blob: ad04907b72547d1f6ab5c279ccd8c1fef6547a8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "config/encodings.proto";
option go_package = "config";
message DifferentialPrivacyConfig {
float epsilon = 1;
float delta = 2;
// A list of candidates to use during a string RAPPOR analysis.
message RapporCandidateList {
repeated string candidates = 1;
// Human-readable labels to associate with the rows of a report for a
// metric variable of type INDEX. Values of this type are zero-based indices
// into some enumerated set defined outside of the Cobalt configuration system.
message IndexLabels {
// The keys to the map are the zero-based indices and
// the values are human-readable labels to be used in the report.
// A missing label is NOT a fatal error. If an index occurs in the data but
// there is no corresponding label specified here then the generated report
// will contain a string such as "<index 42>."
map<uint32, string> labels = 1;
// A ReportVariable is used within a |ReportConfig|. It specifies that
// a generated report should include a named part of a metric and it
// gives additional information necessary to analyze that metric part.
message ReportVariable {
// The named part of the metric to include in the report.
string metric_part = 1;
// This field will be populated only if the corresponding metric part
// is of type INDEX.
IndexLabels index_labels = 2;
// This field will be populated only if the corresponding metric part
// is of type STRING and if the report is expected to include some
// string RAPPOR analysis.
RapporCandidateList rappor_candidates = 3;
// The different types of reports that Cobalt knows how to create. Each
// ReportConfig specifies one ReportType in its |report_type| field.
// The number of variables that occur in the ReportConfig's |variable| field
// must be consistent with the ReportType.
// Not every ReportType is consistent with every kind of encoding. If an
// observation occurs in the set of observations being analyzed whose
// encoding is not consistent with the ReportType then the report generation
// may fail.
enum ReportType {
// A single-variable histogram report. Exactly one variable must appear in
// the |variable| field. Each row of the report presents a value and an
// estimate of the count of observations in the analysis set that contain
// that value.
// All encoding types are supported but in the current version of Cobalt
// the set of observations being analyzed must be homogeneous with respect to
// the encoding.
// A joint two-variable histogram report. Exactly two variables must appear
// in the |variable| field. Each row of the report presents two values and an
// estimate of the count of observations in the analysis set that contain
// those two values.
// A report of this type will be dependent on the two one-way marginal reports
// being generated prior to the generation of this report. When a report of
// this type is requested by a user, the Cobalt system will arrange for the
// two one-way marginals to also be generated--the user does not have to
// explicitly request those. The association between the joint report and
// its two one-way marginals will be captured via the |associated_report_ids|
// field of |ReportMetadata|.
// Only the String RAPPOR and Basic RAPPOR encoding types are supported.
JOINT = 1;
// A specification of how and where to export a Cobalt report to some external
// system.
message ReportExportConfig {
// A specification of how to serialize the report for export.
oneof export_serialization {
// Export as CSV
CSVSerializationConfig csv = 1;
// A specification of the location to which the report should be exported.
oneof export_location {
// Export to Google Cloud Storage.
GCSExportLocation gcs = 2;
// A specification of how to export a report as a CSV file.
message CSVSerializationConfig {
// A specification of a location within Google Cloud Storage where a report
// should be exported.
message GCSExportLocation {
// The name of a GCS bucket
string bucket = 1;
// A prefix to use for the generated object names within the bucket.
// This is optional. Often it is desirable to use a prefix that
// is like a folder path, i.e. foo/bar/baz/. If this is not empty, Cobalt
// will add a trailing forward slash "/" if the string does not end
// with a forward slash.
string folder_path = 2;
// A ReportConfig describes to the Analyzer a particular report to produce.
// A report is for a particular metric.
message ReportConfig {
// These three numbers form this ReportConfig's unique ID in the Cobalt Config
// DB.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 id = 3;
// e.g. "Fuchsia Usage by Hour"
string name = 4;
// e.g. "Whenever a Fuchsia device is woken up from sleep we capture the
// hour of the day."
string description = 5;
// The customer_id, project_id and metric_id refer to the metric that this
// is a report of.
uint32 metric_id = 6;
// Which type of report is this?
ReportType report_type = 7;
// The variables being analyzed in this report. The number of variables must
// be consistent with the type of report.
repeated ReportVariable variable = 8;
// The type of epoch to use when aggregating Observations for a report.
// This also determines the frequency of generating reports.
EpochType aggregation_epoch_type = 9;
// The number of days after an epoch ends before a report analyzing that
// epoch should be run. For example if |aggregation_epoch_type| = WEEK
// and report_delay_days = 3 then an analyis will be executed and a report
// will be generated every Tuesday for the 7 day period ending on the Saturday
// three days prior to the report day.
uint32 report_delay_days = 10;
DifferentialPrivacyConfig dp_config = 11;
// If this list is non-empty, then reports for this ReportConfig that are
// generated by the Report Scheduler (but not one-off reports) will, in
// addition to being saved in the ReportStore, also be exported to one or
// more external systems as specified.
repeated ReportExportConfig export_configs = 12;
// Constains the list of all ReportConfig that are registered in the
// Cobalt system. An instance of RegisteredReports is deserialized
// from a text file.
message RegisteredReports {
repeated ReportConfig element = 1;