blob: 3795735b1e1b41a5ab7a30b4a8f56e3c1c7d39de [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("compiler") {
asmflags = []
cflags = []
cflags_c = []
cflags_cc = [ "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ]
cflags_objc = []
cflags_objcc = [ "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ]
ldflags = []
defines = []
configs = []
if (is_debug) {
cflags += [ "-g" ]
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
} else {
cflags_c += [ "-std=c11" ]
cflags_cc += [
if (current_os == "linux") {
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
asmflags += cflags
asmflags += cflags_c
config("relative_paths") {
# Make builds independent of absolute file path. The file names
# embedded in debugging information will be expressed as relative to
# the build directory, e.g. "../.." for an "out/subdir" under //.
# This is consistent with the file names in __FILE__ expansions
# (e.g. in assertion messages), which the compiler doesn't provide a
# way to remap. That way source file names in logging and
# symbolization can all be treated the same way. This won't go well
# if root_build_dir is not a subdirectory //, but there isn't a better
# option to keep all source file name references uniformly relative to
# a single root.
absolute_path = rebase_path("//.")
relative_path = rebase_path("//.", root_build_dir)
cflags = [
# This makes sure that the DW_AT_comp_dir string (the current
# directory while running the compiler, which is the basis for all
# relative source file names in the DWARF info) is represented as
# relative to //.
# This makes sure that include directories in the toolchain are
# represented as relative to the build directory (because that's how
# we invoke the compiler), rather than absolute. This can affect
# __FILE__ expansions (e.g. assertions in system headers). We
# normally run a compiler that's someplace within the source tree
# (//buildtools/...), so its absolute installation path will have a
# prefix matching absolute_path and hence be mapped to relative_path
# in the debugging information, so this should actually be
# superfluous for purposes of the debugging information.
config("debug") {
cflags = [
ldflags = cflags
config("release") {
defines = [ "NDEBUG=1" ]
cflags = [
ldflags = cflags
if (current_os == "mac") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
} else {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
config("no_exceptions") {
cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
config("no_rtti") {
cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
config("default_include_dirs") {
include_dirs = [
config("default_warnings") {
cflags = [
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
cflags += [
# TODO(TO-99): Remove once all the cases of unused 'this' lamda capture
# have been removed from our codebase.
# TODO(TO-100): Remove once comparator types provide const call operator.
config("symbol_visibility_hidden") {
cflags = [ "-fvisibility=hidden" ]
config("symbol_no_undefined") {
if (current_os == "mac") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-undefined,error" ]
} else {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--no-undefined" ]
config("shared_library_config") {
configs = []
cflags = []
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:shared_library_config" ]
} else if (current_os == "linux") {
cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags" ]
config("executable_config") {
configs = []
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [
config("default_libs") {
configs = []
if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:default_libs" ]