blob: ae7f1ae4a0c9f08f50540febb0c95c30ffc10024 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# The size in bytes of the FVM partition image to create. Normally this is
# computed to be just large enough to fit the blob and data images. The
# default value is "", which means to size based on inputs. Specifying a size
# that is too small will result in build failure.
fvm_image_size = ""
# The size of the FVM partition images "slice size". The FVM slice size is a
# minimum size of a particular chunk of a partition that is stored within
# FVM. A very small slice size may lead to decreased throughput. A very large
# slice size may lead to wasted space. The selected default size of 8mb is
# selected for conservation of space, rather than performance.
fvm_slice_size = "8388608"
# Build an FVM partition
# Parameters
# args (optional)
# [list of strings] Additional arguments to pass to the FVM tool.
# output_name (required)
# [string] The filename to produce.
# partitions (required)
# [list of scopes] a list of partitions to be included
# dep (required)
# [label] The label must be defined earlier in the same file.
# type (required)
# [string] A partition type accepted by fvm (e.g. blob, data, data-unsafe)
# deps (optional)
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Same as for any GN `action()` target.
template("generate_fvm") {
zircon_tool_action(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly", "deps", "visibility" ])
tool = "fvm"
outputs = [
args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
args += invoker.args
sources = []
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
foreach(part, invoker.partitions) {
args += ["--${part.type}"]
deps += [ part.dep ]
sources += get_target_outputs(part.dep)
args += rebase_path(get_target_outputs(part.dep), root_build_dir)
fvm_slice_args = [
fvm_create_args = [ "create" ] + fvm_slice_args
fvm_sparse_args = [
] + fvm_slice_args