blob: 3cf7ec46616b8ddd0adcfe1194a9aa2f4f7fe287 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Runs the Cobalt registry parser on either the entire (global) registry or
# the registry for a single project. This has the following effects:
# - Validates the registry entries
# - Populates the privacy encoding fields of each ReportDefinition
# - Optionally generates source code files in various programming languages
# containing definitions of constants that facilitate interacting with
# the Cobalt API.
# - Optionally generates a binary protocol buffer representation of the
# registry
# Args:
# global: (default: false) Should generate the global registry. If true then
# do not specify |customer_id| or |project_id|.
# customer_id: (default: 1) numeric customer_id of the project to generate.
# optional.
# project_id: numeric project_id of the project to generate the registry of
# output_name: base of the filename for the output. optional.
# generate_binarypb: (default: false) should we generate a *.pb file with a
# binary representation of the registry.
# generate_cc: (default: false) Should we generate a *.cb.h file and a library.
# generate_rust: (default: false) Should we generate a rust crate.
# directories: (default: [//third_party/cobalt_config]) The directories to parse.
# exclude_projects: (default: []) A list of the projects to exclude from the
# parsed directories. Projects are identified by a colon
# separated "customer_id:project_id".
# privacy_encoding_params_file: (default:
# "$cobalt_root/src/algorithms/privacy/data/privacy_encoding_params")
# A file containing precomputed privacy encoding parameters.
# allow_empty_output: (default: false) Should we allow the output file to be empty.
# features: (default: []) The list of features to enable.
# dimension_name_maps_for_metric_ids: (default: []) The list of metric ids for
# which to generate name maps.
# example usage:
# metrics_registry("generate_testapp_registry") {
# project_id = 2
# }
template("metrics_registry") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
if (defined( {
global =
} else {
global = false
if (defined(invoker.customer_id)) {
not_needed([ "global" ])
customer_id = invoker.customer_id
} else if (!global) {
# Customer is Fuchsia
customer_id = 1
if (defined(invoker.project_id)) {
not_needed([ "global" ])
project_id = invoker.project_id
} else {
assert(global, "Exactly one of 'project_id' or 'global' must be defined")
if (defined(invoker.namespace)) {
namespace = invoker.namespace
} else {
namespace = ""
if (defined(invoker.generate_binarypb)) {
generate_binarypb = invoker.generate_binarypb
} else {
# If generate_binarypb has not been specified it defaults to false for
# non-global and true for global.
generate_binarypb = global
if (defined(invoker.generate_cc)) {
generate_cc = invoker.generate_cc
} else {
generate_cc = false
if (defined(invoker.generate_go)) {
generate_go = invoker.generate_go
} else {
generate_go = false
if (defined(invoker.go_package_name)) {
go_package_name = invoker.go_package_name
if (defined(invoker.generate_rust)) {
generate_rust = invoker.generate_rust
} else {
generate_rust = false
if (defined(invoker.source)) {
source = invoker.source
if (defined(invoker.skip_validation)) {
skip_validation = invoker.skip_validation
} else {
skip_validation = false
if (defined(invoker.features)) {
features = invoker.features
if (defined(invoker.var_name)) {
var_name = invoker.var_name
if (defined(invoker.use_target_name)) {
not_needed(invoker, [ "use_target_name" ])
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_name = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.directories)) {
cobalt_config_dirs = invoker.directories
} else {
cobalt_config_dirs = [ "//third_party/cobalt_config" ]
if (defined(invoker.exclude_projects)) {
exclude_projects = invoker.exclude_projects
} else {
exclude_projects = []
if (defined(invoker.privacy_encoding_params_file)) {
privacy_encoding_params_file = invoker.privacy_encoding_params_file
} else {
privacy_encoding_params_file =
if (defined(invoker.allow_empty_output)) {
allow_empty_output = invoker.allow_empty_output
} else {
allow_empty_output = false
if (defined(invoker.dimension_name_maps_for_metric_ids)) {
dimension_name_maps_for_metric_ids =
out_format = ""
generated_files = []
if (generate_binarypb) {
out_format = "${out_format}bin "
generated_files += [ "$target_gen_dir/$output_name.pb" ]
if (generate_cc) {
out_format = "${out_format}cpp "
cc_source_file = "$target_gen_dir/$output_name.cb.h"
generated_files += [ cc_source_file ]
if (generate_rust) {
out_format = "${out_format}rust "
rust_source_file = "$target_gen_dir/$"
generated_files += [ rust_source_file ]
if (generate_go) {
out_format = "${out_format}go "
go_source_file = "$target_gen_dir/$output_name.go"
generated_files += [ go_source_file ]
gen_target_name = "${target_name}_gen"
group_deps = [ ":${gen_target_name}" ]
compiled_action(gen_target_name) {
tool = "$cobalt_root/src/bin/config_parser/src:bin"
tool_output_name = "config_parser"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$output_name.d"
outputs = generated_files
inputs = []
foreach(config_dir, cobalt_config_dirs) {
inputs += [ "$config_dir/projects.yaml" ]
args = [
rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (skip_validation) {
args += [ "-skip_validation" ]
if (defined(features)) {
args += [
string_join(",", features),
if (defined(dimension_name_maps_for_metric_ids)) {
args += [
string_join(",", dimension_name_maps_for_metric_ids),
if (defined(var_name)) {
args += [
if (defined(source)) {
args += [
rebase_path(source, root_build_dir),
} else {
foreach(config_dir, cobalt_config_dirs) {
args += [
rebase_path(config_dir, root_build_dir),
if (defined(exclude_projects)) {
foreach(exclude_project, exclude_projects) {
args += [
if (defined(privacy_encoding_params_file)) {
args += [
rebase_path(privacy_encoding_params_file, root_build_dir),
if (allow_empty_output) {
args += [ "-allow_empty_output" ]
if (defined(customer_id)) {
args += [
if (namespace != "") {
args += [
if (defined(project_id)) {
args += [
if (generate_go) {
args += [
# The generated source code will have a stale timestamp if
# its contents do not change. This is ok, as it terminates
# the build early when downstream actions need not be re-run.
# The out-of-Fuchsia build is not trace-enabled.
if (is_fuchsia_tree) {
all_outputs_fresh = false
if (generate_cc) {
cclib = "${target_name}_cc"
group_deps += [ ":${cclib}" ]
source_set(cclib) {
output_name = cclib
sources = [ cc_source_file ]
public_deps = [ ":$gen_target_name" ]
if (generate_rust) {
rust_library_name = target_name
rustlib = "${target_name}_rustlib"
group_deps += [ ":${rustlib}" ]
rustc_library(rustlib) {
name = rust_library_name
version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2018"
source_root = rust_source_file
if (is_fuchsia_tree) {
sources = [ rust_source_file ]
deps = [ "$cobalt_root/src/lib/client/rust:cobalt-client" ]
non_rust_deps = [ ":$gen_target_name" ]
if (generate_go) {
source_dir = target_gen_dir
go_library("${target_name}_golib") {
name = target_name
non_go_deps = [ ":$gen_target_name" ]
sources = [ rebase_path(go_source_file, target_gen_dir) ]
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
public_deps = group_deps