blob: e7f40e1ddd1f5f28507593e2728d065772f96ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was generated by Cobalt's Config parser based on the configuration
// YAML in the cobalt_config repository. Edit the YAML there to make changes.
// Metric ID Constants
// the_metric_name
pub const THE_METRIC_NAME_METRIC_ID = 238615413;
// the_other_metric_name
pub const THE_OTHER_METRIC_NAME_METRIC_ID = 2739731282;
// Enum for the_other_metric_name (EventCode)
pub enum TheOtherMetricNameEventCode {
AnEvent = 0,
AnotherEvent = 1,
AThirdEvent = 2,
// The base64 encoding of the bytes of a serialized CobaltConfig proto message.
pub const CONFIG: &str = "KqkBCghjdXN0b21lchAKGpoBCgdwcm9qZWN0EAUaTQoPdGhlX21ldHJpY19uYW1lEAoYBSD19uNxYhUKCnRoZV9yZXBvcnQQu6WL8QgYj05iGgoQdGhlX290aGVyX3JlcG9ydBDK3M3qARgGGj4KFXRoZV9vdGhlcl9tZXRyaWNfbmFtZRAKGAUg0vazmgooATjIAVABYhQKCnRoZV9yZXBvcnQQu6WL8QgYBw==";