blob: c02974cf7f05dc22f8346065e5bc6a3d91626602 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "compilation_context.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "libshaderc_util/format.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/io.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/resources.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/string_piece.h"
#include "SPIRV/disassemble.h"
#include "SPIRV/doc.h"
#include "SPIRV/GLSL450Lib.h"
#include "SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "shader_stage.h"
#include "version_profile.h"
// We must have the following global variable because declared as extern in
// glslang/SPIRV/disassemble.cpp, which we will need for disassembling.
const char* GlslStd450DebugNames[GLSL_STD_450::Count];
namespace {
using shaderc_util::string_piece;
// For use with glslang parsing calls.
const bool kNotForwardCompatible = false;
// Returns true if #line directive sets the line number for the next line in the
// given version and profile.
inline bool LineDirectiveIsForNextLine(int version, EProfile profile) {
return profile == EEsProfile || version >= 330;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace glslc {
bool CompilationContext::CompileShader(const std::string& input_file,
EShLanguage shader_stage) {
GlslInitializer initializer;
std::vector<char> input_data;
if (!shaderc_util::ReadFile(input_file, &input_data)) {
return false;
// glslang expects null-terminated strings even though it then uses
// data/length internally.
// TODO(awoloszyn): Once we add data/length into glslang, fix this.
const std::string output_file = GetOutputFileName(input_file);
string_piece error_output_file_name(input_file);
if (input_file == "-") {
// If the input file was stdin, we want to output errors as <stdin>.
error_output_file_name = "<stdin>";
const std::string macro_definitions =
shaderc_util::format(predefined_macros_, "#define ", " ", "\n");
std::string preprocessed_shader;
// If it is preprocess_only_, we definitely need to preprocess. Otherwise, if
// we don't know the stage until now, we need the preprocessed shader to
// deduce the shader stage.
if (preprocess_only_ || shader_stage == EShLangCount) {
bool success;
std::string glslang_errors;
std::tie(success, preprocessed_shader, glslang_errors) =
PreprocessShader(input_file, input_data, macro_definitions);
success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_output_file_name, warnings_as_errors_,
/* suppress_warnings = */ true,
glslang_errors.c_str(), &total_warnings_,
if (!success) return false;
if (preprocess_only_) {
return shaderc_util::WriteFile(output_file,
} else {
std::string errors;
std::tie(shader_stage, errors) =
DeduceShaderStage(input_file, preprocessed_shader);
if (shader_stage == EShLangCount) {
std::cerr << errors;
return false;
glslang::TShader shader(shader_stage);
const char* shader_strings = &input_data[0];
shader.setStrings(&shader_strings, 1);
// TODO(dneto): Generate source-level debug info if requested.
bool success = shader.parse(
&shaderc_util::kDefaultTBuiltInResource, default_version_,
default_profile_, force_version_profile_, kNotForwardCompatible,
EShMsgDefault, glslc::FileIncluder(&include_file_finder_));
success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_output_file_name, warnings_as_errors_,
suppress_warnings_, shader.getInfoLog(),
&total_warnings_, &total_errors_);
if (!success) return false;
glslang::TProgram program;
success =;
success &= PrintFilteredErrors(error_output_file_name, warnings_as_errors_,
suppress_warnings_, program.getInfoLog(),
&total_warnings_, &total_errors_);
if (!success) return false;
std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
glslang::GlslangToSpv(*program.getIntermediate(shader_stage), spirv);
if (disassemble_) {
std::ostringstream disassembled_spirv;
spv::Disassemble(disassembled_spirv, spirv);
return shaderc_util::WriteFile(output_file, disassembled_spirv.str());
} else {
return shaderc_util::WriteFile(
output_file, string_piece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&spirv.back()) +
void CompilationContext::AddIncludeDirectory(const std::string& path) {
void CompilationContext::AddMacroDefinition(const string_piece& macro,
const string_piece& definition) {
predefined_macros_[macro] = definition;
void CompilationContext::SetForcedVersionProfile(int version,
EProfile profile) {
default_version_ = version;
default_profile_ = profile;
force_version_profile_ = true;
void CompilationContext::SetIndividualCompilationMode() {
if (!disassemble_) {
needs_linking_ = false;
file_extension_ = ".spv";
void CompilationContext::SetDisassemblyMode() {
disassemble_ = true;
needs_linking_ = false;
file_extension_ = ".s";
void CompilationContext::SetPreprocessingOnlyMode() {
preprocess_only_ = true;
needs_linking_ = false;
if (output_file_name_.empty()) {
output_file_name_ = "-";
void CompilationContext::SetWarningsAsErrors() { warnings_as_errors_ = true; }
void CompilationContext::SetGenerateDebugInfo() { generate_debug_info_ = true; }
void CompilationContext::SetSuppressWarnings() { suppress_warnings_ = true; }
bool CompilationContext::ValidateOptions(size_t num_files) {
if (num_files == 0) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: no input files" << std::endl;
return false;
if (num_files > 1 && needs_linking_) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: linking multiple files is not supported yet. "
"Use -c to compile files individually."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// If we are outputting many object files, we cannot specify -o. Also
// if we are preprocessing multiple files they must be to stdout.
if (num_files > 1 &&
((!preprocess_only_ && !needs_linking_ && !output_file_name_.empty()) ||
(preprocess_only_ && output_file_name_ != "-"))) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple"
" output files"
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
void CompilationContext::OutputMessages() {
glslc::OutputMessages(total_warnings_, total_errors_);
std::tuple<bool, std::string, std::string> CompilationContext::PreprocessShader(
const std::string& filename, const std::vector<char>& shader_source,
const std::string& shader_preamble) {
const glslc::FileIncluder includer(&include_file_finder_);
// The stage does not matter for preprocessing.
glslang::TShader shader(EShLangVertex);
const char* shader_strings = &shader_source[0];
shader.setStrings(&shader_strings, 1);
std::string preprocessed_shader;
const bool success = shader.preprocess(
&shaderc_util::kDefaultTBuiltInResource, default_version_,
default_profile_, force_version_profile_, kNotForwardCompatible,
EShMsgOnlyPreprocessor, &preprocessed_shader, includer);
if (success) {
return std::make_tuple(true, preprocessed_shader, shader.getInfoLog());
return std::make_tuple(false, "", shader.getInfoLog());
std::string CompilationContext::GetOutputFileName(std::string input_filename) {
std::string output_file = "a.spv";
if (!needs_linking_) {
if (IsStageFile(input_filename)) {
output_file = input_filename + file_extension_;
} else {
output_file = input_filename.substr(0, input_filename.find_last_of('.')) +
if (!output_file_name_.empty()) output_file = output_file_name_.str();
return output_file;
std::pair<EShLanguage, std::string> CompilationContext::DeduceShaderStage(
const std::string& filename, const std::string& preprocessed_shader) {
EShLanguage stage;
std::string errors;
std::string glslang_errors;
std::tie(stage, errors) =
GetShaderStageFromSourceCode(filename, preprocessed_shader);
if (stage == EShLangCount) {
if (errors.empty()) {
stage = GetShaderStageFromFileName(filename);
if (stage == EShLangCount) {
errors = "glslc: error: '" + filename + "': ";
if (IsGlslFile(filename)) {
errors +=
".glsl file encountered but no -fshader-stage specified ahead";
} else if (filename == "-") {
errors +=
"-fshader-stage required when input is from standard input \"-\"";
} else {
errors += "file not recognized: File format not recognized";
errors += "\n";
return std::make_pair(EShLangCount, errors);
} else {
return std::make_pair(EShLangCount, errors);
return std::make_pair(stage, errors);
std::pair<EShLanguage, std::string>
const std::string& filename, const std::string& preprocessed_shader) {
const string_piece kPragmaShaderStageDirective = "#pragma shader_stage";
const string_piece kLineDirective = "#line";
int version;
EProfile profile;
std::tie(version, profile) = DeduceVersionProfile(preprocessed_shader);
const bool is_for_next_line = LineDirectiveIsForNextLine(version, profile);
std::vector<string_piece> lines =
// The logical line number, which starts from 1 and is sensitive to #line
// directives, and stage value for #pragma shader_stage() directives.
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, string_piece>> stages;
// The physical line numbers of the first #pragma shader_stage() line and
// first non-preprocessing line in the preprocessed shader text.
size_t first_pragma_shader_stage = lines.size() + 1;
size_t first_non_pp_line = lines.size() + 1;
for (size_t i = 0, logical_line_no = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
const string_piece current_line = lines[i].strip_whitespace();
if (current_line.starts_with(kPragmaShaderStageDirective)) {
const string_piece stage_value =
stages.emplace_back(logical_line_no, stage_value);
first_pragma_shader_stage = std::min(first_pragma_shader_stage, i + 1);
} else if (!current_line.empty() && !current_line.starts_with("#")) {
first_non_pp_line = std::min(first_non_pp_line, i + 1);
// Update logical line number for the next line.
if (current_line.starts_with(kLineDirective)) {
// Note that for core profile, the meaning of #line changed since version
// 330. The line number given by #line used to mean the logical line
// number of the #line line. Now it means the logical line number of the
// next line after the #line line.
logical_line_no =
std::atoi(current_line.substr(kLineDirective.size()).data()) +
(is_for_next_line ? 0 : 1);
} else {
if (stages.empty()) return std::make_pair(EShLangCount, "");
std::string error_message;
// TODO(antiagainst): #line could change the effective filename once we add
// support for filenames in #line directives.
if (first_pragma_shader_stage > first_non_pp_line) {
error_message += filename + ":" + std::to_string(stages[0].first) +
": error: '#pragma': the first 'shader_stage' #pragma "
"must appear before any non-preprocessing code\n";
EShLanguage stage = MapStageNameToLanguage(stages[0].second);
if (stage == EShLangCount) {
error_message +=
filename + ":" + std::to_string(stages[0].first) +
": error: '#pragma': invalid stage for 'shader_stage' #pragma: '" +
stages[0].second.str() + "'\n";
for (size_t i = 1; i < stages.size(); ++i) {
if (stages[i].second != stages[0].second) {
error_message += filename + ":" + std::to_string(stages[i].first) +
": error: '#pragma': conflicting stages for "
"'shader_stage' #pragma: '" +
stages[i].second.str() + "' (was '" +
stages[0].second.str() + "' at " + filename + ":" +
std::to_string(stages[0].first) + ")\n";
return std::make_pair(error_message.empty() ? stage : EShLangCount,
std::pair<int, EProfile> CompilationContext::DeduceVersionProfile(
const std::string& preprocessed_shader) {
int version = default_version_;
EProfile profile = default_profile_;
if (!force_version_profile_) {
std::tie(version, profile) =
if (version == 0 && profile == ENoProfile) {
version = default_version_;
profile = default_profile_;
return std::make_pair(version, profile);
std::pair<int, EProfile> CompilationContext::GetVersionProfileFromSourceCode(
const std::string& preprocessed_shader) {
string_piece pound_version = preprocessed_shader;
const size_t pound_version_loc = pound_version.find("#version");
if (pound_version_loc == string_piece::npos) {
return std::make_pair(0, ENoProfile);
pound_version =
pound_version.substr(pound_version_loc + std::strlen("#version"));
pound_version = pound_version.substr(0, pound_version.find_first_of("\n"));
std::string version_profile;
for (const auto character : pound_version) {
if (character != ' ') version_profile += character;
int version;
EProfile profile;
if (!glslc::GetVersionProfileFromCmdLine(version_profile, &version,
&profile)) {
return std::make_pair(0, ENoProfile);
return std::make_pair(version, profile);
} // namesapce glslc