blob: 18b80ba3d88ede5bb7756d277713b3fdea7b7167 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# List of variants that will form the basis for variant toolchains.
# Normally this is not set as a build argument, but it serves to
# document the available set of variants. Only set this to remove
# all the default variants here. To add more, set `extra_variants`
# instead.
# To make use of a variant, set `select_variant` (which see).
# Each element of the list is one variant, which itself is a list of
# of configs (labels). The simple names (not the full label, just the
# part after all /s and :s) of these configs will be used in toolchain
# names (each prefixed by a "-"), so the list of config names forming
# each variant must be unique among the lists in `known_variants +
# extra_variants` and it's a good idea to make it something concise
# and meaningful when seen as e.g. part of a directory name under
# `$root_build_dir`.
# In a given variant, each config label names a config that will be
# automatically used by every target built in that variant. For each
# config ${label}, there must also be a target ${label}_deps, which
# each target built in the variant will automatically depend on.
known_variants = [
[ "//build/config/lto" ],
[ "//build/config/lto:thinlto" ],
[ "//build/config/sanitizers:asan" ],
[ "//build/config/sanitizers:asan_no_detect_leaks" ],
[ "//build/config/sanitizers:ubsan" ],
# Additional variant toolchain configs to support.
# This is just added to known_variants, which see.
extra_variants = []
# Template to define a config for use in the `known_variants` list.
# `variant` is used just like `config`, but it also accepts two other
# optional parameters:
# common_flags
# This is a shorthand for appending the same thing to cflags,
# asmflags, and ldflags. Most flags that affect code generation
# should be used uniformly in compilation, assembly, and linking.
# If cflags, asmflags, or ldflags is also specified, common_flags
# will be appended to it.
# deps
# This lists labels that will be automatically added to the deps list
# of each executable target built in this variant.
template("variant") {
config(target_name) {
asmflags = []
cflags = []
ldflags = []
if (defined(invoker.common_flags)) {
asmflags += invoker.common_flags
cflags += invoker.common_flags
ldflags += invoker.common_flags
group("${target_name}_deps") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])