blob: 7f5e62c5190fec01fb3b3456bbe25025667c8ebc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkAnalyticEdge_DEFINED
#define SkAnalyticEdge_DEFINED
#include "SkEdge.h"
struct SkAnalyticEdge {
// Similar to SkEdge, the conic edges will be converted to quadratic edges
enum Type {
SkAnalyticEdge* fNext;
SkAnalyticEdge* fPrev;
SkFixed fX;
SkFixed fDX;
SkFixed fUpperX; // The x value when y = fUpperY
SkFixed fY; // The current y
SkFixed fUpperY; // The upper bound of y (our edge is from y = fUpperY to y = fLowerY)
SkFixed fLowerY; // The lower bound of y (our edge is from y = fUpperY to y = fLowerY)
SkFixed fDY; // abs(1/fDX); may be SK_MaxS32 when fDX is close to 0.
// fDY is only used for blitting trapezoids.
int8_t fCurveCount; // only used by kQuad(+) and kCubic(-)
uint8_t fCurveShift; // appled to all Dx/DDx/DDDx except for fCubicDShift exception
uint8_t fCubicDShift; // applied to fCDx and fCDy only in cubic
int8_t fWinding; // 1 or -1
static const int kDefaultAccuracy = 2; // default accuracy for snapping
static inline SkFixed snapY(SkFixed y, int accuracy = kDefaultAccuracy) {
// This approach is safer than left shift, round, then right shift
return ((unsigned)y + (SK_Fixed1 >> (accuracy + 1))) >> (16 - accuracy) << (16 - accuracy);
// Update fX, fY of this edge so fY = y
inline void goY(SkFixed y) {
if (y == fY + SK_Fixed1) {
fX = fX + fDX;
fY = y;
} else if (y != fY) {
// Drop lower digits as our alpha only has 8 bits
// (fDX and y - fUpperY may be greater than SK_Fixed1)
fX = fUpperX + SkFixedMul(fDX, y - fUpperY);
fY = y;
inline bool setLine(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, const SkIRect* clip = nullptr);
inline bool updateLine(SkFixed ax, SkFixed ay, SkFixed bx, SkFixed by, SkFixed slope);
void chopLineWithClip(const SkIRect& clip);
inline bool intersectsClip(const SkIRect& clip) const {
SkASSERT(SkFixedFloorToInt(fUpperY) < clip.fBottom);
return SkFixedCeilToInt(fLowerY) > clip.fTop;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void dump() const {
SkDebugf("edge: upperY:%d lowerY:%d y:%g x:%g dx:%g w:%d\n",
fUpperY, fLowerY, SkFixedToFloat(fY), SkFixedToFloat(fX),
SkFixedToFloat(fDX), fWinding);
void validate() const {
SkASSERT(fPrev && fNext);
SkASSERT(fPrev->fNext == this);
SkASSERT(fNext->fPrev == this);
SkASSERT(fUpperY < fLowerY);
SkASSERT(SkAbs32(fWinding) == 1);
struct SkAnalyticQuadraticEdge : public SkAnalyticEdge {
SkQuadraticEdge fQEdge;
// snap y to integer points in the middle of the curve to accelerate AAA path filling
SkFixed fSnappedX, fSnappedY;
bool setQuadratic(const SkPoint pts[3]);
bool updateQuadratic();
struct SkAnalyticCubicEdge : public SkAnalyticEdge {
SkCubicEdge fCEdge;
bool setCubic(const SkPoint pts[4]);
bool updateCubic();
bool SkAnalyticEdge::setLine(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, const SkIRect* clip) {
// We must set X/Y using the same way (times 4, to FDot6, then to Fixed) as Quads/Cubics.
// Otherwise the order of the edge might be wrong due to precision limit.
SkFixed x0 = SkFDot6ToFixed(SkScalarToFDot6(p0.fX * 4)) >> 2;
SkFixed y0 = snapY(SkFDot6ToFixed(SkScalarToFDot6(p0.fY * 4)) >> 2);
SkFixed x1 = SkFDot6ToFixed(SkScalarToFDot6(p1.fX * 4)) >> 2;
SkFixed y1 = snapY(SkFDot6ToFixed(SkScalarToFDot6(p1.fY * 4)) >> 2);
// are we a zero-height line?
if (y0 == y1) {
return false;
int top = SkFixedFloorToInt(y0);
int bot = SkFixedCeilToInt(y1);
// are we completely above or below the clip?
if (clip && (top >= clip->fBottom || bot <= clip->fTop)) {
return false;
int winding = 1;
if (y0 > y1) {
SkTSwap(x0, x1);
SkTSwap(y0, y1);
winding = -1;
SkFixed slope = SkFixedDiv(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
fX = x0;
fDX = slope;
fUpperX = x0;
fY = y0;
fUpperY = y0;
fLowerY = y1;
fDY = x1 != x0 ? SkAbs32(SkFixedDiv(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)) : SK_MaxS32;
fCurveCount = 0;
fWinding = SkToS8(winding);
fCurveShift = 0;
if (clip) {
return true;