Add a testapp metric for the new STRING metric type.

Bug: 44804
Change-Id: Ida9f929cad1846385a6825665a9a0a2d1c05bac0
diff --git a/fuchsia/test_app2/metrics.yaml b/fuchsia/test_app2/metrics.yaml
index 5091131..e91a272 100644
--- a/fuchsia/test_app2/metrics.yaml
+++ b/fuchsia/test_app2/metrics.yaml
@@ -78,6 +78,46 @@
     expiration_date: "2021/02/27"
+# error_occurred_components
+# This is a fictional metric used for the development of Cobalt 1.1.
+# We log each time an error occurs, noting the type of error and the
+# component that it occurred on.
+- id: 22
+  metric_name: error_occurred_components
+  metric_type: STRING
+  metric_semantics: [USAGE_COUNTING]
+  metric_dimensions:
+    - dimension: status
+      event_codes:
+        0: OK
+        1: InvalidArgument
+        2: FailedPrecondition
+        9: Unknown
+      max_event_code: 9
+  string_candidate_file: fuchsia/test_app2/application_names.txt
+  string_buffer_max: 30
+  reports:
+    #####################################################################
+    # error_counts
+    #
+    # This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt 1.1.
+    # For each day, we count the total number of occurrences over the
+    # fleet of each error type for each component. This report uses
+    # local differential privacy, so the counts are approximate and are
+    # reported with a standard error.
+    #####################################################################
+    - report_name: error_counts
+      id: 1
+      report_type: STRING_HISTOGRAMS
+      local_privacy_noise_level: SMALL
+      system_profile_field: [BOARD_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME]
+  meta_data:
+    max_release_stage: DEBUG
+    expiration_date: "2021/02/27"
 # file_system_cache_misses
 # This is a fictional metric used for the development of Cobalt.