blob: 26e7b9f8eec2e6f0192967ae5e4a45f89f241a74 [file] [log] [blame]
" Tests for startup.
source shared.vim
" Check that loading startup.vim works.
func Test_startup_script()
set compatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
call assert_equal(0, &compatible)
" Verify the order in which plugins are loaded:
" 1. plugins in non-after directories
" 2. packages
" 3. plugins in after directories
func Test_after_comes_later()
let before = [
\ 'let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"',
\ 'set loadplugins',
\ 'set rtp=Xhere,Xafter',
\ 'set packpath=Xhere,Xafter',
\ 'set nomore',
\ ]
let after = [
\ 'redir! > Xtestout',
\ 'scriptnames',
\ 'redir END',
\ 'quit',
\ ]
call mkdir('Xhere/plugin', 'p')
call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xhere/plugin/here.vim')
call mkdir('Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin', 'p')
call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin/foo.vim')
call mkdir('Xafter/plugin', 'p')
call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xafter/plugin/later.vim')
call RunVim(before, after)
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
let expected = ['Xbefore.vim', 'here.vim', 'foo.vim', 'later.vim', 'Xafter.vim']
let found = []
for line in lines
for one in expected
if line =~ one
call add(found, one)
call assert_equal(expected, found)
call delete('Xtestout')
call delete('Xhere', 'rf')
call delete('Xafter', 'rf')