blob: adae86a36208a98101a27ecd2832ba4ecc63729d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from enum import unique
from typing import Optional
from antlion.controllers.ap_lib.hostapd_security import FuchsiaSecurityType
from antlion.controllers.fuchsia_lib.base_lib import BaseLib
from antlion.typing import StrEnum
class ConnectivityMode(StrEnum):
LOCAL_ONLY = "local_only"
UNRESTRICTED = "unrestricted"
class OperatingBand(StrEnum):
ANY = "any"
ONLY_2G = "only_2_4_ghz"
ONLY_5G = "only_5_ghz"
class FuchsiaWlanApPolicyLib(BaseLib):
def __init__(self, addr: str) -> None:
super().__init__(addr, "wlan_ap_policy")
def wlanStartAccessPoint(
target_ssid: str,
security_type: FuchsiaSecurityType,
target_pwd: Optional[str],
connectivity_mode: ConnectivityMode,
operating_band: OperatingBand,
"""Start an Access Point.
target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
security_type: the security protocol of the network
target_pwd: Credential being saved with the network. None is equivalent to
empty string.
connectivity_mode: the connectivity mode to use
operating_band: The operating band to use
boolean indicating if the action was successful
test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.start_access_point"
# The SoftAP API uses "open" security instead of None and "" password
# instead of None.
test_args = {
"target_ssid": target_ssid,
"security_type": str(security_type),
"target_pwd": target_pwd or "",
"connectivity_mode": str(connectivity_mode),
"operating_band": str(operating_band),
return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
def wlanStopAccessPoint(
self, target_ssid: str, security_type: FuchsiaSecurityType, target_pwd: str = ""
"""Stops an active Access Point.
target_ssid: the network to attempt a connection to
security_type: the security protocol of the network
target_pwd: (optional) credential being saved with the network. No password
is equivalent to empty string.
boolean indicating if the action was successful
test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_access_point"
test_args = {
"target_ssid": target_ssid,
"security_type": str(security_type),
"target_pwd": target_pwd,
return self.send_command(test_cmd, test_args)
def wlanStopAllAccessPoint(self):
"""Stops all Access Points
boolean indicating if the actions were successful
test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.stop_all_access_points"
return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
def wlanSetNewListener(self):
"""Sets the update listener stream of the facade to a new stream so that updates will be
reset. Intended to be used between tests so that the behaviour of updates in a test is
independent from previous tests.
test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.set_new_update_listener"
return self.send_command(test_cmd, {})
def wlanGetUpdate(self, timeout=30):
"""Gets a list of AP state updates. This call will return with an update immediately the
first time the update listener is initialized by setting a new listener or by creating
a client controller before setting a new listener. Subsequent calls will hang until
there is an update.
A list of AP state updated. If there is no error, the result is a list with a
structure that matches the FIDL AccessPointState struct given for updates.
test_cmd = "wlan_ap_policy.get_update"
return self.send_command(test_cmd, {}, response_timeout=timeout)