blob: 4d21dc620077c9f0e8c61cfe362ae33e685b60a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for VIM on OS/2 using EMX vim:ts=8:sw=8:tw=78
# Created by: Paul Slootman
### This Makefile has been succesfully tested on these systems.
### Check the (*) column for remarks, listed below.
### Later code changes may cause small problems, otherwise Vim is supposed to
### compile and run without problems.
### Just to show that this is just like the Unix version!
#system: configurations: version (*) tested by:
#------------- ------------------------ ------- - ----------
#OS/2 Warp HPFS gcc-2.7.2+emx-0.9b -GUI 4.5 Paul Slootman
#OS/2 FAT gcc-2.6.3+emx -GUI 4.5 Karsten Sievert
#>>>>> choose options:
### See feature.h for a list of optionals.
### Any other defines can be included here.
#>>>>> name of the compiler and linker, name of lib directory
CC = gcc
#>>>>> end of choices
### Name of target(s)
TARGET = vim.exe
### Names of the tools that are also made
TOOLS = xxd/xxd.exe tee/tee.exe
INCL = vim.h globals.h option.h keymap.h macros.h ascii.h term.h os_unix.h structs.h os_os2_cfg.h
CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -DOS2 -Wall -Iproto $(DEFINES)
OBJ = \
buffer.o \
charset.o \
diff.o \
digraph.o \
edit.o \
eval.o \
ex_cmds.o \
ex_cmds2.o \
ex_docmd.o \
ex_eval.o \
ex_getln.o \
fileio.o \
fold.o \
getchar.o \
main.o \
mark.o \
memfile.o \
memline.o \
menu.o \
message.o \
misc1.o \
misc2.o \
move.o \
mbyte.o \
normal.o \
ops.o \
option.o \
quickfix.o \
regexp.o \
screen.o \
search.o \
syntax.o \
tag.o \
term.o \
ui.o \
undo.o \
window.o \
LIBS = -ltermcap
# Default target is making the executable
all: $(TARGET) $(TOOLS)
# Link the target for normal use
LFLAGS = -Zcrtdll -s -o $(TARGET) $(LIBS)
$(TARGET): $(OBJ) version.c version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) version.c $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS)
xxd/xxd.exe: xxd/xxd.c
cd xxd & $(MAKE) -f Make_os2.mak
tee/tee.exe: tee/tee.c
cd tee & $(MAKE) -f Makefile
cd testdir & $(MAKE) -f Make_os2.mak
-del *.o
-del *.exe
-del *.~ *~ *.bak
cd xxd & $(MAKE) -f Make_os2.mak clean
cd tee & $(MAKE) -f Makefile clean
os_unix.o: os_unix.c $(INCL)
buffer.o: buffer.c $(INCL)
charset.o: charset.c $(INCL)
diff.o: diff.c $(INCL)
digraph.o: digraph.c $(INCL)
edit.o: edit.c $(INCL)
eval.o: eval.c $(INCL)
ex_cmds.o: ex_cmds.c $(INCL)
ex_cmds2.o: ex_cmds2.c $(INCL)
ex_docmd.o: ex_docmd.c $(INCL) ex_cmds.h
ex_eval.o: ex_eval.c $(INCL) ex_cmds.h
ex_getln.o: ex_getln.c $(INCL)
fileio.o: fileio.c $(INCL)
fold.o: fold.c $(INCL)
getchar.o: getchar.c $(INCL)
main.o: main.c $(INCL)
mark.o: mark.c $(INCL)
memfile.o: memfile.c $(INCL)
memline.o: memline.c $(INCL)
menu.o: menu.c $(INCL)
message.o: message.c $(INCL)
misc1.o: misc1.c $(INCL)
misc2.o: misc2.c $(INCL)
move.o: move.c $(INCL)
mbyte.o: mbyte.c $(INCL)
normal.o: normal.c $(INCL)
ops.o: ops.c $(INCL)
option.o: option.c $(INCL)
quickfix.o: quickfix.c $(INCL)
regexp.o: regexp.c $(INCL)
screen.o: screen.c $(INCL)
search.o: search.c $(INCL)
syntax.o: syntax.c $(INCL)
tag.o: tag.c $(INCL)
term.o: term.c $(INCL)
ui.o: ui.c $(INCL)
undo.o: undo.c $(INCL)
window.o: window.c $(INCL)