blob: dbab1b8e63b9f29a7122fb8238ebf219e2876562 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "config/metric_definition.proto";
import "config/report_definition.proto";
import "config/project.proto";
// An identifier of a locally aggregated report.
message ReportAggregationKey {
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 metric_id = 3;
uint32 report_id = 4;
// A container used by the EventAggregator to store local aggregates of
// logged events.
message LocalAggregateStore {
// Keyed by base64-encoded serializations of ReportAggregationKey messages.
map<string, ReportAggregates> aggregates = 1;
message ReportAggregates {
// Keyed by event code.
map<uint32, DailyAggregates> by_event_code = 1;
// The configuration for the report represented by the ReportAggregationKey
// of this ReportAggregates.
AggregationConfig aggregation_config = 2;
// A representation of the configuration of a locally aggregated report and
// of its parent metric.
message AggregationConfig {
// A Project message.
Project project = 1;
// A MetricDefinition.
// TODO(pesk): When implementing handling of config changes, replace this
// field with a MetricDefinition with all ReportDefinitions removed, as well
// as all fields which should not affect the EventAggregator's handling
// of the MetricDefinition.
MetricDefinition metric = 2;
// A ReportDefinition message.
// TODO(pesk): When implementing handling of config changes, replace this
// field with a ReportDefinition with all WindowSizes removed, as well as
// all fields which should not affect the EventAggregator's handling of the
// ReportDefinition.
ReportDefinition report = 3;
message DailyAggregates {
// Keyed by day index.
map<uint32, DailyAggregate> by_day_index = 1;
// A value formed by aggregating the events logged for a single report, event
// code, and day index.
message DailyAggregate {
oneof type {
ActivityDailyAggregate activity_daily_aggregate = 1;
// A representation of the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event code on
// a given day.
message ActivityDailyAggregate {
bool activity_indicator = 1;
// A container used by the EventAggregator to store the latest day index for
// which an Observation has been generated for each report, event code, and
// window size.
message AggregatedObservationHistory {
// Keyed by base64-encoded serializations of ReportAggregationKey messages.
map<string, HistoryByEventCode> by_report_key = 1;
message HistoryByEventCode {
// Keyed by event code.
map<uint32, HistoryByWindowSize> by_event_code = 1;
message HistoryByWindowSize {
// Keyed by window size. The value at a window size is the latest day index
// for which an Observation has been generated for this report, event code,
// and window size.
map<uint32, uint32> by_window_size = 1;