blob: 7cc7268e84f07074262a1c44b3ead6f9f87e37a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/logger/event_loggers.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_encoder.h"
#include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
#include "src/lib/util/datetime_util.h"
#include "src/lib/util/encrypted_message_util.h"
#include "src/local_aggregation/event_aggregator.h"
#include "src/logger/encoder.h"
#include "src/logger/logger_test_utils.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/logger/status.h"
#include "src/logger/testing_constants.h"
#include "src/pb/observation.pb.h"
#include "src/pb/observation2.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/packed_event_codes.h"
#include "src/system_data/client_secret.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
#ifndef PROTO_LITE
using ::google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer;
namespace cobalt {
using config::PackEventCodes;
using local_aggregation::EventAggregator;
using system_data::ClientSecret;
using system_data::SystemDataInterface;
using util::EncryptedMessageMaker;
using util::IncrementingSystemClock;
using util::TimeToDayIndex;
namespace logger {
using internal::EventLogger;
using testing::CheckNumericEventObservations;
using testing::CheckUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::ExpectedAggregationParams;
using testing::ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations;
using testing::ExpectedReportParticipationObservations;
using testing::ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::FakeObservationStore;
using testing::FetchObservations;
using testing::FetchSingleObservation;
using testing::GetTestProject;
using testing::MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::MockConsistentProtoStore;
using testing::TestUpdateRecipient;
namespace {
// Number of seconds in a day
constexpr int kDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
// Number of seconds in an ideal year
constexpr int kYear = kDay * 365;
// Filenames for constructors of ConsistentProtoStores
constexpr char kAggregateStoreFilename[] = "local_aggregate_store_backup";
constexpr char kObsHistoryFilename[] = "obs_history_backup";
} // namespace
template <typename EventLoggerClass = internal::EventLogger>
class EventLoggersTest : public ::testing::Test {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<internal::EventLogger, EventLoggerClass>::value,
"The type argument must be a subclass of EventLogger");
void SetUp() override {
// Set up LoggerTest using a base64-encoded registry.
void SetUpFromMetrics(const std::string& registry_base64,
const ExpectedAggregationParams& expected_aggregation_params) {
expected_aggregation_params_ = expected_aggregation_params;
observation_store_ = std::make_unique<FakeObservationStore>();
update_recipient_ = std::make_unique<TestUpdateRecipient>();
observation_encrypter_ = EncryptedMessageMaker::MakeUnencrypted();
observation_writer_ = std::make_unique<ObservationWriter>(
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get(), observation_encrypter_.get());
encoder_ = std::make_unique<Encoder>(ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), system_data_.get());
local_aggregate_proto_store_ =
obs_history_proto_store_ = std::make_unique<MockConsistentProtoStore>(kObsHistoryFilename);
event_aggregator_ = std::make_unique<EventAggregator>(encoder_.get(), observation_writer_.get(),
// Create a mock clock which does not increment by default when called.
// Set the time to 1 year after the start of Unix time so that the start
// date of any aggregation window falls after the start of time.
mock_clock_ = std::make_unique<IncrementingSystemClock>(std::chrono::system_clock::duration(0));
project_context_ = GetTestProject(registry_base64);
logger_ = std::make_unique<EventLoggerClass>(encoder_.get(), event_aggregator_.get(),
observation_writer_.get(), system_data_.get());
void TearDown() override {
// Returns the day index of the current day according to |mock_clock_|, in
// |time_zone|, without incrementing the clock.
uint32_t CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::TimeZonePolicy time_zone) {
return TimeToDayIndex(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(mock_clock_->peek_now()), time_zone);
// Advances |mock_clock_| by |num_days| days.
void AdvanceDay(int num_days) {
mock_clock_->increment_by(std::chrono::seconds(kDay) * num_days);
// Clears the FakeObservationStore and resets counts of Observations received
// by the FakeObservationStore and the TestUpdateRecipient.
void ResetObservationStore() {
update_recipient_->invocation_count = 0;
Status GenerateAggregatedObservations(uint32_t day_index) {
return event_aggregator_->GenerateObservationsNoWorker(day_index);
Status LogEvent(uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t event_code) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(
metric_id, MetricDefinition::EVENT_OCCURRED, event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogEventCount(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, int64_t period_duration_micros,
uint32_t count) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* count_event = event_record->event()->mutable_count_event();
RepeatedField<uint32_t>(event_codes.begin(), event_codes.end()));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogElapsedTime(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, int64_t elapsed_micros) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* elapsed_time_event = event_record->event()->mutable_elapsed_time_event();
RepeatedField<uint32_t>(event_codes.begin(), event_codes.end()));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogFrameRate(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, int64_t frames_per_1000_seconds) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* frame_rate_event = event_record->event()->mutable_frame_rate_event();
RepeatedField<uint32_t>(event_codes.begin(), event_codes.end()));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogMemoryUsage(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, int64_t bytes) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* memory_usage_event = event_record->event()->mutable_memory_usage_event();
RepeatedField<uint32_t>(event_codes.begin(), event_codes.end()));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogIntHistogram(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component, const std::vector<uint32_t>& indices,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& counts) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* int_histogram_event = event_record->event()->mutable_int_histogram_event();
int_histogram_event->mutable_buckets()->Swap(testing::NewHistogram(indices, counts).get());
RepeatedField<uint32_t>(event_codes.begin(), event_codes.end()));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::INT_HISTOGRAM,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogString(uint32_t metric_id, const std::string& str) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* string_used_event = event_record->event()->mutable_string_used_event();
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::STRING_USED,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
Status LogCustomEvent(uint32_t metric_id, const std::vector<std::string>& dimension_names,
const std::vector<CustomDimensionValue>& values) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
auto* custom_event = event_record->event()->mutable_custom_event();
custom_event->mutable_values()->swap(*testing::NewCustomEvent(dimension_names, values));
Status valid;
if (kOK != (valid = logger_->PrepareAndValidateEvent(metric_id, MetricDefinition::CUSTOM,
event_record.get()))) {
return valid;
return logger_->Log(std::move(event_record), mock_clock_->now());
std::unique_ptr<internal::EventLogger> logger_;
std::unique_ptr<EventAggregator> event_aggregator_;
std::unique_ptr<ObservationWriter> observation_writer_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeObservationStore> observation_store_;
std::unique_ptr<TestUpdateRecipient> update_recipient_;
ExpectedAggregationParams expected_aggregation_params_;
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> encoder_;
std::unique_ptr<EncryptedMessageMaker> observation_encrypter_;
std::unique_ptr<SystemDataInterface> system_data_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> local_aggregate_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> obs_history_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<IncrementingSystemClock> mock_clock_;
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project_context_;
class OccurrenceEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::OccurrenceEventLogger> {};
class CountEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::CountEventLogger> {};
class ElapsedTimeEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::ElapsedTimeEventLogger> {};
class FrameRateEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::FrameRateEventLogger> {};
class MemoryUsageEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::MemoryUsageEventLogger> {};
class IntHistogramEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::IntHistogramEventLogger> {};
class StringUsedEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::StringUsedEventLogger> {};
class CustomEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::CustomEventLogger> {};
// Creates a Logger whose ProjectContext contains only EVENT_OCCURRED metrics,
// each of which has a report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES with
// local_privacy_noise_level set to NONE. Used to test the values of
// UniqueActivesObservations generated by the EventAggregator.
class UniqueActivesLoggerTest : public OccurrenceEventLoggerTest {
void SetUp() override {
Status GarbageCollectAggregateStore(uint32_t day_index) {
return event_aggregator_->GarbageCollect(day_index);
// Creates a Logger for a ProjectContext where each of the metrics
// has a report of type PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS.
class PerDeviceNumericCountEventLoggerTest : public EventLoggersTest<internal::CountEventLogger> {
void SetUp() override {
class PerDeviceNumericElapsedTimeEventLoggerTest
: public EventLoggersTest<internal::ElapsedTimeEventLogger> {
void SetUp() override {
class PerDeviceNumericFrameRateEventLoggerTest
: public EventLoggersTest<internal::FrameRateEventLogger> {
void SetUp() override {
class PerDeviceNumericMemoryUsageEventLoggerTest
: public EventLoggersTest<internal::MemoryUsageEventLogger> {
void SetUp() override {
// Tests the OccurrenceEventLogger.
TEST_F(OccurrenceEventLoggerTest, Log) {
// Attempt to use an event code larger than max_event_code.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kErrorOccurredMetricId, 101));
// Now use good arguments.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kErrorOccurredMetricId, 42));
Observation2 observation;
uint32_t expected_report_id = testing::all_report_types::kErrorOccurredErrorCountsByCodeReportId;
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchSingleObservation(&observation, expected_report_id, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests the CountEventLogger.
TEST_F(CountEventLoggerTest, Log) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Attempt to use an event code larger than max_event_code.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId,
{112}, "component2", 1, 303));
// All good
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {43},
"component2", 1, 303));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 43u, "component2", 303,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// No problem using event code 0.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {0}, "", 1, 303));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0u, "", 303,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the CountEventLogger with multiple event codes.
TEST_F(CountEventLoggerTest, LogMultiDimension) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Use a metric ID for the wrong type of metric. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kErrorOccurredMetricId, {43}, "", 0, 303));
// Use no event codes when the metric has one dimension. Expect kOK.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {}, "", 0, 303));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0, "", 303,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Use two event codes when the metric has one dimension. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {43, 44}, "", 0, 303));
// Use an event code that exceeds the specified max_event_code. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {200}, "", 0, 303));
// All good, expect OK.
LogEventCount(testing::all_report_types::kReadCacheHitsMetricId, {43}, "", 0, 303));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 43u, "", 303,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the ElapsedTimeEventLogger.
TEST_F(ElapsedTimeEventLoggerTest, Log) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Use a non-zero event code even though the metric does not have any
// metric dimensions defined. Expect kInvalidArgument.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogElapsedTime(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId,
{44}, "component4", 4004));
// Use a zero event code when the metric does not have any metric dimensions
// set. This is OK by convention. The zero will be ignored.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogElapsedTime(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId, {0},
"component4", 4004));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0u, "component4", 4004,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the ElapsedTimeEventLogger with multiple event codes.
TEST_F(ElapsedTimeEventLoggerTest, LogMultiDimension) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Use a non-zero event code even though the metric does not have any
// metric dimensions defined. Expect kInvalidArgument.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogElapsedTime(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId,
{44}, "component4", 4004));
// Use two event codes even though the metric does not have any
// metric dimensions defined. Expect kInvalidArgument.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogElapsedTime(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId,
{0, 0}, "component4", 4004));
// Use no event codes when the metric does not have any metric
// dimensions set. This is good.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogElapsedTime(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId, {},
"component4", 4004));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0u, "component4", 4004,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the FrameRateEventLogger.
TEST_F(FrameRateEventLoggerTest, Log) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// There is no max_event_code set so only the specified code of 45 is allowed.
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component5", 5123));
// All good.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {45},
"component5", 5123));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 45u, "component5", 5123,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the FrameRateEventLogger with multiple event codes.
TEST_F(FrameRateEventLoggerTest, LogMultiDimension) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Use a metric ID for the wrong type of metric. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kModuleLoadTimeMetricId, {45}, "", 5123));
// Use no event codes when the metric has one dimension. Expect kOK.
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {}, "", 5123));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0, "", 5123,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Use two event codes when the metric has one dimension. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {45, 46}, "", 5123));
// There is no max_event_code set so only the specified code of 45 is allowed.
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {44}, "", 5123));
// All good
LogFrameRate(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {45}, "", 5123));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 45u, "", 5123,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the MemoryUsageEventLogger.
TEST_F(MemoryUsageEventLoggerTest, Log) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// The simple version of LogMemoryUsage() can be used, even though the metric has two dimensions.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, {46},
"component6", 606));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 46, "component6", 606,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests the MemoryUsageEventLogger with multiple event codes.
TEST_F(MemoryUsageEventLoggerTest, LogMultiDimension) {
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
// Use a metric ID for the wrong type of metric. Expect kInvalidArguments.
LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {45, 46},
"component6", 606));
// Use no event codes when the metric has two dimension. Expect kOK.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, {},
"component6", 606));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 0, "component6", 606,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Use one event code when the metric has two dimension. Expect kOK.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, {45},
"component6", 606));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, 45u, "component6", 606,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Use three event codes when the metric has two dimension. Expect kInvalidArguments.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
{45, 46, 47}, "component6", 606));
// There is no max_event_code set for the second dimension so only the
// specified codes of 1 or 46 are allowed.
ASSERT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
{1, 45}, "component6", 606));
// All good
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, {1, 46},
"component6", 606));
uint64_t expected_packed_event_code = (1) | (46 << 10);
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, expected_packed_event_code,
"component6", 606, observation_store_.get(),
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// No problem with the first event code being zero.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::all_report_types::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, {0, 46},
"component6", 606));
expected_packed_event_code = (0) | (46 << 10);
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckNumericEventObservations(expected_report_ids, expected_packed_event_code,
"component6", 606, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests the IntHistogramEventLogger.
TEST_F(IntHistogramEventLoggerTest, Log) {
std::vector<uint32_t> indices = {0, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<uint32_t> counts = {100, 101, 102, 103};
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogIntHistogram(testing::all_report_types::kFileSystemWriteTimesMetricId, {47},
"component7", indices, counts));
Observation2 observation;
uint32_t expected_report_id =
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchSingleObservation(&observation, expected_report_id, observation_store_.get(),
auto histogram_observation = observation.histogram();
EXPECT_EQ(47u, histogram_observation.event_code());
EXPECT_EQ(histogram_observation.component_name_hash().size(), 32u);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(histogram_observation.buckets_size()), indices.size());
for (auto i = 0u; i < indices.size(); i++) {
const auto& bucket = histogram_observation.buckets(i);
EXPECT_EQ(bucket.index(), indices[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(bucket.count(), counts[i]);
// Tests the StringUsedEventLogger.
TEST_F(StringUsedEventLoggerTest, Log) {
LogString(testing::all_report_types::kModuleDownloadsMetricId, ""));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(2);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_report_ids = {
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&observations, expected_report_ids, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests the CustomEventLogger.
TEST_F(CustomEventLoggerTest, LogCustomEvent) {
CustomDimensionValue module_value, number_value;
std::vector<std::string> dimension_names = {"module", "number"};
std::vector<CustomDimensionValue> values = {module_value, number_value};
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogCustomEvent(testing::all_report_types::kModuleInstallsMetricId, dimension_names,
Observation2 observation;
uint32_t expected_report_id =
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchSingleObservation(&observation, expected_report_id, observation_store_.get(),
const CustomObservation& custom_observation = observation.custom();
for (auto i = 0u; i < values.size(); i++) {
auto obs_dimension = custom_observation.values().at(dimension_names[i]);
EXPECT_TRUE(MessageDifferencer::Equals(obs_dimension, values[i]));
// Tests that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are generated
// when no events have been logged.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesLoggerTest, CheckUniqueActivesObsValuesNoEvents) {
const auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Generate locally aggregated Observations without logging any events.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(current_day_index));
// Check that all generated Observations are of non-activity.
auto expected_obs =
MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_aggregation_params_, current_day_index);
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are generated
// when events have been logged for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports on a single
// day.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesLoggerTest, CheckUniqueActivesObsValuesSingleDay) {
const auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Log 2 occurrences of event code 0 for the DeviceBoots metric, which has 1
// locally aggregated report and no immediate reports.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kDeviceBootsMetricId, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kDeviceBootsMetricId, 0));
// Log 2 occurrences of different event codes for the SomeFeaturesActive
// metric, which has 1 locally aggregated report and no immediate reports.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricId, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kFeaturesActiveMetricId, 1));
// Generate locally aggregated observations for the current day index.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(current_day_index));
// Form the expected observations for the current day index.
auto expected_obs =
MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_aggregation_params_, current_day_index);
current_day_index}] = {{1, {true, false}}};
current_day_index}] = {{1, {true, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, false, false, false}},
{30, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
// Check that the expected aggregated observations were generated.
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are generated
// when events have been logged for a UniqueActives report over multiple days.
// Logs events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent metric
// has max_event_code = 5, and whose report ID is 401) for 10 days, according to
// the following pattern:
// * Never log event code 0.
// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
// day index and checks them against the expected set of Observations, then
// garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore for the current day index.
// The EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
// the expected pattern of those Observations' values on the i-th day is:
// (i, window size) active for event codes
// ------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (0, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (1, 1) ---
// (1, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (2, 1) ---
// (2, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (3, 1) 1
// (3, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (4, 1) ---
// (4, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (5, 1) ---
// (5, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (6, 1) 1, 2
// (6, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (7, 1) ---
// (7, 7) 1, 2
// (8, 1) ---
// (8, 7) 1, 2
// (9, 1) 1, 3
// (9, 7) 1, 2, 3
// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
// observations of non-occurrence.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesLoggerTest, CheckUniqueActivesObsValuesMultiDay) {
const auto& expected_id = testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricReportId;
const auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(10);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < expected_obs.size(); i++) {
expected_obs[i] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(expected_aggregation_params_,
start_day_index + i);
expected_obs[0][{expected_id, start_day_index}] = {{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < 10) {
for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 5; event_code++) {
if (i % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::unique_actives_noise_free::kEventsOccurredMetricId,
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Advance the Logger's clock by 1 day.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for the previous day
// index.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC) - 1));
// Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesObservations(expected_obs[i], observation_store_.get(),
// Garbage-collect the LocalAggregateStore for the current day index.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollectAggregateStore(CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC)));
// Generate Observations without logging any events, and check that the
// resulting Observations are as expected: 1 ReportParticipationObservation for
// each PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report in the config, and no
// PerDeviceNumericObservations.
TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericCountEventLoggerTest, CheckPerDeviceNumericObsValuesNoEvents) {
const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
const auto& expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceNumericObservations({}, expected_report_participation_obs,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that Observations with the expected values are generated when events
// have been logged for EVENT_COUNT metrics with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS
// report, on a single day.
TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericCountEventLoggerTest, CheckPerDeviceNumericObsValuesSingleDay) {
const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Log several events on |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricId, {0},
"component_A", 0, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricId, {0},
"component_B", 0, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricId, {0},
"component_A", 0, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricId, {1},
"component_A", 0, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedMetricId, {0},
"component_C", 0, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedMetricId, {0},
"component_C", 0, 5));
// The ConnectionFailures metric has an immediate report of type
// EVENT_COMPONENT_OCCURRENCE_COUNT. Check that 4 immediate Observations were
// generated for that report.
std::vector<Observation2> immediate_observations(4);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_immediate_report_ids(
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&immediate_observations, expected_immediate_report_ids,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
// Form the expected locally aggregated Observations.
auto expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
{"component_A", 0u, 10}, {"component_A", 1u, 5}, {"component_B", 0u, 5}};
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId, day_index}][7] =
{{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedWindowSizeMetricReportId, day_index}][30] =
{{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
day_index}][7] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
day_index}][30] = {{"component_C", 0u, 10}};
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that Observations with the expected values are generated when events
// have been logged for a FRAME_RATE metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS
// report, on a single day.
TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericFrameRateEventLoggerTest, CheckPerDeviceNumericObsValuesFrameRateSingleDay) {
const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Log several events on |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component_A", 5000));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component_B", 4200));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component_A", 3750));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {1},
"component_A", 2000));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component_C", 7900));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogFrameRate(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, {0},
"component_C", 4000));
// The LoginModuleFrameRate metric has an immediate report of type
// NUMERIC_AGGREGATION. Check that 6 immediate Observations were
// generated for that report.
std::vector<Observation2> immediate_observations(6);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_immediate_report_ids(
6, testing::per_device_numeric_stats::
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&immediate_observations, expected_immediate_report_ids,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
// Form the expected locally aggregated Observations.
auto expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMinMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
{"component_A", 0u, 3750},
{"component_A", 1u, 2000},
{"component_B", 0u, 4200},
{"component_C", 0u, 4000}};
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLoginModuleFrameRateMinMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
{"component_A", 0u, 3750},
{"component_A", 1u, 2000},
{"component_B", 0u, 4200},
{"component_C", 0u, 4000}};
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that Observations with the expected values are generated when events
// have been logged for a MEMORY_USAGE metric with a PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS
// report, on a single day.
CheckPerDeviceNumericObsValuesMemoryUsageSingleDay) {
const auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
// Log several events on |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, "component_A", 5));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, "component_B", 4));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, "component_A", 3));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{1u, 0u}, "component_A", 2));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, "component_C", 7));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogMemoryUsage(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId,
std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}, "component_C", 4));
// The LedgerMemoryUsage metric has an immediate report of type
// NUMERIC_AGGREGATION. Check that 6 immediate Observations were
// generated for that report.
std::vector<Observation2> immediate_observations(6);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_immediate_report_ids(
6, testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageLedgerMemoryUsageAggregatedReportId);
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&immediate_observations, expected_immediate_report_ids,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
// Form the expected locally aggregated Observations.
auto expected_report_participation_obs = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kExpectedAggregationParams, day_index);
ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations expected_per_device_numeric_obs;
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][1] = {
{"component_A", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 5},
{"component_A", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{1u, 0u}), 2},
{"component_B", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 4},
{"component_C", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 7}};
testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kLedgerMemoryUsageMaxMetricReportId, day_index}][7] = {
{"component_A", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 5},
{"component_A", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{1u, 0u}), 2},
{"component_B", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 4},
{"component_C", PackEventCodes(std::vector<uint32_t>{0u, 0u}), 7}};
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Checks that PerDeviceNumericObservations with the expected values are
// generated when some events have been logged for an EVENT_COUNT metric with a
// PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report over multiple days and
// GenerateAggregatedObservations() is called each day.
// Logged events for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount metric on the i-th day:
// i (component, event code, count)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0
// 1 ("A", 1, 3)
// 2 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// 3 ("A", 1, 3)
// 4 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// 5 ("A", 1, 3)
// 6 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// 7 ("A", 1, 3)
// 8 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// 9 ("A", 1, 3)
// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount
// report on the i-th day:
// (i, window size) (component, event code, count)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 7)
// (0, 30)
// (1, 7) ("A", 1, 3)
// (1, 30) ("A", 1, 3)
// (2, 7) ("A", 1, 6), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (2, 30) ("A", 1, 6), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (3, 7) ("A", 1, 9), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (3, 30) ("A", 1, 9), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (4, 7) ("A", 1, 12), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (4, 30) ("A", 1, 12), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (5, 7) ("A", 1, 15), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (5, 30) ("A", 1, 15), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (6, 7) ("A", 1, 18), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (6, 30) ("A", 1, 18), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (7, 7) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (7, 30) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 7) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
// (8, 30) ("A", 1, 24), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
// (9, 7) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 4)
// (9, 30) ("A", 1, 27), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservations for each day, for each
// report in the registry.
TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericCountEventLoggerTest, CheckPerDeviceNumericObsValuesMultiDay) {
const auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
std::vector<MetricReportId> expected_ids = {
// Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
uint32_t num_days = 10;
std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
expected_report_participation_obs[offset] = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
expected_aggregation_params_, start_day_index + offset);
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
for (auto expected_id : expected_ids) {
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{expected_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{expected_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{expected_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{expected_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{expected_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{expected_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{expected_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{expected_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 24}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[9][{expected_id, start_day_index + 9}] = {
{7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 4}}},
{30, {{"A", 1u, 27}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedMetricId,
{event_code}, "A", 0, 3));
if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogEventCount(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kSettingsChangedMetricId,
{event_code}, "B", 0, 2));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
<< "offset = " << offset;
// Tests that the expected Observations are generated when events are logged for
// over multiple days for an ELAPSED_TIME metric with PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS
// reports with multiple aggregation types, when Observations are backfilled for
// some days during that period, and when the LocalAggregatedStore is
// garbage-collected after each call to GenerateObservations().
// Logged events for the StreamingTime metric on the i-th day:
// i (component, event code, count)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0
// 1 ("A", 1, 3)
// 2 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// 3 ("A", 1, 3)
// 4 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// 5 ("A", 1, 3)
// 6 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// 7 ("A", 1, 3)
// 8 ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
// StreamingTime_PerDeviceTotal report on the i-th day:
// (day, window size) (event code, component, total)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1)
// (0, 7)
// (1, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (1, 7) ("A", 1, 3)
// (2, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (2, 7) ("A", 1, 6), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (3, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (3, 7) ("A", 1, 9), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (4, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (4, 7) ("A", 1, 12), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (5, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (5, 7) ("A", 1, 15), ("A", 2, 6), ("B", 1, 4), ("B", 2, 2)
// (6, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (6, 7) ("A", 1, 18), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (7, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (7, 7) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 9), ("B", 1, 6), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 7) ("A", 1, 21), ("A", 2, 12), ("B", 1, 8), ("B", 2, 4)
// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMin report on the i-th day:
// (day, window size) (event code, component, total)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1)
// (0. 7)
// (1, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (1, 7) ("A", 1, 3)
// (2, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (2, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (3, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (3, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (4, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (4, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (5, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (5, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (6, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (6, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (7, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (7, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// Expected PerDeviceNumericObservations for the
// StreamingTime_PerDeviceMax report on the i-th day:
// (day, window size) (event code, component, total)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1)
// (0. 7)
// (1, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (1, 7) ("A", 1, 3)
// (2, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (2, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (3, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (3, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (4, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (4, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (5, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (5, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (6, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2)
// (6, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (7, 1) ("A", 1, 3)
// (7, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 1) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// (8, 7) ("A", 1, 3), ("A", 2, 3), ("B", 1, 2), ("B", 2, 2)
// In addition, expect 1 ReportParticipationObservation each day for each
// report in the registry.
TEST_F(PerDeviceNumericElapsedTimeEventLoggerTest, ElapsedTimeCheckObservationValues) {
const auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
const auto& total_report_id =
const auto& min_report_id = testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMinMetricReportId;
const auto& max_report_id = testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMaxMetricReportId;
// Form expected Observations for the 9 days of logging.
uint32_t num_days = 9;
std::vector<ExpectedPerDeviceNumericObservations> expected_per_device_numeric_obs(num_days);
std::vector<ExpectedReportParticipationObservations> expected_report_participation_obs(num_days);
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
expected_report_participation_obs[offset] = MakeExpectedReportParticipationObservations(
expected_aggregation_params_, start_day_index + offset);
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[0] = {};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 6}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 9}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 12}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 15}, {"A", 2u, 6}, {"B", 1u, 4}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 18}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 9}, {"B", 1u, 6}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{total_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 21}, {"A", 2u, 12}, {"B", 1u, 8}, {"B", 2u, 4}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{min_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[1][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 1}] = {{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[2][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[3][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[4][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[5][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[6][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[7][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}}}, {7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[8][{max_report_id, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}},
{7, {{"A", 1u, 3}, {"A", 2u, 3}, {"B", 1u, 2}, {"B", 2u, 2}}}};
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC);
for (uint32_t event_code = 1; event_code < 3; event_code++) {
if (offset > 0 && offset % event_code == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogElapsedTime(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMetricId,
{event_code}, "A", 3));
if (offset > 0 && offset % (2 * event_code) == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogElapsedTime(testing::per_device_numeric_stats::kStreamingTimeMetricId,
{event_code}, "B", 2));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(day_index));
expected_per_device_numeric_obs[offset], expected_report_participation_obs[offset],
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()))
<< "offset = " << offset;
// Tests that the expected number of locally aggregated Observations are
// generated when no events have been logged.
TEST_F(OccurrenceEventLoggerTest, CheckNumAggregatedObsNoEvents) {
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC)));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_aggregation_params_,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that the expected number of locally aggregated Observations are
// generated when one Event has been logged for a locally aggregated report.
TEST_F(OccurrenceEventLoggerTest, CheckNumAggregatedObsOneEvent) {
// Log 1 occurrence of event code 0 for the DeviceBoots metric, which has no
// immediate reports.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kDeviceBootsMetricId, 0));
// Check that no immediate Observation was generated.
std::vector<Observation2> immediate_observations(0);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_immediate_report_ids = {};
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&immediate_observations, expected_immediate_report_ids,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Generate locally aggregated observations for the current day index.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC)));
// Check that the expected numbers of aggregated observations were generated.
std::vector<Observation2> aggregated_observations;
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&aggregated_observations, expected_aggregation_params_,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that the expected number of locally aggregated Observations are
// generated when multiple Events have been logged for locally aggregated
// and immediate reports.
TEST_F(OccurrenceEventLoggerTest, CheckNumAggregatedObsImmediateAndAggregatedEvents) {
// Log 3 occurrences of event codes for the EventsOccurred metric, which
// has 1 locally aggregated report and 1 immediate report.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kEventsOccurredMetricId, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kEventsOccurredMetricId, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, LogEvent(testing::all_report_types::kEventsOccurredMetricId, 2));
// Check that each of the 3 logged events resulted in an immediate
// Observation.
std::vector<Observation2> immediate_observations(3);
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_immediate_report_ids(
3, testing::all_report_types::kEventsOccurredEventsOccurredGlobalCountReportId);
ASSERT_TRUE(FetchObservations(&immediate_observations, expected_immediate_report_ids,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated observations for the current day index.
ASSERT_EQ(kOK, GenerateAggregatedObservations(CurrentDayIndex(MetricDefinition::UTC)));
// Check that the expected aggregated observations were generated.
std::vector<Observation2> observations;
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, expected_aggregation_params_,
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
class TestEventAggregator : public EventAggregator {
TestEventAggregator(const Encoder* encoder, const ObservationWriter* observation_writer,
util::ConsistentProtoStore* local_aggregate_proto_store,
util::ConsistentProtoStore* obs_history_proto_store)
: EventAggregator(encoder, observation_writer, local_aggregate_proto_store,
obs_history_proto_store) {}
uint32_t NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore() {
int count = 0;
for (const auto& aggregates :
protected_aggregate_store_.lock()->local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
if (aggregates.second.has_numeric_aggregates()) {
count += aggregates.second.numeric_aggregates().by_component().size();
return count;
// needed for Friend class status
namespace internal {
class EventLoggersAddEventTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// TODO(ninai): remove some of the setup once the refactor is done.
observation_store_ = std::make_unique<FakeObservationStore>();
update_recipient_ = std::make_unique<TestUpdateRecipient>();
observation_encrypter_ = EncryptedMessageMaker::MakeUnencrypted();
observation_writer_ = std::make_unique<ObservationWriter>(
observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get(), observation_encrypter_.get());
encoder_ = std::make_unique<Encoder>(ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), system_data_.get());
local_aggregate_proto_store_ =
obs_history_proto_store_ = std::make_unique<MockConsistentProtoStore>(kObsHistoryFilename);
project_context_ = GetTestProject(testing::per_device_histogram::kCobaltRegistryBase64);
// Create a mock clock which does not increment by default when called.
// Set the time to 1 year after the start of Unix time so that the start
// date of any aggregation window falls after the start of time.
mock_clock_ = std::make_unique<IncrementingSystemClock>(std::chrono::system_clock::duration(0));
std::unique_ptr<TestEventAggregator> GetTestEventAggregator() {
auto event_aggregator = std::make_unique<TestEventAggregator>(
encoder_.get(), observation_writer_.get(), local_aggregate_proto_store_.get(),
return event_aggregator;
std::unique_ptr<EventLogger> GetEventLoggerForMetricType(
MetricDefinition::MetricType metric_type, TestEventAggregator* test_event_aggregator) {
auto logger =
EventLogger::Create(metric_type, nullptr, test_event_aggregator, nullptr, nullptr);
return logger;
std::unique_ptr<EventRecord> GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
uint32_t metric_id, MetricDefinition::MetricType metric_type) {
auto event_record = std::make_unique<EventRecord>(project_context_, metric_id);
switch (metric_type) {
case (MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT): {
auto event = event_record->event()->mutable_count_event();
case (MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME): {
auto event = event_record->event()->mutable_elapsed_time_event();
case (MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE): {
auto event = event_record->event()->mutable_memory_usage_event();
case (MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE): {
auto event = event_record->event()->mutable_frame_rate_event();
default: {
return event_record;
ReportDefinition ReportDefinitionWithReportType(uint32_t report_id,
ReportDefinition::ReportType report_type) {
ReportDefinition report_definition;
return report_definition;
Encoder::Result MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(EventLogger* event_logger,
const ReportDefinition& report,
EventRecord* event_record) {
return event_logger->MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(report, /*may_invalidate=*/false,
Status MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(EventLogger* event_logger, const ReportDefinition& report,
const EventRecord& event_record) {
return event_logger->MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(report, event_record);
std::unique_ptr<ObservationWriter> observation_writer_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeObservationStore> observation_store_;
std::unique_ptr<TestUpdateRecipient> update_recipient_;
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> encoder_;
std::unique_ptr<EncryptedMessageMaker> observation_encrypter_;
std::unique_ptr<SystemDataInterface> system_data_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> local_aggregate_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> obs_history_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<IncrementingSystemClock> mock_clock_;
std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project_context_;
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, EventCountPerDeviceHistogramNoImmediateObservation) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricId, MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto result = MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(event_logger.get(), report, event_record.get());
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, result.status);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.observation);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(0, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, EventCountPerDeviceHistogramAddToEventAggregator) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kSettingsChangedMetricId, MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::EVENT_COUNT, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto status = MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(event_logger.get(), report, *event_record);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(1, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, ElapsedTimePerDeviceHistogramNoImmediateObservation) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kStreamingTimeMetricId, MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto result = MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(event_logger.get(), report, event_record.get());
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, result.status);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.observation);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(0, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, ElapsedTimePerDeviceHistogramAddToEventAggregator) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kStreamingTimeMetricId, MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::ELAPSED_TIME, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto status = MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(event_logger.get(), report, *event_record);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(1, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, FrameRatePerDeviceHistogramNoImmediateObservation) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto result = MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(event_logger.get(), report, event_record.get());
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, result.status);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.observation);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(0, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, FrameRatePerDeviceHistogramAddToEventAggregator) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kLoginModuleFrameRateMetricId, MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::FRAME_RATE, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto status = MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(event_logger.get(), report, *event_record);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(1, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, MemoryUsagePerDeviceHistogramNoImmediateObservation) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto result = MaybeEncodeImmediateObservation(event_logger.get(), report, event_record.get());
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, result.status);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.observation);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, result.metadata);
EXPECT_EQ(0, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
TEST_F(EventLoggersAddEventTest, MemoryUsagePerDeviceHistogramAddToEventAggregator) {
ReportDefinition report = ReportDefinitionWithReportType(
auto event_record = GetEventRecordWithMetricType(
testing::per_device_histogram::kLedgerMemoryUsageMetricId, MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE);
auto test_event_aggregator = GetTestEventAggregator();
auto event_logger =
GetEventLoggerForMetricType(MetricDefinition::MEMORY_USAGE, test_event_aggregator.get());
auto status = MaybeUpdateLocalAggregation(event_logger.get(), report, *event_record);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(1, test_event_aggregator->NumPerDeviceNumericAggregatesInStore());
} // namespace internal
} // namespace logger
} // namespace cobalt