> histogram # The histogram being logged.
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - int_buckets # The definition of the buckets
// - event_codes # Enumerated list of all possible event types
// - metric_dimensions # Extra user-defined dimensions for this metric. Each
// dimension consists of an enumerated set of event
// codes.
// Compatible report types:
// Records that a given string was used in a specific context. The semantics
// of the Metric must be specified in comments near the MetricDefintion.
// This metric type is intended to be used in the following situation:
// * The string being logged does not contain PII or passwords.
// * The set of all possible strings that may be logged is large.
// If the set is small consider using EVENT_OCCURED instead.
// * The ultimate data of interest is the statistical distribution of the
// most commonly used strings
// Event fields:
// - string s # The string that was used.
// MetricDefinition fields: None
// Compatible report types:
// Allows users of Cobalt to define custom Metrics with custom semantics and
// multiple parts, each with their own data type. A metric of this type is
// associated with a protocol buffer definition and proto messages of that
// type will be populated with the data logged for this metric. The
// semantics of the Metric and its parts should be specified in the .proto
// file. Each event logged for this Metric must have parts with names and
// types that corresponding to the fields of the associated proto.
// Event fields:
// vector<CustomEventValue> event_values # Named, typed values
// MetricDefinition fields:
// - proto_name # The fully qualified name of the protobuf associated with
// this Metric.
// Compatible report types:
CUSTOM = 9999;
MetricType metric_type = 5;
// A container for enumerated sets of event codes.
message MetricDimension {
string dimension = 1;
// The enumerated set of event codes for this dimension.
// The keys are the numeric codes and the values are the
// human-readable labels for the codes. It is OK to add new elements to this
// map or to change the spelling of labels after data collection has
// started. It is not OK to change the meaning of any of the codes.
map<uint32, string> event_codes = 2;
// max_event_code is the maximal value for any event in this dimension.
// Subject to the following rules:
// 1. If you specify max_event_code, you cannot use a value greater than
// that.
// 2. If you do not specify max_event_code, you can only use one of the
// explicitly registered values (event_codes).
// 3. For the purposes of validation, each dimension is assigned a number
// which is equal to max_event_code+1 if max_event_code is set, or else
// equal to the number of registered values. The product of all of these
// values must not exceed 1024.
// 4. Adding, removing, or changing max_event_code is allowed so long as the
// above rules are not violated.
// 5. For metrics of the type EVENT_OCCURRED, there may be only 1 dimension.
uint32 max_event_code = 3;
reserved 4;
reserved "also_treat_as_legacy";
// event_code_aliases is used by the code generator to generate additional
// enum variants. This is intended as a temporary step to allow a soft
// cross-repo rename of an event_code variant, and should be cleaned up as
// soon as possible.
// The expected use case is as follows (config abbridged for clarity):
// Step 1: Have a metric
// event_codes:
// - 0: BadName
// Step 2: Rename an event code, adding an alias
// event_codes:
// - 0: GoodName
// event_code_aliases:
// GoodName: BadName
// Step 3: After all references to `BadName` are removed
// event_codes:
// - 0: GoodName
map<string, string> event_code_aliases = 5;
// A list of MetricDimensions.
// This field is used in most Metric types.
repeated MetricDimension metric_dimensions = 16;
// The set of buckets for the histograms for this metric. This field is used
// only with metrics of type INT_HISTOGRAM
IntegerBuckets int_buckets = 8;
// Used only with metric_type = CUSTOM
// The keys are the names of the parts.
map<string, MetricPart> parts = 9 [deprecated = true];
// Used only with metric_type = CUSTOM
// The fully qualified name of the underlying proto used for custom metrics.
string proto_name = 13;
/////////// The rest of the fields are used with all Metric types ///////////
// A TimeZonePolicy specifies how the day_index of an Event should
// be computed based on the actual time of logging.
enum TimeZonePolicy {
// Use the date in UTC at logging time to compute the day_index.
UTC = 0;
// Use the local date at logging time to compute the day_index.
LOCAL = 1;
// The TimeZonePolicy for this Metric (Optional. Defaults to UTC)
TimeZonePolicy time_zone_policy = 10;
message Metadata {
// The date after which this metric is no longer valid. If this field is not
// supplied, the metric is considered currently expired, and is not
// guaranteed to be reported by cobalt.
// The date must be expressed in yyyy/mm/dd form.
// It may be at most one year in the future.
string expiration_date = 1 [(cobalt_options).hide_on_client = true];
// Primary contacts for questions/bugs regarding this metric (may be a
// group). This should be a fully qualified email address (e.g.
repeated string owner = 2 [(cobalt_options).hide_on_client = true];
// Maximum ReleaseStage for which this Metric is allowed to be collected.
ReleaseStage max_release_stage = 4;
// If 'also_log_locally' is true, Cobalt will log it when it receives events
// associated with this metric.
bool also_log_locally = 5;
Metadata meta_data = 11;
// The Reports to run for this Metric.
repeated ReportDefinition reports = 12;
// Stages in the release cycle of a component. Each Cobalt project declares
// its current ReleaseStage in its ProjectContext. Each Metric declares
// the maximum ReleaseStage for which it is allowed to be collected.
// For example a DEBUG Metric will not be collected in a FISHFOOD release .
enum ReleaseStage {
DEBUG = 10;
// Generally-available
GA = 99;
// For mertics of type = CUSTOM, a metric may have zero or more |string| to |MetricPart| mappings,
// that will be used when encoding an event.
// NOTE: This method of reporting custom metrics is now deprecated.
message MetricPart {
enum DataType {
// Values for this MetricPart are human-readable strings. Cobalt may
// display the strings in generated reports. A |ValuePart| for this
// MetricPart must have its |string_value| set.
// Values for this MetricPart are integers. A |ValuePart| encoded for this
// MetricPart must have its |int_value| set.
INT = 1;
// Values for this MetricPart are uninterpreted sequences of bytes. Cobalt
// will not try to interpret or display these values. A |ValuePart| encoded
// for this MetricPart must have its |blob_value| set.
BLOB = 2;
// Values for this MetricPart are non-negative integers that are
// interpreted as zero-based indices into some enumerated set that is
// specified outside of Cobalt's configuration. Human-readable labels may
// be associated with the indices in a Cobalt ReportConfig for the purpose
// of generating reports about this metric. During report generation, in
// case the ReportConfig does not specify a label for an index that occurs
// in the data, no error will occur but rather a temporary place-holder
// label such as "<index 42 (undefined)>" will be generated.
// Additionally, a maximum value for the indices may be specified by an
// EncodingConfig if the associated encoding mechanism requires it.
// A |ValuePart| for this MetricPart must have its |index_value| set.
INDEX = 3;
// Values for this MetricPart are double-precision floating point numbers.
// A |ValuePart| encoded for this MetricPart must have its |double_value|
// set.
// A human-readable description of this MetricPart. This should include
// a specification of the "semantic type" of this part. For example the
// description might include the phrase "This is an eTLD+1."
string description = 1;
// The data-type for this MetricPart.
DataType data_type = 2;
// This may only be set if |data_type| is |INT|. If this is set, a ValuePart
// for this MetricPart may contain a BucketDistribution instead of an int. In
// that case the ValuePart represents many integer observations rather than a
// single integer observation.
// Only one MetricPart per Metric may have this field set.
IntegerBuckets int_buckets = 3;
// ID of the defult encoding scheme to use to encode this MetricPart if no
// other encoding ID is given.
uint32 default_encoding_id = 4;