blob: 62cf6b4ca91aba1322b953f7af98a5793c92e842 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(raggi): discuss how we want to handle the keys and then re-organize.
# This value is shared with //build/gn/
declare_args() {
package_signing_key = "//build/development.key"
# Defines a package
# The package template is used to define a unit of related code and data.
# A package always has a name (defaulting to the target name) and lists of
# scopes describing the components of the package.
# Parameters
# app (bool, optional)
# If true, changes the default location of binaries from
# |"bin/" +| to |"apps/" +|.
# fuchsia_package (bool, optional)
# If true, the package is constructed and signed ready for distribution and
# inclusion in /pkgfs. system_image supersedes fuchsia_package. Eventually all
# packages should be fuchsia_package.
# Defaults to false.
# system_image (bool, optional)
# If true, the package is stored in the system boot image rather than in a
# Fuchsia Archive.
# If this package uses the |drivers| parameter, the system_image must be set
# to true because we are not yet sophisticated enough to load drivers out of
# archives.
# Defaults to false.
# meta (optional)
# List of scopes defining the metadata entries in the package. A metadata
# entry is typically a source file and is placed in the "meta/" directory of
# the assembled package.
# Requires |system_image| to be false.
# Entries in a scope in the meta list:
# path (path, required)
# Location of entry in source or build directory. If the resource is
# checked in, this will typically be specified as a path relative to the
# file containing the package() rule. If the resource is
# generated, this will typically be specified relative to
# $target_gen_dir
# dest (path, required)
# Location the resource will be placed within "meta/"
# binary (optional)
# The path to the the primary binary for the package, relative to
# $root_build_dir. The binary will be placed in the assembled package at
# "bin/app" and will be executed by default when running the package.
# Requires |system_image| to be false.
# binaries (optional)
# List of scopes defining the binaries in the package. A binary is typically
# produced by the build system and is placed in the "bin/" directory of the
# assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (string, required)
# Name of the binary
# source (path, optional)
# Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not at
# $root_build_dir/$name
# dest (path, optional)
# Location the binary will be placed within "bin/"
# tests (optional)
# List of scopes defining the test binaries in the package. A test is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the "test/"
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the tests list:
# name (string, required)
# Name of the test
# dest (path, optional)
# Location the binary will be placed within "test/"
# disabled (bool, optional)
# Whether to disable the test on continuous integration jobs. This can
# be used when a test is temporarily broken, or if it is too flaky or
# slow for CI. The test will also be skipped by the "runtests" command.
# drivers (optional)
# List of scopes defining the drivers in the package. A driver is typically
# produced by the build system and is placed in the "driver" directory
# of the assembled package.
# Requires |system_image| to be true.
# Entries in a scope in the drivers list:
# name (string, required)
# Name of the driver
# libraries (optional)
# List of scopes defining the (shared) libraries in the package. A library
# is placed in the "lib/" directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the libraries list:
# name (string, required)
# Name of the library
# source (path, optional)
# Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not at
# $root_build_dir/$name
# dest (path, optional)
# Location the binary will be placed within "lib/"
# resources (optional)
# List of scopes defining the resources in the package. A resource is a
# data file that may be produced by the build system, checked in to a
# source repository, or produced by another system that runs before the
# build. Resources are placed in the "data/" directory of the assembled
# package.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# path (path, required)
# Location of resource in source or build directory. If the resource is
# checked in, this will typically be specified as a path relative to the
# file containing the package() rule. If the resource is
# generated, this will typically be specified relative to
# $target_gen_dir
# dest (path, required)
# Location the resource will be placed within "data/"
template("package") {
if (current_toolchain == target_toolchain) {
pkg = {
app = false
fuchsia_package = false
system_image = false
binaries = []
drivers = []
libraries = []
meta = []
package_name = target_name
package_version = 0 # placeholder
resources = []
tests = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
pkg_out_dir = "$root_build_dir/package/${pkg.package_name}"
shared_toolchain_out_dir =
get_label_info("//lib($shlib_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
not_needed([ "shared_toolchain_out_dir" ])
assert(pkg.drivers == [] || pkg.system_image)
mkfs_target = target_name + "_mkfs"
# This action assembles an image containing all binaries, tests, drivers,
# libraries, and resources defined in the package.
action(mkfs_target) {
package_manifest_contents = []
sources = []
foreach(entry, pkg.meta) {
assert(!pkg.system_image, "Metadata cannot be used in system packages.")
source = entry.path
sources += [ entry.path ]
dest = "meta/${entry.dest}"
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dest=$source" ]
if (defined(pkg.binary)) {
"Binary requires the package to be archived. Consider using 'binaries' for system packages.")
source = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/${pkg.binary}")
sources += [ "$root_build_dir/${pkg.binary}" ]
package_manifest_contents += [ "bin/app=$source" ]
foreach(binary, pkg.binaries) {
"Binaries cannot be used in archived packages. Consider using 'binary'.")
# Binary paths are relative to the root of the build dir.
if (defined(binary.source)) {
source = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/${binary.source}")
sources += [ "$root_build_dir/${binary.source}" ]
} else {
source = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/${}")
sources += [ "$root_build_dir/${}" ]
dirname = "bin"
if ( {
dirname = "apps"
basename =
if (defined(binary.dest)) {
basename = binary.dest
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dirname/$basename=$source" ]
foreach(test, pkg.tests) {
source = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/${}")
sources += [ "$root_build_dir/${}" ]
basename =
if (defined(test.dest)) {
basename = test.dest
if (defined(test.disabled) && test.disabled) {
dest = "test/disabled/" + basename
} else {
dest = "test/" + basename
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dest=$source" ]
foreach(driver, pkg.drivers) {
# Driver paths are relative to the root of the build dir.
source = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/${}")
sources += [ "$root_build_dir/${}" ]
dest = "driver/" +
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dest=$source" ]
foreach(library, pkg.libraries) {
# Library paths are relative to the root of the build dir.
if (defined(library.source)) {
library_path = rebase_path(library.source)
} else {
library_path = "$shared_toolchain_out_dir/${}"
source = rebase_path(library_path)
sources += [ library_path ]
if (defined(library.dest)) {
dest = "lib/" + library.dest
} else {
dest = "lib/" +
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dest=$source" ]
foreach(resource, pkg.resources) {
# Resource path are absolute.
source = resource.path
sources += [ resource.path ]
dest = "data/" + resource.dest
package_manifest_contents += [ "$dest=$source" ]
system_manifest = "$pkg_out_dir/system_manifest"
archive_manifest = "$pkg_out_dir/archive_manifest"
package_manifest = "$pkg_out_dir/package_manifest"
if (pkg.system_image) {
write_file(system_manifest, package_manifest_contents)
write_file(archive_manifest, [])
write_file(package_manifest, [])
# We have to do something in our action
script = "/usr/bin/touch"
output = "$pkg_out_dir/.stamp"
outputs = [
args = [ rebase_path(output) ]
} else if (pkg.fuchsia_package) {
# If the caller doesn't supply a package.json, we'll generate one
need_package_json = true
foreach(meta, pkg.meta) {
if (meta == "package.json") {
need_package_json = false
if (need_package_json) {
package_json_file = rebase_path("$pkg_out_dir/package.json")
write_file(package_json_file, "{\"name\": \"${pkg.package_name}\", \"version\": \"${pkg.package_version}\"}")
package_manifest_contents += [ "meta/package.json=${package_json_file}" ]
write_file(package_manifest, package_manifest_contents)
write_file(archive_manifest, [])
write_file(system_manifest, [])
pm_label = "//garnet/go/src/pm:pm_bin($host_toolchain)"
deps += [ pm_label ]
pm_out_dir = get_label_info(pm_label, "root_out_dir")
pm_path = "$pm_out_dir/pm"
output = "$pkg_out_dir/meta.far"
script = "//build/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(pm_path, root_build_dir),
# Add the meta.far to the list of fuchsia packages
} else {
assert(package_manifest_contents != [])
write_file(package_manifest, [])
write_file(archive_manifest, package_manifest_contents)
archiver_label = "//garnet/bin/far:bin($host_toolchain)"
deps += [ archiver_label ]
archiver_out_dir = get_label_info(archiver_label, "root_out_dir")
far_path = "$archiver_out_dir/far"
output = "$pkg_out_dir/${pkg.package_name}.far"
script = "//build/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(far_path, root_build_dir),
"--archive=" + rebase_path(output),
"--manifest=" + rebase_path(archive_manifest),
[ "pkgs/${pkg.package_name}=" + rebase_path(output) ])
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = [
":" + mkfs_target,
} else {
group(target_name) {
# Suppress unused variable warnings.
not_needed(invoker, "*")