blob: fa033b2966e0e79e23194d97f9ccc5ef3b8c7495 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "encoder/send_retryer.h"
#include "./logging.h"
#include "encoder/shuffler_client.h"
#include "util/clock.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
namespace send_retryer {
using util::SystemClock;
namespace {
// We won't ever attempt an RPC with a deadline of more than 80 seconds.
// gRPC has a bound on how large a message can be and within this
// bound an RPC should always take far less than this amount of time.
constexpr std::chrono::seconds kMaxRpcDeadline = std::chrono::seconds(80);
// Returns whether or not an operation should be retried based on its returned
// status.
bool ShouldRetry(const grpc::Status& status) {
switch (status.error_code()) {
case grpc::ABORTED:
case grpc::INTERNAL:
case grpc::UNAVAILABLE:
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
void CancelHandle::TryCancel() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
cancelled_ = true;
if (context_) {
SendRetryer::SendRetryer(ShufflerClientInterface* shuffler_client)
: shuffler_client_(shuffler_client), clock_(new SystemClock()) {
grpc::Status SendRetryer::SendToShuffler(
std::chrono::seconds initial_rpc_deadline,
std::chrono::seconds overall_deadline, CancelHandle* cancel_handle,
const EncryptedMessage& encrypted_message) {
CHECK(initial_rpc_deadline > std::chrono::seconds::zero());
CHECK(overall_deadline >= initial_rpc_deadline);
// If the caller wants us to use an overall deadline set the
// absolute_deadline.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point absolute_deadline =
if (overall_deadline < std::chrono::seconds::max()) {
absolute_deadline = clock_->now() + overall_deadline;
// If the caller did not pass in a CancelHandle make a local one. We will
// need it for the grpc::ClientContext so we can set a gRPC timeout.
std::unique_ptr<CancelHandle> local_cancel_handle;
if (cancel_handle == NULL) {
local_cancel_handle.reset(new CancelHandle());
cancel_handle = local_cancel_handle.get();
// Initialize rpc_deadline to min(initial_rpc_deadline, kMaxRpcDeadline).
std::chrono::seconds rpc_deadline = initial_rpc_deadline;
if (rpc_deadline > kMaxRpcDeadline) {
rpc_deadline = kMaxRpcDeadline;
// This value will increase with our exponential backoff.
std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_between_attempts = initial_sleep_;
// The retry loop.
grpc::ClientContext* client_context;
while (true) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cancel_handle->mutex_);
// Quit now if we were cancelled.
if (cancel_handle->cancelled_) {
return grpc::Status(grpc::CANCELLED, "Cancelled from CancelHandle.");
// We need a new ClientContext for every request.
cancel_handle->context_.reset(new grpc::ClientContext());
client_context = cancel_handle->context_.get();
// Attempt the RPC.
client_context->set_deadline(clock_->now() + rpc_deadline);
VLOG(4) << "Sending an RPC to the Shuffler with a deadline of "
<< rpc_deadline.count() << " seconds.";
auto status =
shuffler_client_->SendToShuffler(encrypted_message, client_context);
VLOG(4) << "Response received from Shuffler: (" << status.error_code()
<< ") " << status.error_message();
// If the RPC succeeded or failed with a non-retryable error then we
// are done.
if (!ShouldRetry(status)) {
return status;
std::chrono::seconds time_remaining =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(absolute_deadline -
// If we have less then 2 seconds remaining then quit. This is because
// we still need to sleep before the next timeout. We want at least one
// second to sleep and at least on second of RPC timeout after that.
if (time_remaining < std::chrono::seconds(2)) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Overall deadline of " << overall_deadline.count()
<< " seconds would be exceeded";
auto s = stream.str();
VLOG(3) << s;
return grpc::Status(grpc::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, s);
// We know there are at least two seconds left before the absolute deadline.
// We are about to sleep before the next send attempt. Limit the sleep
// time to time_remaining - 1. We save 1 second to use as the RPC timeout.
if (sleep_between_attempts > time_remaining - std::chrono::seconds(1)) {
sleep_between_attempts = time_remaining - std::chrono::seconds(1);
// If we hit DEADLINE_EXCEEDED last time multiply the deadline by
// kGrowthFactor.
// Note(rudominer) The value kGrowthFactor = 1.51 is fairly arbitrary. We
// wanted kGrowthFactor < 2 for smaller growth. We wanted
// kGrowthFactor >= 1.5 to ensure that for all integers n >= 1,
// round(n * kGrowthFactor) > n. We chose 1.51 instead of 1.5 out of
// superstition.
static const double kGrowthFactor = 1.5;
if (status.error_code() == grpc::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED) {
rpc_deadline = std::chrono::seconds(static_cast<int>(
round(static_cast<double>(rpc_deadline.count()) * kGrowthFactor)));
// But make the deadline less than the max deadline,
if (rpc_deadline > kMaxRpcDeadline) {
rpc_deadline = kMaxRpcDeadline;
// and less than time_remaining - sleep_between_attempts
if (rpc_deadline > time_remaining - sleep_between_attempts) {
rpc_deadline =
time_remaining - std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
// Note: We invoke the real system clock here, not clock_->now().
// This is because even in a test we want to use the real
// system clock to compute wakeup_time. This is because
auto wakeup_time =
std::chrono::system_clock::now() + sleep_between_attempts;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cancel_handle->mutex_);
if (cancel_handle->cancelled_) {
VLOG(3) << "SendRetryer::SendToShuffler() cancelled between attempts.";
return grpc::Status(grpc::CANCELLED, "Cancelled from CancelHandle.");
// Wait until cancelled or wakeup_time.
auto sleep_millis = sleep_between_attempts.count();
VLOG(3) << "Shuffler returned (" << status.error_code() << ") "
<< status.error_message() << ". We will retry after a sleep of "
<< sleep_millis << " millis.";
if (cancel_handle->sleep_notification_function_) {
lock, wakeup_time,
[cancel_handle] { return cancel_handle->cancelled_; });
if (cancel_handle->cancelled_) {
VLOG(3) << "SendRetryer::SendToShuffler() cancelled during wait.";
return grpc::Status(grpc::CANCELLED, "Cancelled from CancelHandle.");
// Exponential backoff.
sleep_between_attempts *= 2;
} // namespace send_retryer
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt