blob: 83e16d7189ad027ce7c5e6fa6f5be4bacdc79286 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/algorithms/random/random.h"
namespace cobalt {
// Given a |value|, the DoubleToIndex() function returns an index in the range
// [0, |num_index_points| - 1] using randomized fixed-point encoding.
// The |value| is snapped to one of the |num_index_points| boundary points of the equal subsegments
// of the range [|min_value|, |max_value|]. If |value| is not equal to a boundary point, then
// |value| is snapped to one of the two nearest boundary points, with probability proportional to
// its distance from each of those points.
// Value must be in the range [|min_value|, |max_value|].
uint64_t DoubleToIndex(double value, double min_value, double max_value, uint64_t num_index_points,
BitGeneratorInterface<uint32_t>* gen);
// See DoubleToIndex.
uint64_t IntegerToIndex(int64_t value, int64_t min_value, int64_t max_value,
uint64_t num_index_points, BitGeneratorInterface<uint32_t>* gen);
// Encodes a |count| to the range [|num_index_points|, 2 * |num_index_points| - 1]. See
// DoubleToIndex for a description of the encoding scheme.
uint64_t CountToIndex(uint64_t count, uint64_t max_count, uint64_t num_index_points,
BitGeneratorInterface<uint32_t>* gen);
// Encodes a |bucket_count|, |bucket_index| pair by encoding the |bucket_count| as per the
// DoubleToIndex encoding scheme plus an offset equal to |bucket_index| * |num_index_points|.
uint64_t HistogramBucketToIndex(uint64_t bucket_count, uint32_t bucket_index, uint64_t max_count,
uint64_t num_index_points, BitGeneratorInterface<uint32_t>* gen);
// DoubleFromIndex maps |index| to the numeric value corresponding to the boundary point with index
// |index|.
double DoubleFromIndex(uint64_t index, double min_value, double max_value,
uint64_t num_index_points);
// See DoubleFromIndex.
int64_t IntegerFromIndex(uint64_t index, int64_t min_value, int64_t max_value,
uint64_t num_index_points);
// Decodes an |index| that was encoded with CountToIndex.
uint64_t CountFromIndex(uint64_t index, uint64_t max_count, uint64_t num_index_points);
// Decodes an |index| that was encoded with HistogramBucketFromIndex.
void HistogramBucketFromIndex(uint64_t index, uint64_t max_count, uint64_t num_index_points,
uint64_t* bucket_count, uint32_t* bucket_index);
// ValueAndEventVectorIndicesToIndex uniquely maps a |value_index|, |event_vector_index| pair to a
// single index in the range [0, |max_event_vector_index + 1| * |num_index_points| - 1].
// See DoubleToIndex for |num_index_points|.
uint64_t ValueAndEventVectorIndicesToIndex(uint64_t value_index, uint64_t event_vector_index,
uint64_t max_event_vector_index);
// ValueAndEventVectorIndicesFromIndex is the inverse of ValueAndEventVectorIndicesToIndex.
void ValueAndEventVectorIndicesFromIndex(uint64_t index, uint64_t max_event_vector_index,
uint64_t* value_index, uint64_t* event_vector_index);
// Returns true if |index| was encoded using CountToIndex.
bool IsCountIndex(uint64_t index, uint64_t num_index_points);
} // namespace cobalt