blob: 9e10b385d248b4a432ca6d1e79b20d4b9800b60b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "config/cobalt_registry.pb.h"
#include "config/encoding_config.h"
#include "config/encodings.pb.h"
#include "config/metric_config.h"
#include "config/metrics.pb.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace config {
// ClientConfig provides a convenient interface over a |CobaltRegistry|
// that is intended to be used on Cobalt's client-side.
// A CobaltRegistry can be in one of three states:
// (1) It can contain data for a single Cobalt 0.1 project.
// (2) It can contain data for a single Cobalt 1.0 project.
// (3) It can contain data for multiple Cobalt projects. In this case it
// may contain data for some Cobalt 0.1 projects and some Cobalt 1.0
// projects.
// This class is part of Cobalt 0.1. and as such it ignores the Cobalt 1.0
// data in a |CobaltRegistry| and gives access only to the Cobalt 0.1 data.
// So an instance of this class can be in one of three states corresponding
// to the three states above:
// (1) It can contain data for a single Cobalt 0.1 project.
// (2) It can be empty
// (3) It can contain data for multiple Cobalt 0.1 projects.
// See the class |ProjectConfigs| for the Cobalt 1.0 analogue of this class.
class ClientConfig {
// Constructs and returns an instance of ClientConfig by first parsing
// a CobaltRegistry proto message from |cobalt_registry_base64|, which should
// contain the Base64 encoding of the bytes of the binary serialization of
// such a message, and then extracting the Metrics and EncodingConfigs from
// that.
// Returns nullptr to indicate failure.
static std::unique_ptr<ClientConfig> CreateFromCobaltRegistryBase64(
const std::string& cobalt_registry_base64);
// Constructs and returns an instance of ClientConfig by first parsing
// a CobaltRegistry proto message from |cobalt_registry_bytes|, which should
// contain the bytes of the binary serialization of such a message, and then
// extracting the Metrics and EncodingConfigs from that.
// Returns nullptr to indicate failure.
static std::unique_ptr<ClientConfig> CreateFromCobaltRegistryBytes(
const std::string& cobalt_registry_bytes);
// Constructs and returns and instance of ClientConfig from
// |cobalt_registry|.
static std::unique_ptr<ClientConfig> CreateFromCobaltRegistryProto(
std::unique_ptr<CobaltRegistry> cobalt_registry);
// Constructs a ClientConfig that wraps the given registries.
ClientConfig(std::shared_ptr<config::EncodingRegistry> encoding_configs,
std::shared_ptr<config::MetricRegistry> metrics);
// Returns the EncodingConfig with the given ID triple, or nullptr if there is
// no such EncodingConfig. The caller does not take ownership of the returned
// pointer.
const EncodingConfig* EncodingConfig(uint32_t customer_id,
uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id);
// Returns the Metric with the given ID triple, or nullptr if there is
// no such Metric. The caller does not take ownership of the returned
// pointer.
const class Metric* Metric(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id);
// Returns the Metric with the given triple, or nullptr if there is no
// such Metric. The caller does not take ownership of the returned pointer.
const class Metric* Metric(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
const std::string& metric_name);
// Returns whether or not this instance of ClientConfig contains data for
// exactly one project.
bool is_single_project() { return is_single_project_; }
// Returns whether or not this instance of ClientConfig contains no
// project data.
bool is_empty() { return is_empty_; }
// If is_single_project() is true then this returns the customer ID of
// the single project. Otherwise the return value is undefined.
uint32_t single_customer_id() { return single_customer_id_; }
// If is_single_project() is true then this returns the project ID of
// the single project. Otherwise the return value is undefined.
uint32_t single_project_id() { return single_project_id_; }
void DetermineIfSingleProject();
std::shared_ptr<config::EncodingRegistry> encoding_configs_;
std::shared_ptr<config::MetricRegistry> metrics_;
bool is_single_project_;
bool is_empty_;
uint32_t single_customer_id_ = 0;
uint32_t single_project_id_ = 0;
} // namespace config
} // namespace cobalt