blob: 578316e0fae2396cae878b56bff1fda8b45ce38a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import StringIO
import argparse
import json
import operator
import os
import sys
import tarfile
import time
import zipfile
def generate_script(images):
# The bootserver must be in there or we lose.
# TODO(mcgrathr): Multiple bootservers for different platforms
# and switch in the script.
[bootserver] = [image['path'] for image in images
if image['name'] == 'bootserver']
script = '''\
dir="$(dirname "$0")"
set -x
switches = dict((switch, '"$dir/%s"' % image['path'])
for image in images if 'bootserver' in image
for switch in image['bootserver'])
primary = switches.get('')
if primary:
del switches['']
cmd = ['exec', '"$dir/%s"' % bootserver]
for switch, path in sorted(switches.iteritems()):
cmd += [switch, path]
if primary:
script += ' '.join(cmd) + '\n'
return script
def tgz_archiver(outfile):
with, 'w:gz', dereference=True) as archive:
while True:
contents, name, executable = (yield)
def sanitize_tarinfo(info):
assert info.isfile()
info.mode = 0o555 if executable else 0o444
info.uid = 0
info.gid = 0
info.uname = ''
info.gname = ''
return info
if type(contents) in (str, unicode):
archive.add(contents, name, filter=sanitize_tarinfo)
info = sanitize_tarinfo(tarfile.TarInfo(name))
contents = contents()
info.size = len(contents)
info.mtime = time.time()
archive.addfile(info, StringIO.StringIO(contents))
def zip_archiver(outfile):
with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive:
archive.comment = 'Fuchsia build archive'
while True:
contents, name, executable = (yield)
if type(contents) in (str, unicode):
archive.write(contents, name)
archive.writestr(name, contents())
def write_archive(outfile, format, images):
# Synthesize a sanitized form of the input.
packed_images = []
for image in images:
path = image['path']
if 'archive' in image:
del image['archive']
image['path'] = image['name'] + '.' + image['type']
packed_images.append((path, image))
# Generate a script that uses the sanitized file names.
def generate_archive_script():
return generate_script([image for path, image in packed_images])
packed_images.append((generate_archive_script, {
'name': 'pave',
'type': 'sh',
'path': ''
# Self-reference.
(lambda: json.dumps([image for contents, image in packed_images],
indent=2, sort_keys=True),
'name': 'images',
'type': 'json',
'path': 'images.json',
# Canonicalize the order of the files in the archive.
packed_images = sorted(packed_images, key=lambda packed: packed[1]['path'])
# The archiver is a generator that we send the details about each image.
archiver = {'tgz': tgz_archiver, 'zip': zip_archiver}[format](outfile)
for contents, image in packed_images:
executable = image['type'] == 'sh' or image['type'].startswith('exe')
archiver.send((contents, image['path'], executable))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pack Fuchsia build images.')
help='Write Ninja dependencies file')
parser.add_argument('json', nargs='+',
help='Read JSON image list from FILE')
help='Write paving bootserver script to FILE')
help='Write archive to FILE')
parser.add_argument('--format', choices=['tgz', 'zip'],
help='Archive format (default: from FILE suffix)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.archive and not args.format:
if args.archive.endswith('.zip'):
args.format = 'zip'
elif args.archive.endswith('.tgz') or args.archive.endswith('.tar.gz'):
args.format = 'tgz'
Cannot guess archive format from file name %r; use --format.
# Keep track of every input file for the depfile.
files_read = set()
def read_json_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
images = reduce(operator.add,
(read_json_file(file) for file in args.json),
outfile = None
# First write the local script that works relative to the build directory.
if args.pave:
outfile = args.pave
with os.fdopen(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o777),
'w') as script_file:
if args.archive:
outfile = args.archive
archive_images = [image for image in images
if (image.get('archive', False) or
'bootserver' in image)]
files_read |= set(image['path'] for image in archive_images)
write_archive(outfile, args.format, archive_images)
if outfile and args.depfile:
with open(args.depfile, 'w') as depfile:
depfile.write('%s: %s\n' % (outfile, ' '.join(sorted(files_read))))
if __name__ == "__main__":