blob: 087c4c3ece7908b7d32eee79ca288a9092a4a049 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
option go_package = "config";
// A specification of a field from SystemProfile. These are used in a Metric to
// specify which fields should be included in collected Observations and they
// are used in a ReportConfig to specify which fields should be included in each
// row of a generated report.
enum SystemProfileField {
OS = 0;
ARCH = 1;
// ExponentialIntegerBuckets is used to define a partition of the integers into
// a finite number of buckets of exponentially-increasing size.
// Let n = num_buckets. Then there are n+2 buckets indexed 0,...,n+1.
// Bucket 0 is the underflow bucket: (-infinity, floor)
// Bucket n+1 is the overflow bucket:
// [lower + initial_step * step_multiplier ^ n, +infinity)
// For i = 1 to n, the bucket i is defined as
// [floor + initial_step * step_multiplier ^ (i-1), floor + initial_step *
// step_multiplier ^ i)
// Example: floor = 0, num_buckets = 3, initial_step = 10, step_multiplier = 10.
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 10), [10, 100), [100, 1000), [1000, +inifinity)
message ExponentialIntegerBuckets {
int64 floor = 1;
// num_buckets must be at least 1.
uint32 num_buckets = 2;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 initial_step = 3;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 step_multiplier = 4;
// LinearIntegerBuckets is used to define a partition of the integers into a
// finite number of buckets of equal size.
// Let n = num_buckets. Then there are n+2 buckets indexed 0,...,n+1.
// Bucket 0 is the underflow bucket: (-infinity, floor)
// Bucket n+1 is the overflow bucket: [lower + step_size * n, +infinity)
// For i = 1 to n, the bucket i is defined as
// [floor + step_size * (i-1), floor + step_size * i)
// Example: floor = 0, num_buckets = 3, step_size = 10.
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30), [30, +inifinity)
message LinearIntegerBuckets {
int64 floor = 1;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 num_buckets = 2;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 step_size = 3;
message IntegerBuckets {
oneof buckets {
ExponentialIntegerBuckets exponential = 1;
LinearIntegerBuckets linear = 2;
// A |Metric| is composed of one or more |MetricParts|. A |MetricPart| has a
// name which is specified as the key in the |parts| field of |Metric|, a
// description and a data type which specifies the type of a |ValuePart| that
// should be encoded for this MetricPart.
message MetricPart {
enum DataType {
// Values for this MetricPart are human-readable strings. Cobalt may
// display the strings in generated reports. A |ValuePart| for this
// MetricPart must have its |string_value| set.
// Values for this MetricPart are integers. A |ValuePart| encoded for this
// MetricPart must have its |int_value| set.
INT = 1;
// Values for this MetricPart are uninterpreted sequences of bytes. Cobalt
// will not try to interpret or display these values. A |ValuePart| encoded
// for this MetricPart must have its |blob_value| set.
BLOB = 2;
// Values for this MetricPart are non-negative integers that are
// interpreted as zero-based indices into some enumerated set that is
// specified outside of Cobalt's configuration. Human-readable labels may
// be associated with the indices in a Cobalt ReportConfig for the purpose
// of generating reports about this metric. During report generation, in
// case the ReportConfig does not specify a label for an index that occurs
// in the data, no error will occur but rather a temporary place-holder
// label such as "<index 42 (undefined)>" will be generated.
// Additionally, a maximum value for the indices may be specified by an
// EncodingConfig if the associated encoding mechanism requires it.
// A |ValuePart| for this MetricPart must have its |index_value| set.
INDEX = 3;
// Values for this MetricPart are double-precision floating point numbers.
// A |ValuePart| encoded for this MetricPart must have its |double_value|
// set.
// A human-readable description of this MetricPart. This should include
// a specification of the "semantic type" of this part. For example the
// description might include the phrase "This is an eTLD+1."
string description = 1;
// The data-type for this MetricPart.
DataType data_type = 2;
// This may only be set if |data_type| is |INT|. If this is set, a ValuePart
// for this MetricPart may contain a BucketDistribution instead of an int. In
// that case the ValuePart represents many integer observations rather than a
// single integer observation.
// Only one MetricPart per Metric may have this field set.
IntegerBuckets int_buckets = 3;
// A Metric represents a real-world value to be observed and reported by Cobalt.
// For example "Fuchsia Usage Hour-of-the-day" might be a metric that measures
// Fuchsia system usage as a function of the hour of the day.
// Each Observation from the Encoder is for a particular metric.
// Each Observation for the metric "Fuchsia Usage Hour-of-the-day" would
// report the hour of the day for a particular usage of Fuchsia.
// A Metric has one or more named parts and each Observation sent by the Encoder
// must contain ObservationParts corresponding to these Metric parts.
// For example the Metric described above might have only one part named
// "hour" and so each Observation for this metric should have a single
// ObservationPart named "hour". On the other hand the Metric "Fuchsia Usage
// City-and-Rating" might have two parts called "City" and "Rating".
message Metric {
// Next ID: 10
// These three numbers form this Metric's unique ID in the Cobalt Config
// DB.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 id = 3;
string name = 4;
string description = 5;
// The keys are the names of the part.
map<string, MetricPart> parts = 6;
// The list of SystemProfileFields to include in the metadata for each
// observation. When sent to the Shuffler this will be sent only once per
// ObservationBatch.
repeated SystemProfileField system_profile_field = 8;
// A ShufflerBackend specifies which backend an observation should be sent to.
enum ShufflerBackend {
// The legacy GRPC GKE backend
// The first version of the clearcut backend.
// Specifies a destination where observations should be sent.
ShufflerBackend backend = 9;
// A TimeZonePolicy specifies how the day_index of an Observation should
// be computed based on the actual time of encoding.
enum TimeZonePolicy {
// There is no default. Either LOCAL or UTC must be specified.
UNSET = 0;
// Use the local date at encoding time to compute the day_index.
LOCAL = 1;
// Use the date in UTC at encoding time to compute the day_index.
UTC = 2;
// Which TimeZonePolicy should Encoders use when encoding Observations for
// this metric?
TimeZonePolicy time_zone_policy = 7;
// Constains the list of all Metrics that are registered in the
// Cobalt system. An instance of RegisteredMetrics is deserialized
// from a text file.
message RegisteredMetrics {
repeated Metric element = 1;