blob: 47f9d222304ebe7ec683d1c7a8dbbd08711d1fe5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile to run all tests for Vim, on Dos-like machines.
# Requires a set of Unix tools: echo, diff, etc.
VIMPROG = ..\\vim
default: nongui
!include Make_all.mak
# Omitted:
# test2 "\\tmp" doesn't work.
# test10 'errorformat' is different
# test12 can't unlink a swap file
# test25 uses symbolic link
# test49 fails in various ways
# test97 \{ and \$ are not escaped characters.
DOSTMP = dostmp
.SUFFIXES: .in .out .res .vim
nongui: nolog $(SCRIPTS_FIRST) $(SCRIPTS) newtests report
small: nolog report
gui: nolog $(SCRIPTS_FIRST) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS_GUI) newtests report
win32: nolog $(SCRIPTS_FIRST) $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS_WIN32) newtests report
# Copy the input files to dostmp, changing the fileformat to dos.
if not exist $(DOSTMP)\NUL md $(DOSTMP)
if exist $@ del $@
$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+set ff=dos|f $@|wq" $(*B).in
# For each input file dostmp/ run the tests.
# This moves to temporarily.
-@if exist test.out DEL test.out
move $(*B).in $(*B).in.bak
copy $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).in $(*B).in
copy $(*B).ok test.ok
$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim -U NONE --noplugin -s $(*B).in
-@if exist test.out MOVE /y test.out $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out
-@if exist $(*B).in.bak move /y $(*B).in.bak $(*B).in
-@if exist test.ok del test.ok
-@if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
-@if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
-@del X*
-@if exist viminfo del viminfo
$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim --noplugin "+set ff=unix|f test.out|wq" \
@diff test.out $*.ok & if errorlevel 1 \
( move /y test.out $*.failed \
& del $(DOSTMP)\$(*B).out \
& echo $* FAILED >> test.log ) \
else ( move /y test.out $*.out )
# Must run test1 first to create small.vim.
# This rule must come after the one that copies the input files to dostmp to
# allow for running an individual test.
@echo ""
@echo Test results:
@if exist test.log ( type test.log & echo TEST FAILURE & exit /b 1 ) \
else ( echo ALL DONE )
-del *.out
-del *.failed
-del *.res
-if exist $(DOSTMP) rd /s /q $(DOSTMP)
-if exist del
-if exist test.ok del test.ok
-if exist small.vim del small.vim
-if exist tiny.vim del tiny.vim
-if exist mbyte.vim del mbyte.vim
-if exist mzscheme.vim del mzscheme.vim
-if exist lua.vim del lua.vim
-if exist Xdir1 rd /s /q Xdir1
-if exist Xfind rd /s /q Xfind
-del X*
-if exist viminfo del viminfo
-if exist test.log del test.log
-if exist messages del messages
-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
-if exist test.log del test.log
-if exist messages del messages
bench_re_freeze.out: bench_re_freeze.vim
-if exist benchmark.out del benchmark.out
$(VIMPROG) -u dos.vim -U NONE --noplugin $*.in
@IF EXIST benchmark.out ( type benchmark.out )
# New style of tests uses Vim script with assert calls. These are easier
# to write and a lot easier to read and debug.
# Limitation: Only works with the +eval feature.
newtests: $(NEW_TESTS)
$(VIMPROG) -u NONE -S runtest.vim $*.vim