blob: be32b9aef70f0f65a83ee53b808c6e883bf0064c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "encoder/encoder.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <utility>
#include "./logging.h"
#include "algorithms/forculus/forculus_encrypter.h"
#include "algorithms/rappor/rappor_encoder.h"
#include "config/encodings.pb.h"
#include "config/metrics.pb.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/random.h"
#include "util/datetime_util.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
using forculus::ForculusEncrypter;
using rappor::BasicRapporEncoder;
using rappor::RapporEncoder;
using util::TimeToDayIndex;
Encoder::Encoder(std::shared_ptr<ProjectContext> project,
ClientSecret client_secret)
: customer_id_(project->customer_id()),
client_secret_(std::move(client_secret)) {}
Encoder::Status Encoder::EncodeForculus(
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t encoding_config_id,
MetricPart::DataType data_type, const ValuePart& value,
const EncodingConfig* encoding_config, const std::string& part_name,
uint32_t day_index, ObservationPart* observation_part) {
switch (data_type) {
case MetricPart::INT: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Forculus doesn't support INTs: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
case MetricPart::INDEX: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Forculus doesn't support INDEXes: (" << customer_id_
<< ", " << project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
ForculusObservation* forculus_observation =
ForculusEncrypter forculus_encrypter(encoding_config->forculus(),
customer_id_, project_id_, metric_id,
part_name, client_secret_);
switch (
forculus_encrypter.EncryptValue(value, day_index, forculus_observation)) {
case ForculusEncrypter::kOK:
return kOK;
case ForculusEncrypter::kInvalidConfig:
return kInvalidConfig;
case ForculusEncrypter::kEncryptionFailed:
LOG(ERROR) << "Forculs encryption failed for encoding (" << customer_id_
<< ", " << project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kEncodingFailed;
Encoder::Status Encoder::EncodeRappor(uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
MetricPart::DataType data_type,
const ValuePart& value,
const EncodingConfig* encoding_config,
const std::string& part_name,
ObservationPart* observation_part) {
switch (data_type) {
case MetricPart::INT: {
LOG(ERROR) << "RAPPOR doesn't support INTs: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
case MetricPart::INDEX: {
LOG(ERROR) << "RAPPOR doesn't support INDEXes: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
case MetricPart::BLOB: {
LOG(ERROR) << "RAPPOR doesn't support Blobs: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
RapporObservation* rappor_observation = observation_part->mutable_rappor();
RapporEncoder rappor_encoder(encoding_config->rappor(), client_secret_);
switch (rappor_encoder.Encode(value, rappor_observation)) {
case rappor::kOK:
return kOK;
case rappor::kInvalidConfig:
return kInvalidConfig;
case rappor::kInvalidInput:
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid arguments to RapporEncoder for encoding ("
<< customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_ << ", "
<< encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
Encoder::Status Encoder::EncodeBasicRappor(
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t encoding_config_id,
MetricPart::DataType data_type, const ValuePart& value,
const EncodingConfig* encoding_config, const std::string& part_name,
ObservationPart* observation_part) {
switch (data_type) {
case MetricPart::BLOB: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Basic RAPPOR doesn't support Blobs: (" << customer_id_
<< ", " << project_id_ << ", " << encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
BasicRapporObservation* basic_rappor_observation =
BasicRapporEncoder basic_rappor_encoder(encoding_config->basic_rappor(),
switch (basic_rappor_encoder.Encode(value, basic_rappor_observation)) {
case rappor::kOK:
return kOK;
case rappor::kInvalidConfig:
return kInvalidConfig;
case rappor::kInvalidInput:
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid arguments to BasicRapporEncoder for encoding ("
<< customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_ << ", "
<< encoding_config_id << ")";
return kInvalidArguments;
Encoder::Status Encoder::EncodeNoOp(uint32_t metric_id, const ValuePart& value,
const std::string& part_name,
ObservationPart* observation_part) {
// TODO(rudominer) Notice we are copying the value here. If we pass
// the parameter |value| by pointer instead of by const ref then we could
// Swap() here instead.
new ValuePart(value));
return kOK;
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeString(uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& string_value) {
Value value;
// An empty part name is a signal to the function Encoder::Encode() that
// the metric has only a single part whose name should be looked up.
value.AddStringPart(encoding_config_id, "", string_value);
return Encode(metric_id, value);
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeInt(uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
int64_t int_value) {
Value value;
// An empty part name is a signal to the function Encoder::Encode() that the
// metric has only a single part.
value.AddIntPart(encoding_config_id, "", int_value);
return Encode(metric_id, value);
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeIndex(uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
uint32_t index) {
Value value;
// An empty part name is a signal to the function Encoder::Encode() that the
// metric has only a single part.
value.AddIndexPart(encoding_config_id, "", index);
return Encode(metric_id, value);
Encoder::Result Encoder::EncodeBlob(uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const void* data, size_t num_bytes) {
Value value;
// An empty part name is a signal to the function Encoder::Encode() that the
// metric has only a single part.
value.AddBlobPart(encoding_config_id, "", data, num_bytes);
return Encode(metric_id, value);
Encoder::Result Encoder::Encode(uint32_t metric_id, const Value& value) {
Result result;
// Get the Metric.
const Metric* metric = project_->Metric(metric_id);
if (!metric) {
// No such metric.
LOG(ERROR) << "No such metric: (" << customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_
<< ", " << metric_id << ")";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
// Check that the number of values provided equals the number of metric
// parts.
if (metric->parts().size() != value.parts_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Metric (" << customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_ << ", "
<< metric_id << ") does not have " << value.parts_.size()
<< " part(s)";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
// Compute the day_index.
time_t current_time = current_time_;
if (current_time <= 0) {
// Use the real clock if we have not been given a static value for
// current_time.
current_time = std::time(nullptr);
uint32_t day_index = TimeToDayIndex(current_time, metric->time_zone_policy());
if (day_index == UINT32_MAX) {
// Invalid Metric: No time_zone_policy.
LOG(ERROR) << "TimeZonePolicy unset for metric: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << metric_id << ")";
result.status = kInvalidConfig;
return result;
// Create a new Observation and ObservationMetadata.
result.observation.reset(new Observation());
// Generate the random_id field. Currently we use 8 bytes but our
// infrastructure allows us to change that in the future if we wish to. The
// random_id is used by the Analyzer Service as part of a unique row key
// for the observation in the Observation Store.
static const size_t kNumRandomBytes = 8;
new std::string(kNumRandomBytes, 0));
result.metadata.reset(new ObservationMetadata());
// Iterate through the provided values.
for (const auto& key_value : value.parts_) {
std::string part_name = key_value.first;
const Value::ValuePartData& value_part_data = key_value.second;
// Find the metric part with the specified name.
if (part_name.empty() && metric->parts().size() == 1) {
// Special case: If there is only one metric part and the provided
// part_name is the empty string then use that single metric part.
metric_part_iterator = metric->parts().begin();
part_name = metric_part_iterator->first;
} else {
metric_part_iterator = metric->parts().find(part_name);
if (metric_part_iterator == metric->parts().cend()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Metric (" << customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_ << ", "
<< metric_id << ") does not have a part named " << part_name
<< ".";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
const MetricPart& metric_part = metric_part_iterator->second;
// Check that the data type of the ValuePart matches the data_type of the
// MetricPart.
if (metric_part.data_type() != value_part_data.data_type) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Metric part (" << customer_id_ << ", " << project_id_
<< ", " << metric_id << ")-" << part_name << " is not of type "
<< value_part_data.data_type << ".";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
// Get the EncodingConfig
const EncodingConfig* encoding_config =
if (!encoding_config) {
// No such encoding config.
LOG(ERROR) << "No such encoding config: (" << customer_id_ << ", "
<< project_id_ << ", " << value_part_data.encoding_config_id
<< ")";
result.status = kInvalidArguments;
return result;
// Add an ObservationPart to the Observation with the part_name.
ObservationPart& observation_part =
// Perform the encoding.
Status status = kOK;
switch (encoding_config->config_case()) {
case EncodingConfig::kForculus: {
status = EncodeForculus(metric_id, value_part_data.encoding_config_id,
value_part_data.value_part, encoding_config,
part_name, day_index, &observation_part);
case EncodingConfig::kRappor: {
status =
EncodeRappor(metric_id, value_part_data.encoding_config_id,
value_part_data.data_type, value_part_data.value_part,
encoding_config, part_name, &observation_part);
case EncodingConfig::kBasicRappor: {
status = EncodeBasicRappor(
metric_id, value_part_data.encoding_config_id,
value_part_data.data_type, value_part_data.value_part,
encoding_config, part_name, &observation_part);
case EncodingConfig::kNoOpEncoding: {
status = EncodeNoOp(metric_id, value_part_data.value_part, part_name,
status = kInvalidConfig;
if (status != kOK) {
result.status = status;
return result;
result.status = kOK;
return result;
ValuePart& Encoder::Value::AddPart(uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& part_name,
MetricPart::DataType data_type) {
// emplace() returns a pair whose first element is an iterator over
// pairs whose second element is a ValuePartData.
return parts_.emplace(part_name, ValuePartData(encoding_config_id, data_type))
void Encoder::Value::AddStringPart(uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& part_name,
const std::string& value) {
AddPart(encoding_config_id, part_name, MetricPart::STRING)
void Encoder::Value::AddIntPart(uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& part_name, int64_t value) {
AddPart(encoding_config_id, part_name, MetricPart::INT).set_int_value(value);
void Encoder::Value::AddIndexPart(uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& part_name,
uint32_t index) {
AddPart(encoding_config_id, part_name, MetricPart::INDEX)
void Encoder::Value::AddBlobPart(uint32_t encoding_config_id,
const std::string& part_name, const void* data,
size_t num_bytes) {
AddPart(encoding_config_id, part_name, MetricPart::BLOB)
.set_blob_value(data, num_bytes);
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt