blob: 901fd7e3f72bf6bb66d4a4435aabff215efc7a78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains a program that reads cobalt configuration in a YAML format
// and outputs it as a CobaltRegistry serialized protocol buffer.
package main
import (
var (
repoUrl = flag.String("repo_url", "", "URL of the repository containing the config. Exactly one of 'repo_url', 'config_file' or 'config_dir' must be specified.")
configDir = flag.String("config_dir", "", "Directory containing the config. Exactly one of 'repo_url', 'config_file' or 'config_dir' must be specified.")
configFile = flag.String("config_file", "", "File containing the config for a single project. Exactly one of 'repo_url', 'config_file' or 'config_dir' must be specified.")
outFile = flag.String("output_file", "", "File to which the serialized config should be written. Defaults to stdout. When multiple output formats are specified, it will append the format to the filename")
outFilename = flag.String("out_filename", "", "The base name to use for writing files. Should not be used with output_file.")
outDir = flag.String("out_dir", "", "The directory into which files should be written.")
addFileSuffix = flag.Bool("add_file_suffix", false, "Append the out_format to the out_file, even if there is only one out_format specified")
checkOnly = flag.Bool("check_only", false, "Only check that the configuration is valid.")
skipValidation = flag.Bool("skip_validation", false, "Skip validating the config, write it no matter what.")
gitTimeoutSec = flag.Int64("git_timeout", 60, "How many seconds should I wait on git commands?")
customerId = flag.Int64("customer_id", -1, "Customer Id for the config to be read. Must be set if and only if 'config_file' is set.")
projectId = flag.Int64("project_id", -1, "Project Id for the config to be read. Must be set if and only if 'config_file' is set.")
v1Project = flag.Bool("v1_project", false, "Specified project is a Cobalt 1.0 project. Can be set if and only if 'config_file' is set.")
projectName = flag.String("project_name", "", "Project name for the config to be read. Must be set if and only if 'config_dir' is set.")
outFormat = flag.String("out_format", "bin", "Specifies the output formats (separated by ' '). Supports 'bin' (serialized proto), 'b64' (serialized proto to base 64), 'cpp' (a C++ file containing a variable with a base64-encoded serialized proto.) 'dart' (a Dart library), and 'rust' (a rust crate)")
varName = flag.String("var_name", "config", "When using the 'cpp' or 'dart' output format, this will specify the variable name to be used in the output.")
forTesting = flag.Bool("for_testing", false, "Generates a constant for each report ID. Report names should be unique in the registry.")
namespace = flag.String("namespace", "", "When using the 'cpp' or 'rust' output format, this will specify the period-separated namespace within which the config variable must be placed.")
depFile = flag.String("dep_file", "", "Generate a depfile (see gn documentation) that lists all the project configuration files. Requires -output_file and -config_dir.")
forClient = flag.Bool("for_client", false, "Filters out the hide_on_client tagged fields")
dartOutDir = flag.String("dart_out_dir", "", "The directory to write dart files to (if different from out_dir)")
func generateFilename(format string) string {
if *outFilename != "" {
dir := *outDir
if format == "dart" && *dartOutDir != "" {
dir = *dartOutDir
fnameBase := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, *outFilename)
switch format {
case "bin":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.pb", fnameBase)
case "cpp":
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.cb.h", fnameBase)
case "rust":
return fmt.Sprintf("", fnameBase)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fnameBase, format)
} else {
return *outFile
// Write a depfile listing the files in 'files' at the location specified by
// outFile.
func writeDepFile(formats, files []string, depFile string) error {
w, err := os.Create(depFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Close()
// Since all targets share the same dependencies, we only need to output one.
if len(formats) > 0 {
_, err = io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", generateFilename(formats[0]), strings.Join(files, " ")))
return err
func main() {
if (*repoUrl == "") == (*configDir == "") == (*configFile == "") {
glog.Exit("Exactly one of 'repo_url', 'config_file' and 'config_dir' must be set.")
if *projectId >= 0 && *projectName != "" {
glog.Exit("Exactly one of 'project_id' and 'project_name' must be set.")
if *configFile == "" && *configDir == "" && (*customerId >= 0 || *projectId >= 0 || *projectName != "") {
glog.Exit("'customer_id' and 'project_(id/name)' must be set if and only if 'config_file' or 'config_dir' are set.")
if *v1Project && *configFile == "" {
glog.Exit("'v1_project' can be set if and only if 'config_file' is set.")
if *configFile != "" && (*customerId < 0 || *projectId < 0) {
glog.Exit("If 'config_file' is set, both 'customer_id' and 'project_id' must be set.")
if *outFile != "" && *checkOnly {
glog.Exit("'output_file' does not make sense if 'check_only' is set.")
if *depFile != "" && *configDir == "" {
glog.Exit("-dep_file requires -config_dir")
if *depFile != "" && (*outFile == "" && *outFilename == "") {
glog.Exit("-dep_file requires -output_file or -out_filename")
if *outFile != "" && *outFilename != "" {
glog.Exit("-output_file and -out_filename are mutually exclusive.")
if (*outDir != "" || *dartOutDir != "") && *outFile != "" {
glog.Exit("-output_file should not be set at the same time as -out_dir or -dart_out_dir")
if (*outDir != "" || *dartOutDir != "") && *outFilename == "" {
glog.Exit("-out_dir or -dart_out_dir require specifying -out_filename.")
var configLocation string
if *repoUrl != "" {
configLocation = *repoUrl
} else if *configFile != "" {
configLocation = *configFile
} else {
configLocation = *configDir
outFormats := strings.FieldsFunc(*outFormat, func(c rune) bool { return c == ' ' })
if *depFile != "" {
files, err := config_parser.GetConfigFilesListFromConfigDir(configLocation)
if err != nil {
if err := writeDepFile(outFormats, files, *depFile); err != nil {
// First, we parse the configuration from the specified location.
configs := []config_parser.ProjectConfig{}
var pc config_parser.ProjectConfig
var err error
if *repoUrl != "" {
gitTimeout := time.Duration(*gitTimeoutSec) * time.Second
configs, err = config_parser.ReadConfigFromRepo(*repoUrl, gitTimeout)
} else if *configFile != "" {
version := config_parser.CobaltVersion0
if *v1Project {
version = config_parser.CobaltVersion1
pc, err = config_parser.ReadConfigFromYaml(*configFile, uint32(*customerId), uint32(*projectId), config_parser.CobaltVersion(version))
configs = append(configs, pc)
} else if *customerId >= 0 && *projectId >= 0 {
pc, err = config_parser.ReadProjectConfigFromDir(*configDir, uint32(*customerId), uint32(*projectId))
configs = append(configs, pc)
} else if *customerId >= 0 && *projectName != "" {
pc, err = config_parser.ReadProjectConfigFromDirByName(*configDir, uint32(*customerId), *projectName)
configs = append(configs, pc)
} else {
configs, err = config_parser.ReadConfigFromDir(*configDir)
if err != nil {
if !*skipValidation {
for _, c := range configs {
if err = config_validator.ValidateProjectConfig(&c); err != nil {
c := config_parser.MergeConfigs(configs)
filtered := proto.Clone(&c).(*config.CobaltRegistry)
if *forClient {
for _, format := range outFormats {
var outputFormatter source_generator.OutputFormatter
switch format {
case "bin":
outputFormatter = source_generator.BinaryOutput
case "b64":
outputFormatter = source_generator.Base64Output
case "cpp":
namespaceList := []string{}
if *namespace != "" {
namespaceList = strings.Split(*namespace, ".")
outputFormatter = source_generator.CppOutputFactory(*varName, namespaceList, *forTesting)
case "dart":
if len(configs) > 1 {
glog.Exitf("Dart output can only be used with a single project config.")
outputFormatter = source_generator.DartOutputFactory(*varName, *forTesting)
case "rust":
if len(configs) > 1 {
glog.Exitf("Rust output can only be used with a single project config.")
namespaceList := []string{}
if *namespace != "" {
namespaceList = strings.Split(*namespace, ".")
outputFormatter = source_generator.RustOutputFactory(*varName, namespaceList, *forTesting)
glog.Exitf("'%v' is an invalid out_format parameter. 'bin', 'b64', 'cpp', 'dart', and 'rust' are the only valid values for out_format.", *outFormat)
// Then, we serialize the configuration.
configBytes, err := outputFormatter(&c, filtered)
if err != nil {
// Check that the output file is not empty.
if len(configBytes) == 0 {
glog.Exit("Output file is empty.")
// If no errors have occured yet and checkOnly was set, we are done.
if *checkOnly {
fmt.Printf("%s OK\n", configLocation)
// By default we print the output to stdout.
w := os.Stdout
// If an output file is specified, we write to a temporary file and then rename
// the temporary file with the specified output file name.
if *outFile != "" || *outFilename != "" {
if w, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "cobalt_config"); err != nil {
defer w.Close()
_, err = w.Write(configBytes)
if err != nil {
fname := generateFilename(format)
if fname != "" {
if err := os.Rename(w.Name(), fname); err != nil {
// Rename doesn't work if /tmp is in a different partition. Attempting to copy.
// TODO(azani): Look into doing this atomically.
in, err := os.Open(w.Name())
if err != nil {
defer in.Close()
out, err := os.Create(fname)
if err != nil {
defer out.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(out, in)
if err != nil {