blob: e7b0b7212b45597ec4c4b386c0b5857f2863f3d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/logger/encoder.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "src/algorithms/forculus/forculus_encrypter.h"
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_config_helper.h"
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/rappor_encoder.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "src/pb/observation2.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/buckets_config.h"
#include "src/registry/packed_event_codes.h"
#include "src/tracing.h"
namespace cobalt::logger {
using ::cobalt::config::IntegerBucketConfig;
using ::cobalt::crypto::byte;
using ::cobalt::crypto::hash::DIGEST_SIZE;
using ::cobalt::forculus::ForculusEncrypter;
using ::cobalt::rappor::BasicRapporEncoder;
using ::cobalt::rappor::RapporConfigHelper;
using ::cobalt::rappor::RapporEncoder;
using ::cobalt::system_data::ClientSecret;
using ::cobalt::system_data::SystemDataInterface;
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
namespace {
// Populates |*hash_out| with the SHA256 of |component|, unless |component|
// is empty in which case *hash_out is set to the empty string also. An
// empty string indicates that the component_name feature is not being used.
// We expect this to be a common case and in this case there is no point
// in using 32 bytes to represent the empty string. Returns true on success
// and false on failure (unexpected).
bool HashComponentNameIfNotEmpty(const std::string& component, std::string* hash_out) {
if (component.empty()) {
return true;
return cobalt::crypto::hash::Hash(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(,
component.size(), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&hash_out->front()));
// Translates a rappor::Status |status| into a logger::Status and prints a debug
// message if |status| is not kOK.
Status TranslateBasicRapporEncoderStatus(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
const rappor::Status& status) {
switch (status) {
case rappor::kOK:
return kOK;
case rappor::kInvalidConfig:
LOG(ERROR) << "BasicRapporEncoder returned kInvalidConfig for: Report "
<< report->report_name() << " for metric " << metric.metric_name()
<< " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
return kInvalidConfig;
case rappor::kInvalidInput:
LOG(ERROR) << "BasicRapporEncoder returned kInvalidInput for: Report "
<< report->report_name() << " for metric " << metric.metric_name()
<< " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
return kInvalidArguments;
} // namespace
Encoder::Encoder(ClientSecret client_secret, const system_data::SystemDataInterface* system_data)
: client_secret_(std::move(client_secret)), system_data_(system_data) {}
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeBasicRapporObservation(MetricRef metric,
const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t value_index,
uint32_t num_categories) const {
TRACE_DURATION("cobalt_core", "Encoder::EncodeBasicRapporObservation");
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* basic_rappor_observation = observation->mutable_basic_rappor();
rappor::BasicRapporConfig basic_rappor_config;
basic_rappor_config.prob_rr = RapporConfigHelper::kProbRR;
float prob_bit_flip = RapporConfigHelper::ProbBitFlip(*report, metric.FullyQualifiedName());
basic_rappor_config.prob_0_becomes_1 = prob_bit_flip;
basic_rappor_config.prob_1_stays_1 = 1.0f - prob_bit_flip;
// TODO(rudominer) Stop copying the client_secret_ on each Encode*()
// operation.
BasicRapporEncoder basic_rappor_encoder(basic_rappor_config, client_secret_);
ValuePart index_value;
result.status = TranslateBasicRapporEncoderStatus(
metric, report, basic_rappor_encoder.Encode(index_value, basic_rappor_observation));
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeRapporObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index, const std::string& str) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* rappor_observation = observation->mutable_string_rappor();
rappor::RapporConfig rappor_config;
rappor_config.num_hashes = RapporConfigHelper::kNumHashes;
rappor_config.num_cohorts = RapporConfigHelper::StringRapporNumCohorts(*report);
rappor_config.num_bloom_bits = RapporConfigHelper::StringRapporNumBloomBits(*report);
rappor_config.prob_rr = RapporConfigHelper::kProbRR;
float prob_bit_flip = RapporConfigHelper::ProbBitFlip(*report, metric.FullyQualifiedName());
rappor_config.prob_0_becomes_1 = prob_bit_flip;
rappor_config.prob_1_stays_1 = 1.0f - prob_bit_flip;
RapporEncoder rappor_encoder(rappor_config, client_secret_);
ValuePart string_value;
switch (rappor_encoder.Encode(string_value, rappor_observation)) {
case rappor::kOK:
case rappor::kInvalidConfig:
LOG(ERROR) << "RapporEncoder returned kInvalidConfig for: Report " << report->report_name()
<< " for metric " << metric.metric_name() << " in project "
<< metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kInvalidConfig;
return result;
case rappor::kInvalidInput:
LOG(ERROR) << "RapporEncoder returned kInvalidInput for: Report " << report->report_name()
<< " for metric " << metric.metric_name() << " in project "
<< metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeForculusObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& str) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* forculus_observation = observation->mutable_forculus();
forculus::ForculusConfig forculus_config;
if (report->threshold() < 2) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid Cobalt config: Report " << report->report_name() << " for metric "
<< metric.metric_name() << " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString()
<< " has an invalid value for |threshold|.";
result.status = kInvalidConfig;
return result;
forculus_config.threshold = report->threshold();
forculus_config.epoch_type = forculus::DAY;
ValuePart string_value;
ForculusEncrypter forculus_encrypter(forculus_config, metric.project().customer_id(),
metric.project().project_id(), metric.metric_id(), "",
switch (forculus_encrypter.EncryptValue(string_value, day_index, forculus_observation)) {
case ForculusEncrypter::kOK:
case ForculusEncrypter::kInvalidConfig:
LOG(ERROR) << "ForculusEncrypter returned kInvalidConfig for: Report "
<< report->report_name() << " for metric " << metric.metric_name()
<< " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kInvalidConfig;
return result;
case ForculusEncrypter::kEncryptionFailed:
LOG(ERROR) << "ForculusEncrypter returned kEncryptionFailed for: Report "
<< report->report_name() << " for metric " << metric.metric_name()
<< " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kOther;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeIntegerEventObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index,
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes, const std::string& component, int64_t value) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* integer_event_observation = observation->mutable_numeric_event();
if (!HashComponentNameIfNotEmpty(component,
integer_event_observation->mutable_component_name_hash())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Hashing the component name failed for: Report " << report->report_name()
<< " for metric " << metric.metric_name() << " in project "
<< metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kOther;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeHistogramObservation(MetricRef metric,
const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes,
const std::string& component,
HistogramPtr histogram) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* histogram_observation = observation->mutable_histogram();
if (!HashComponentNameIfNotEmpty(component,
histogram_observation->mutable_component_name_hash())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Hashing the component name failed for: Report " << report->report_name()
<< " for metric " << metric.metric_name() << " in project "
<< metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kOther;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeCustomObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
EventValuesPtr event_values) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* custom_observation = observation->mutable_custom();
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeUniqueActivesObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index, uint32_t event_code,
bool was_active, const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
Encoder::Result basic_rappor_result;
if (was_active) {
// Encode a single 1 bit
basic_rappor_result = EncodeBasicRapporObservation(metric, report, day_index, 0u, 1u);
} else {
// Encode a single 0 bit
basic_rappor_result = EncodeNullBasicRapporObservation(metric, report, day_index, 1u);
if (basic_rappor_result.status != kOK) {
result.status = basic_rappor_result.status;
return result;
auto* activity_observation = result.observation->mutable_unique_actives();
*activity_observation->mutable_aggregation_window() = aggregation_window;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodePerDeviceNumericObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes, int64_t value,
const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const {
auto result =
EncodeIntegerEventObservation(metric, report, day_index, event_codes, component, value);
auto* integer_event_observation = result.observation->release_numeric_event();
auto* per_device_observation = result.observation->mutable_per_device_numeric();
*per_device_observation->mutable_aggregation_window() = aggregation_window;
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodePerDeviceHistogramObservation(
MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report, uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component, const RepeatedField<uint32_t>& event_codes, int64_t value,
const OnDeviceAggregationWindow& aggregation_window) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* per_device_histogram_obs = result.observation->mutable_per_device_histogram();
*per_device_histogram_obs->mutable_aggregation_window() = aggregation_window;
auto* histogram_observation = per_device_histogram_obs->mutable_histogram();
if (!HashComponentNameIfNotEmpty(component,
histogram_observation->mutable_component_name_hash())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Hashing the component name failed for: Report " << report->report_name()
<< " for metric " << metric.metric_name() << " in project "
<< metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kOther;
auto integer_bucket_config = IntegerBucketConfig::CreateFromProto(report->int_buckets());
if (integer_bucket_config == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid IntBucketConfig for: Report " << report->report_name() << " for metric "
<< metric.metric_name() << " in project " << metric.ProjectDebugString() << ".";
result.status = kOther;
return result;
auto bucket = histogram_observation->add_buckets();
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeReportParticipationObservation(MetricRef metric,
const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeNullBasicRapporObservation(MetricRef metric,
const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index,
uint32_t num_categories) const {
auto result = MakeObservation(metric, report, day_index);
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
auto* basic_rappor_observation = observation->mutable_basic_rappor();
rappor::BasicRapporConfig basic_rappor_config;
basic_rappor_config.prob_rr = RapporConfigHelper::kProbRR;
float prob_bit_flip = RapporConfigHelper::ProbBitFlip(*report, metric.FullyQualifiedName());
basic_rappor_config.prob_0_becomes_1 = prob_bit_flip;
basic_rappor_config.prob_1_stays_1 = 1.0f - prob_bit_flip;
// TODO(rudominer) Stop copying the client_secret_ on each Encode*()
// operation.
BasicRapporEncoder basic_rappor_encoder(basic_rappor_config, client_secret_);
result.status = TranslateBasicRapporEncoderStatus(
metric, report, basic_rappor_encoder.EncodeNullObservation(basic_rappor_observation));
return result;
Encoder::Result Encoder::MakeObservation(MetricRef metric, const ReportDefinition* report,
uint32_t day_index) const {
Result result;
result.status = kOK;
result.observation = std::make_unique<Observation2>();
auto* observation = result.observation.get();
result.metadata = std::make_unique<ObservationMetadata>();
auto* metadata = result.metadata.get();
// Generate the random_id field. Currently we use 8 bytes but our
// infrastructure allows us to change that in the future if we wish to. The
// random_id is used by the Analyzer Service as part of a unique row key
// for the observation in the Observation Store.
static const size_t kNumRandomBytes = 8;
observation->set_allocated_random_id(new std::string(kNumRandomBytes, 0));
if (system_data_) {
const auto& profile = system_data_->system_profile();
for (const auto& field : report->system_profile_field()) {
switch (field) {
case SystemProfileField::OS:
case SystemProfileField::ARCH:
case SystemProfileField::BOARD_NAME:
case SystemProfileField::PRODUCT_NAME:
case SystemProfileField::SYSTEM_VERSION:
case SystemProfileField::CHANNEL:
return result;
} // namespace cobalt::logger