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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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// Lowers the AST to the HIR.
// Since the AST and HIR are fairly similar, this is mostly a simple procedure,
// much like a fold. Where lowering involves a bit more work things get more
// interesting and there are some invariants you should know about. These mostly
// concern spans and ids.
// Spans are assigned to AST nodes during parsing and then are modified during
// expansion to indicate the origin of a node and the process it went through
// being expanded. Ids are assigned to AST nodes just before lowering.
// For the simpler lowering steps, ids and spans should be preserved. Unlike
// expansion we do not preserve the process of lowering in the spans, so spans
// should not be modified here. When creating a new node (as opposed to
// 'folding' an existing one), then you create a new id using `next_id()`.
// You must ensure that ids are unique. That means that you should only use the
// id from an AST node in a single HIR node (you can assume that AST node ids
// are unique). Every new node must have a unique id. Avoid cloning HIR nodes.
// If you do, you must then set the new node's id to a fresh one.
// Lowering must be reproducable (the compiler only lowers once, but tools and
// custom lints may lower an AST node to a HIR node to interact with the
// compiler). The most interesting bit of this is ids - if you lower an AST node
// and create new HIR nodes with fresh ids, when re-lowering the same node, you
// must ensure you get the same ids! To do this, we keep track of the next id
// when we translate a node which requires new ids. By checking this cache and
// using node ids starting with the cached id, we ensure ids are reproducible.
// To use this system, you just need to hold on to a CachedIdSetter object
// whilst lowering. This is an RAII object that takes care of setting and
// restoring the cached id, etc.
// This whole system relies on node ids being incremented one at a time and
// all increments being for lowering. This means that you should not call any
// non-lowering function which will use new node ids.
// We must also cache gensym'ed Idents to ensure that we get the same Ident
// every time we lower a node with gensym'ed names. One consequence of this is
// that you can only gensym a name once in a lowering (you don't need to worry
// about nested lowering though). That's because we cache based on the name and
// the currently cached node id, which is unique per lowered node.
// Spans are used for error messages and for tools to map semantics back to
// source code. It is therefore not as important with spans as ids to be strict
// about use (you can't break the compiler by screwing up a span). Obviously, a
// HIR node can only have a single span. But multiple nodes can have the same
// span and spans don't need to be kept in order, etc. Where code is preserved
// by lowering, it should have the same span as in the AST. Where HIR nodes are
// new it is probably best to give a span for the whole AST node being lowered.
// All nodes should have real spans, don't use dummy spans. Tools are likely to
// get confused if the spans from leaf AST nodes occur in multiple places
// in the HIR, especially for multiple identifiers.
use hir;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::attr::{ThinAttributes, ThinAttributesExt};
use syntax::ext::mtwt;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::codemap::{respan, Spanned, Span};
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::std_inject;
use syntax::visit::{self, Visitor};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
pub struct LoweringContext<'a> {
crate_root: Option<&'static str>,
// Map AST ids to ids used for expanded nodes.
id_cache: RefCell<HashMap<NodeId, NodeId>>,
// Use if there are no cached ids for the current node.
id_assigner: &'a NodeIdAssigner,
// 0 == no cached id. Must be incremented to align with previous id
// incrementing.
cached_id: Cell<u32>,
// Keep track of gensym'ed idents.
gensym_cache: RefCell<HashMap<(NodeId, &'static str), hir::Ident>>,
// A copy of cached_id, but is also set to an id while it is being cached.
gensym_key: Cell<u32>,
impl<'a, 'hir> LoweringContext<'a> {
pub fn new(id_assigner: &'a NodeIdAssigner, c: Option<&Crate>) -> LoweringContext<'a> {
let crate_root = c.and_then(|c| {
if std_inject::no_core(c) {
} else if std_inject::no_std(c) {
} else {
LoweringContext {
crate_root: crate_root,
id_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
id_assigner: id_assigner,
cached_id: Cell::new(0),
gensym_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
gensym_key: Cell::new(0),
fn next_id(&self) -> NodeId {
let cached = self.cached_id.get();
if cached == 0 {
return self.id_assigner.next_node_id();
self.cached_id.set(cached + 1);
fn str_to_ident(&self, s: &'static str) -> hir::Ident {
let cached_id = self.gensym_key.get();
if cached_id == 0 {
return hir::Ident::from_name(token::gensym(s));
let cached = self.gensym_cache.borrow().contains_key(&(cached_id, s));
if cached {
self.gensym_cache.borrow()[&(cached_id, s)]
} else {
let result = hir::Ident::from_name(token::gensym(s));
self.gensym_cache.borrow_mut().insert((cached_id, s), result);
pub fn lower_ident(_lctx: &LoweringContext, ident: Ident) -> hir::Ident {
hir::Ident {
name: mtwt::resolve(ident),
pub fn lower_attrs(_lctx: &LoweringContext, attrs: &Vec<Attribute>) -> hir::HirVec<Attribute> {
pub fn lower_view_path(lctx: &LoweringContext, view_path: &ViewPath) -> P<hir::ViewPath> {
P(Spanned {
node: match view_path.node {
ViewPathSimple(ident, ref path) => {
hir::ViewPathSimple(, lower_path(lctx, path))
ViewPathGlob(ref path) => {
hir::ViewPathGlob(lower_path(lctx, path))
ViewPathList(ref path, ref path_list_idents) => {
hir::ViewPathList(lower_path(lctx, path),
.map(|path_list_ident| {
Spanned {
node: match path_list_ident.node {
PathListIdent { id, name, rename } =>
hir::PathListIdent {
id: id,
PathListMod { id, rename } =>
hir::PathListMod {
id: id,
span: path_list_ident.span,
span: view_path.span,
pub fn lower_arm(lctx: &LoweringContext, arm: &Arm) -> hir::Arm {
hir::Arm {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &arm.attrs),
pats: arm.pats.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect(),
guard: arm.guard.as_ref().map(|ref x| lower_expr(lctx, x)),
body: lower_expr(lctx, &arm.body),
pub fn lower_decl(lctx: &LoweringContext, d: &Decl) -> P<hir::Decl> {
match d.node {
DeclLocal(ref l) => P(Spanned {
node: hir::DeclLocal(lower_local(lctx, l)),
span: d.span,
DeclItem(ref it) => P(Spanned {
node: hir::DeclItem(lower_item_id(lctx, it)),
span: d.span,
pub fn lower_ty_binding(lctx: &LoweringContext, b: &TypeBinding) -> hir::TypeBinding {
hir::TypeBinding {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &b.ty),
span: b.span,
pub fn lower_ty(lctx: &LoweringContext, t: &Ty) -> P<hir::Ty> {
P(hir::Ty {
node: match t.node {
TyInfer => hir::TyInfer,
TyVec(ref ty) => hir::TyVec(lower_ty(lctx, ty)),
TyPtr(ref mt) => hir::TyPtr(lower_mt(lctx, mt)),
TyRptr(ref region, ref mt) => {
hir::TyRptr(lower_opt_lifetime(lctx, region), lower_mt(lctx, mt))
TyBareFn(ref f) => {
hir::TyBareFn(P(hir::BareFnTy {
lifetimes: lower_lifetime_defs(lctx, &f.lifetimes),
unsafety: lower_unsafety(lctx, f.unsafety),
abi: f.abi,
decl: lower_fn_decl(lctx, &f.decl),
TyTup(ref tys) => hir::TyTup(tys.iter().map(|ty| lower_ty(lctx, ty)).collect()),
TyParen(ref ty) => {
return lower_ty(lctx, ty);
TyPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
let qself = qself.as_ref().map(|&QSelf { ref ty, position }| {
hir::QSelf {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, ty),
position: position,
hir::TyPath(qself, lower_path(lctx, path))
TyObjectSum(ref ty, ref bounds) => {
hir::TyObjectSum(lower_ty(lctx, ty), lower_bounds(lctx, bounds))
TyFixedLengthVec(ref ty, ref e) => {
hir::TyFixedLengthVec(lower_ty(lctx, ty), lower_expr(lctx, e))
TyTypeof(ref expr) => {
hir::TyTypeof(lower_expr(lctx, expr))
TyPolyTraitRef(ref bounds) => {
hir::TyPolyTraitRef(bounds.iter().map(|b| lower_ty_param_bound(lctx, b)).collect())
TyMac(_) => panic!("TyMac should have been expanded by now."),
span: t.span,
pub fn lower_foreign_mod(lctx: &LoweringContext, fm: &ForeignMod) -> hir::ForeignMod {
hir::ForeignMod {
abi: fm.abi,
items: fm.items.iter().map(|x| lower_foreign_item(lctx, x)).collect(),
pub fn lower_variant(lctx: &LoweringContext, v: &Variant) -> hir::Variant {
Spanned {
node: hir::Variant_ {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &v.node.attrs),
data: lower_variant_data(lctx, &,
disr_expr: v.node.disr_expr.as_ref().map(|e| lower_expr(lctx, e)),
span: v.span,
// Path segments are usually unhygienic, hygienic path segments can occur only in
// identifier-like paths originating from `ExprPath`.
// Make life simpler for rustc_resolve by renaming only such segments.
pub fn lower_path_full(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &Path, maybe_hygienic: bool) -> hir::Path {
let maybe_hygienic = maybe_hygienic && ! && p.segments.len() == 1;
hir::Path {
segments: p.segments
.map(|&PathSegment { identifier, ref parameters }| {
hir::PathSegment {
identifier: if maybe_hygienic {
lower_ident(lctx, identifier)
} else {
parameters: lower_path_parameters(lctx, parameters),
span: p.span,
pub fn lower_path(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &Path) -> hir::Path {
lower_path_full(lctx, p, false)
pub fn lower_path_parameters(lctx: &LoweringContext,
path_parameters: &PathParameters)
-> hir::PathParameters {
match *path_parameters {
PathParameters::AngleBracketed(ref data) =>
hir::AngleBracketedParameters(lower_angle_bracketed_parameter_data(lctx, data)),
PathParameters::Parenthesized(ref data) =>
hir::ParenthesizedParameters(lower_parenthesized_parameter_data(lctx, data)),
pub fn lower_angle_bracketed_parameter_data(lctx: &LoweringContext,
data: &AngleBracketedParameterData)
-> hir::AngleBracketedParameterData {
let &AngleBracketedParameterData { ref lifetimes, ref types, ref bindings } = data;
hir::AngleBracketedParameterData {
lifetimes: lower_lifetimes(lctx, lifetimes),
types: types.iter().map(|ty| lower_ty(lctx, ty)).collect(),
bindings: bindings.iter().map(|b| lower_ty_binding(lctx, b)).collect(),
pub fn lower_parenthesized_parameter_data(lctx: &LoweringContext,
data: &ParenthesizedParameterData)
-> hir::ParenthesizedParameterData {
let &ParenthesizedParameterData { ref inputs, ref output, span } = data;
hir::ParenthesizedParameterData {
inputs: inputs.iter().map(|ty| lower_ty(lctx, ty)).collect(),
output: output.as_ref().map(|ty| lower_ty(lctx, ty)),
span: span,
pub fn lower_local(lctx: &LoweringContext, l: &Local) -> P<hir::Local> {
P(hir::Local {
ty: l.ty.as_ref().map(|t| lower_ty(lctx, t)),
pat: lower_pat(lctx, &l.pat),
init: l.init.as_ref().map(|e| lower_expr(lctx, e)),
span: l.span,
attrs: l.attrs.clone(),
pub fn lower_explicit_self_underscore(lctx: &LoweringContext,
es: &ExplicitSelf_)
-> hir::ExplicitSelf_ {
match *es {
SelfStatic => hir::SelfStatic,
SelfValue(v) => hir::SelfValue(,
SelfRegion(ref lifetime, m, ident) => {
hir::SelfRegion(lower_opt_lifetime(lctx, lifetime),
lower_mutability(lctx, m),
SelfExplicit(ref typ, ident) => {
hir::SelfExplicit(lower_ty(lctx, typ),
pub fn lower_mutability(_lctx: &LoweringContext, m: Mutability) -> hir::Mutability {
match m {
MutMutable => hir::MutMutable,
MutImmutable => hir::MutImmutable,
pub fn lower_explicit_self(lctx: &LoweringContext, s: &ExplicitSelf) -> hir::ExplicitSelf {
Spanned {
node: lower_explicit_self_underscore(lctx, &s.node),
span: s.span,
pub fn lower_arg(lctx: &LoweringContext, arg: &Arg) -> hir::Arg {
hir::Arg {
pat: lower_pat(lctx, &arg.pat),
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &arg.ty),
pub fn lower_fn_decl(lctx: &LoweringContext, decl: &FnDecl) -> P<hir::FnDecl> {
P(hir::FnDecl {
inputs: decl.inputs.iter().map(|x| lower_arg(lctx, x)).collect(),
output: match decl.output {
Return(ref ty) => hir::Return(lower_ty(lctx, ty)),
DefaultReturn(span) => hir::DefaultReturn(span),
NoReturn(span) => hir::NoReturn(span),
variadic: decl.variadic,
pub fn lower_ty_param_bound(lctx: &LoweringContext, tpb: &TyParamBound) -> hir::TyParamBound {
match *tpb {
TraitTyParamBound(ref ty, modifier) => {
hir::TraitTyParamBound(lower_poly_trait_ref(lctx, ty),
lower_trait_bound_modifier(lctx, modifier))
RegionTyParamBound(ref lifetime) => {
hir::RegionTyParamBound(lower_lifetime(lctx, lifetime))
pub fn lower_ty_param(lctx: &LoweringContext, tp: &TyParam) -> hir::TyParam {
hir::TyParam {
bounds: lower_bounds(lctx, &tp.bounds),
default: tp.default.as_ref().map(|x| lower_ty(lctx, x)),
span: tp.span,
pub fn lower_ty_params(lctx: &LoweringContext,
tps: &P<[TyParam]>)
-> hir::HirVec<hir::TyParam> {
tps.iter().map(|tp| lower_ty_param(lctx, tp)).collect()
pub fn lower_lifetime(_lctx: &LoweringContext, l: &Lifetime) -> hir::Lifetime {
hir::Lifetime {
span: l.span,
pub fn lower_lifetime_def(lctx: &LoweringContext, l: &LifetimeDef) -> hir::LifetimeDef {
hir::LifetimeDef {
lifetime: lower_lifetime(lctx, &l.lifetime),
bounds: lower_lifetimes(lctx, &l.bounds),
pub fn lower_lifetimes(lctx: &LoweringContext, lts: &Vec<Lifetime>) -> hir::HirVec<hir::Lifetime> {
lts.iter().map(|l| lower_lifetime(lctx, l)).collect()
pub fn lower_lifetime_defs(lctx: &LoweringContext,
lts: &Vec<LifetimeDef>)
-> hir::HirVec<hir::LifetimeDef> {
lts.iter().map(|l| lower_lifetime_def(lctx, l)).collect()
pub fn lower_opt_lifetime(lctx: &LoweringContext,
o_lt: &Option<Lifetime>)
-> Option<hir::Lifetime> {
o_lt.as_ref().map(|lt| lower_lifetime(lctx, lt))
pub fn lower_generics(lctx: &LoweringContext, g: &Generics) -> hir::Generics {
hir::Generics {
ty_params: lower_ty_params(lctx, &g.ty_params),
lifetimes: lower_lifetime_defs(lctx, &g.lifetimes),
where_clause: lower_where_clause(lctx, &g.where_clause),
pub fn lower_where_clause(lctx: &LoweringContext, wc: &WhereClause) -> hir::WhereClause {
hir::WhereClause {
predicates: wc.predicates
.map(|predicate| lower_where_predicate(lctx, predicate))
pub fn lower_where_predicate(lctx: &LoweringContext,
pred: &WherePredicate)
-> hir::WherePredicate {
match *pred {
WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(WhereBoundPredicate{ ref bound_lifetimes,
ref bounded_ty,
ref bounds,
span}) => {
hir::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(hir::WhereBoundPredicate {
bound_lifetimes: lower_lifetime_defs(lctx, bound_lifetimes),
bounded_ty: lower_ty(lctx, bounded_ty),
bounds: bounds.iter().map(|x| lower_ty_param_bound(lctx, x)).collect(),
span: span,
WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(WhereRegionPredicate{ ref lifetime,
ref bounds,
span}) => {
hir::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(hir::WhereRegionPredicate {
span: span,
lifetime: lower_lifetime(lctx, lifetime),
bounds: bounds.iter().map(|bound| lower_lifetime(lctx, bound)).collect(),
WherePredicate::EqPredicate(WhereEqPredicate{ id,
ref path,
ref ty,
span}) => {
hir::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(hir::WhereEqPredicate {
id: id,
path: lower_path(lctx, path),
ty: lower_ty(lctx, ty),
span: span,
pub fn lower_variant_data(lctx: &LoweringContext, vdata: &VariantData) -> hir::VariantData {
match *vdata {
VariantData::Struct(ref fields, id) => {
.map(|f| lower_struct_field(lctx, f))
VariantData::Tuple(ref fields, id) => {
.map(|f| lower_struct_field(lctx, f))
VariantData::Unit(id) => hir::VariantData::Unit(id),
pub fn lower_trait_ref(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &TraitRef) -> hir::TraitRef {
hir::TraitRef {
path: lower_path(lctx, &p.path),
ref_id: p.ref_id,
pub fn lower_poly_trait_ref(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &PolyTraitRef) -> hir::PolyTraitRef {
hir::PolyTraitRef {
bound_lifetimes: lower_lifetime_defs(lctx, &p.bound_lifetimes),
trait_ref: lower_trait_ref(lctx, &p.trait_ref),
span: p.span,
pub fn lower_struct_field(lctx: &LoweringContext, f: &StructField) -> hir::StructField {
Spanned {
node: hir::StructField_ {
kind: lower_struct_field_kind(lctx, &f.node.kind),
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &f.node.ty),
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &f.node.attrs),
span: f.span,
pub fn lower_field(lctx: &LoweringContext, f: &Field) -> hir::Field {
hir::Field {
name: respan(f.ident.span,,
expr: lower_expr(lctx, &f.expr),
span: f.span,
pub fn lower_mt(lctx: &LoweringContext, mt: &MutTy) -> hir::MutTy {
hir::MutTy {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &mt.ty),
mutbl: lower_mutability(lctx, mt.mutbl),
pub fn lower_opt_bounds(lctx: &LoweringContext,
b: &Option<TyParamBounds>)
-> Option<hir::TyParamBounds> {
b.as_ref().map(|ref bounds| lower_bounds(lctx, bounds))
fn lower_bounds(lctx: &LoweringContext, bounds: &TyParamBounds) -> hir::TyParamBounds {
bounds.iter().map(|bound| lower_ty_param_bound(lctx, bound)).collect()
pub fn lower_block(lctx: &LoweringContext, b: &Block) -> P<hir::Block> {
P(hir::Block {
stmts: b.stmts.iter().map(|s| lower_stmt(lctx, s)).collect(),
expr: b.expr.as_ref().map(|ref x| lower_expr(lctx, x)),
rules: lower_block_check_mode(lctx, &b.rules),
span: b.span,
pub fn lower_item_underscore(lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &Item_) -> hir::Item_ {
match *i {
ItemExternCrate(string) => hir::ItemExternCrate(string),
ItemUse(ref view_path) => {
hir::ItemUse(lower_view_path(lctx, view_path))
ItemStatic(ref t, m, ref e) => {
hir::ItemStatic(lower_ty(lctx, t),
lower_mutability(lctx, m),
lower_expr(lctx, e))
ItemConst(ref t, ref e) => {
hir::ItemConst(lower_ty(lctx, t), lower_expr(lctx, e))
ItemFn(ref decl, unsafety, constness, abi, ref generics, ref body) => {
hir::ItemFn(lower_fn_decl(lctx, decl),
lower_unsafety(lctx, unsafety),
lower_constness(lctx, constness),
lower_generics(lctx, generics),
lower_block(lctx, body))
ItemMod(ref m) => hir::ItemMod(lower_mod(lctx, m)),
ItemForeignMod(ref nm) => hir::ItemForeignMod(lower_foreign_mod(lctx, nm)),
ItemTy(ref t, ref generics) => {
hir::ItemTy(lower_ty(lctx, t), lower_generics(lctx, generics))
ItemEnum(ref enum_definition, ref generics) => {
hir::ItemEnum(hir::EnumDef {
variants: enum_definition.variants
.map(|x| lower_variant(lctx, x))
lower_generics(lctx, generics))
ItemStruct(ref struct_def, ref generics) => {
let struct_def = lower_variant_data(lctx, struct_def);
hir::ItemStruct(struct_def, lower_generics(lctx, generics))
ItemDefaultImpl(unsafety, ref trait_ref) => {
hir::ItemDefaultImpl(lower_unsafety(lctx, unsafety),
lower_trait_ref(lctx, trait_ref))
ItemImpl(unsafety, polarity, ref generics, ref ifce, ref ty, ref impl_items) => {
let new_impl_items = impl_items.iter()
.map(|item| lower_impl_item(lctx, item))
let ifce = ifce.as_ref().map(|trait_ref| lower_trait_ref(lctx, trait_ref));
hir::ItemImpl(lower_unsafety(lctx, unsafety),
lower_impl_polarity(lctx, polarity),
lower_generics(lctx, generics),
lower_ty(lctx, ty),
ItemTrait(unsafety, ref generics, ref bounds, ref items) => {
let bounds = lower_bounds(lctx, bounds);
let items = items.iter().map(|item| lower_trait_item(lctx, item)).collect();
hir::ItemTrait(lower_unsafety(lctx, unsafety),
lower_generics(lctx, generics),
ItemMac(_) => panic!("Shouldn't still be around"),
pub fn lower_trait_item(lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &TraitItem) -> hir::TraitItem {
hir::TraitItem {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &i.attrs),
node: match i.node {
ConstTraitItem(ref ty, ref default) => {
hir::ConstTraitItem(lower_ty(lctx, ty),
default.as_ref().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)))
MethodTraitItem(ref sig, ref body) => {
hir::MethodTraitItem(lower_method_sig(lctx, sig),
body.as_ref().map(|x| lower_block(lctx, x)))
TypeTraitItem(ref bounds, ref default) => {
hir::TypeTraitItem(lower_bounds(lctx, bounds),
default.as_ref().map(|x| lower_ty(lctx, x)))
span: i.span,
pub fn lower_impl_item(lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &ImplItem) -> hir::ImplItem {
hir::ImplItem {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &i.attrs),
vis: lower_visibility(lctx, i.vis),
node: match i.node {
ImplItemKind::Const(ref ty, ref expr) => {
hir::ImplItemKind::Const(lower_ty(lctx, ty), lower_expr(lctx, expr))
ImplItemKind::Method(ref sig, ref body) => {
hir::ImplItemKind::Method(lower_method_sig(lctx, sig), lower_block(lctx, body))
ImplItemKind::Type(ref ty) => hir::ImplItemKind::Type(lower_ty(lctx, ty)),
ImplItemKind::Macro(..) => panic!("Shouldn't exist any more"),
span: i.span,
pub fn lower_mod(lctx: &LoweringContext, m: &Mod) -> hir::Mod {
hir::Mod {
inner: m.inner,
item_ids: m.items.iter().map(|x| lower_item_id(lctx, x)).collect(),
struct ItemLowerer<'lcx, 'interner: 'lcx> {
items: BTreeMap<NodeId, hir::Item>,
lctx: &'lcx LoweringContext<'interner>,
impl<'lcx, 'interner> Visitor<'lcx> for ItemLowerer<'lcx, 'interner> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'lcx Item) {
self.items.insert(, lower_item(self.lctx, item));
visit::walk_item(self, item);
pub fn lower_crate(lctx: &LoweringContext, c: &Crate) -> hir::Crate {
let items = {
let mut item_lowerer = ItemLowerer { items: BTreeMap::new(), lctx: lctx };
visit::walk_crate(&mut item_lowerer, c);
hir::Crate {
module: lower_mod(lctx, &c.module),
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &c.attrs),
config: c.config.clone().into(),
span: c.span,
exported_macros: c.exported_macros.iter().map(|m| lower_macro_def(lctx, m)).collect(),
items: items,
pub fn lower_macro_def(lctx: &LoweringContext, m: &MacroDef) -> hir::MacroDef {
hir::MacroDef {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &m.attrs),
span: m.span,
export: m.export,
use_locally: m.use_locally,
allow_internal_unstable: m.allow_internal_unstable,
body: m.body.clone().into(),
pub fn lower_item_id(_lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &Item) -> hir::ItemId {
hir::ItemId { id: }
pub fn lower_item(lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &Item) -> hir::Item {
let node = lower_item_underscore(lctx, &i.node);
hir::Item {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &i.attrs),
node: node,
vis: lower_visibility(lctx, i.vis),
span: i.span,
pub fn lower_foreign_item(lctx: &LoweringContext, i: &ForeignItem) -> hir::ForeignItem {
hir::ForeignItem {
attrs: lower_attrs(lctx, &i.attrs),
node: match i.node {
ForeignItemFn(ref fdec, ref generics) => {
hir::ForeignItemFn(lower_fn_decl(lctx, fdec), lower_generics(lctx, generics))
ForeignItemStatic(ref t, m) => {
hir::ForeignItemStatic(lower_ty(lctx, t), m)
vis: lower_visibility(lctx, i.vis),
span: i.span,
pub fn lower_method_sig(lctx: &LoweringContext, sig: &MethodSig) -> hir::MethodSig {
hir::MethodSig {
generics: lower_generics(lctx, &sig.generics),
abi: sig.abi,
explicit_self: lower_explicit_self(lctx, &sig.explicit_self),
unsafety: lower_unsafety(lctx, sig.unsafety),
constness: lower_constness(lctx, sig.constness),
decl: lower_fn_decl(lctx, &sig.decl),
pub fn lower_unsafety(_lctx: &LoweringContext, u: Unsafety) -> hir::Unsafety {
match u {
Unsafety::Unsafe => hir::Unsafety::Unsafe,
Unsafety::Normal => hir::Unsafety::Normal,
pub fn lower_constness(_lctx: &LoweringContext, c: Constness) -> hir::Constness {
match c {
Constness::Const => hir::Constness::Const,
Constness::NotConst => hir::Constness::NotConst,
pub fn lower_unop(_lctx: &LoweringContext, u: UnOp) -> hir::UnOp {
match u {
UnDeref => hir::UnDeref,
UnNot => hir::UnNot,
UnNeg => hir::UnNeg,
pub fn lower_binop(_lctx: &LoweringContext, b: BinOp) -> hir::BinOp {
Spanned {
node: match b.node {
BiAdd => hir::BiAdd,
BiSub => hir::BiSub,
BiMul => hir::BiMul,
BiDiv => hir::BiDiv,
BiRem => hir::BiRem,
BiAnd => hir::BiAnd,
BiOr => hir::BiOr,
BiBitXor => hir::BiBitXor,
BiBitAnd => hir::BiBitAnd,
BiBitOr => hir::BiBitOr,
BiShl => hir::BiShl,
BiShr => hir::BiShr,
BiEq => hir::BiEq,
BiLt => hir::BiLt,
BiLe => hir::BiLe,
BiNe => hir::BiNe,
BiGe => hir::BiGe,
BiGt => hir::BiGt,
span: b.span,
pub fn lower_pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, p: &Pat) -> P<hir::Pat> {
P(hir::Pat {
node: match p.node {
PatWild => hir::PatWild,
PatIdent(ref binding_mode, pth1, ref sub) => {
hir::PatIdent(lower_binding_mode(lctx, binding_mode),
respan(pth1.span, lower_ident(lctx, pth1.node)),
sub.as_ref().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)))
PatLit(ref e) => hir::PatLit(lower_expr(lctx, e)),
PatEnum(ref pth, ref pats) => {
hir::PatEnum(lower_path(lctx, pth),
.map(|pats| pats.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect()))
PatQPath(ref qself, ref pth) => {
let qself = hir::QSelf {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, &qself.ty),
position: qself.position,
hir::PatQPath(qself, lower_path(lctx, pth))
PatStruct(ref pth, ref fields, etc) => {
let pth = lower_path(lctx, pth);
let fs = fields.iter()
.map(|f| {
Spanned {
span: f.span,
node: hir::FieldPat {
pat: lower_pat(lctx, &f.node.pat),
is_shorthand: f.node.is_shorthand,
hir::PatStruct(pth, fs, etc)
PatTup(ref elts) => hir::PatTup(elts.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect()),
PatBox(ref inner) => hir::PatBox(lower_pat(lctx, inner)),
PatRegion(ref inner, mutbl) => {
hir::PatRegion(lower_pat(lctx, inner), lower_mutability(lctx, mutbl))
PatRange(ref e1, ref e2) => {
hir::PatRange(lower_expr(lctx, e1), lower_expr(lctx, e2))
PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
hir::PatVec(before.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect(),
slice.as_ref().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)),
after.iter().map(|x| lower_pat(lctx, x)).collect())
PatMac(_) => panic!("Shouldn't exist here"),
span: p.span,
// Utility fn for setting and unsetting the cached id.
fn cache_ids<'a, OP, R>(lctx: &LoweringContext, expr_id: NodeId, op: OP) -> R
where OP: FnOnce(&LoweringContext) -> R
// Only reset the id if it was previously 0, i.e., was not cached.
// If it was cached, we are in a nested node, but our id count will
// still count towards the parent's count.
let reset_cached_id = lctx.cached_id.get() == 0;
let id_cache: &mut HashMap<_, _> = &mut lctx.id_cache.borrow_mut();
if id_cache.contains_key(&expr_id) {
let cached_id = lctx.cached_id.get();
if cached_id == 0 {
// We're entering a node where we need to track ids, but are not
// yet tracking.
} else {
// We're already tracking - check that the tracked id is the same
// as the expected id.
assert!(cached_id == id_cache[&expr_id], "id mismatch");
} else {
let next_id = lctx.id_assigner.peek_node_id();
id_cache.insert(expr_id, next_id);
let result = op(lctx);
if reset_cached_id {
pub fn lower_expr(lctx: &LoweringContext, e: &Expr) -> P<hir::Expr> {
P(hir::Expr {
node: match e.node {
// Issue #22181:
// Eventually a desugaring for `box EXPR`
// (similar to the desugaring above for `in PLACE BLOCK`)
// should go here, desugaring
// to:
// let mut place = BoxPlace::make_place();
// let raw_place = Place::pointer(&mut place);
// let value = $value;
// unsafe {
// ::std::ptr::write(raw_place, value);
// Boxed::finalize(place)
// }
// But for now there are type-inference issues doing that.
ExprBox(ref e) => {
hir::ExprBox(lower_expr(lctx, e))
// Desugar ExprBox: `in (PLACE) EXPR`
ExprInPlace(ref placer, ref value_expr) => {
// to:
// let p = PLACE;
// let mut place = Placer::make_place(p);
// let raw_place = Place::pointer(&mut place);
// push_unsafe!({
// std::intrinsics::move_val_init(raw_place, pop_unsafe!( EXPR ));
// InPlace::finalize(place)
// })
return cache_ids(lctx,, |lctx| {
let placer_expr = lower_expr(lctx, placer);
let value_expr = lower_expr(lctx, value_expr);
let placer_ident = lctx.str_to_ident("placer");
let place_ident = lctx.str_to_ident("place");
let p_ptr_ident = lctx.str_to_ident("p_ptr");
let make_place = ["ops", "Placer", "make_place"];
let place_pointer = ["ops", "Place", "pointer"];
let move_val_init = ["intrinsics", "move_val_init"];
let inplace_finalize = ["ops", "InPlace", "finalize"];
let make_call = |lctx: &LoweringContext, p, args| {
let path = core_path(lctx, e.span, p);
let path = expr_path(lctx, path, None);
expr_call(lctx, e.span, path, args, None)
let mk_stmt_let = |lctx: &LoweringContext, bind, expr| {
stmt_let(lctx, e.span, false, bind, expr, None)
let mk_stmt_let_mut = |lctx: &LoweringContext, bind, expr| {
stmt_let(lctx, e.span, true, bind, expr, None)
// let placer = <placer_expr> ;
let s1 = {
let placer_expr = signal_block_expr(lctx,
mk_stmt_let(lctx, placer_ident, placer_expr)
// let mut place = Placer::make_place(placer);
let s2 = {
let placer = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, placer_ident, None);
let call = make_call(lctx, &make_place, hir_vec![placer]);
mk_stmt_let_mut(lctx, place_ident, call)
// let p_ptr = Place::pointer(&mut place);
let s3 = {
let agent = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, place_ident, None);
let args = hir_vec![expr_mut_addr_of(lctx, e.span, agent, None)];
let call = make_call(lctx, &place_pointer, args);
mk_stmt_let(lctx, p_ptr_ident, call)
// pop_unsafe!(EXPR));
let pop_unsafe_expr = {
let value_expr = signal_block_expr(lctx,
hir::PopUnsafeBlock(hir::CompilerGenerated), None)
// push_unsafe!({
// std::intrinsics::move_val_init(raw_place, pop_unsafe!( EXPR ));
// InPlace::finalize(place)
// })
let expr = {
let ptr = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, p_ptr_ident, None);
let call_move_val_init =
make_call(lctx, &move_val_init, hir_vec![ptr, pop_unsafe_expr]),
let call_move_val_init = respan(e.span, call_move_val_init);
let place = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, place_ident, None);
let call = make_call(lctx, &inplace_finalize, hir_vec![place]);
hir::PushUnsafeBlock(hir::CompilerGenerated), None)
hir_vec![s1, s2, s3],
ExprVec(ref exprs) => {
hir::ExprVec(exprs.iter().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)).collect())
ExprRepeat(ref expr, ref count) => {
let expr = lower_expr(lctx, expr);
let count = lower_expr(lctx, count);
hir::ExprRepeat(expr, count)
ExprTup(ref elts) => {
hir::ExprTup(elts.iter().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)).collect())
ExprCall(ref f, ref args) => {
let f = lower_expr(lctx, f);
hir::ExprCall(f, args.iter().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)).collect())
ExprMethodCall(i, ref tps, ref args) => {
let tps = tps.iter().map(|x| lower_ty(lctx, x)).collect();
let args = args.iter().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)).collect();
hir::ExprMethodCall(respan(i.span,, tps, args)
ExprBinary(binop, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let binop = lower_binop(lctx, binop);
let lhs = lower_expr(lctx, lhs);
let rhs = lower_expr(lctx, rhs);
hir::ExprBinary(binop, lhs, rhs)
ExprUnary(op, ref ohs) => {
let op = lower_unop(lctx, op);
let ohs = lower_expr(lctx, ohs);
hir::ExprUnary(op, ohs)
ExprLit(ref l) => hir::ExprLit(P((**l).clone())),
ExprCast(ref expr, ref ty) => {
let expr = lower_expr(lctx, expr);
hir::ExprCast(expr, lower_ty(lctx, ty))
ExprType(ref expr, ref ty) => {
let expr = lower_expr(lctx, expr);
hir::ExprType(expr, lower_ty(lctx, ty))
ExprAddrOf(m, ref ohs) => {
let m = lower_mutability(lctx, m);
let ohs = lower_expr(lctx, ohs);
hir::ExprAddrOf(m, ohs)
// More complicated than you might expect because the else branch
// might be `if let`.
ExprIf(ref cond, ref blk, ref else_opt) => {
let else_opt = else_opt.as_ref().map(|els| {
match els.node {
ExprIfLet(..) => {
cache_ids(lctx,, |lctx| {
// wrap the if-let expr in a block
let span = els.span;
let els = lower_expr(lctx, els);
let id = lctx.next_id();
let blk = P(hir::Block {
stmts: hir_vec![],
expr: Some(els),
id: id,
rules: hir::DefaultBlock,
span: span,
expr_block(lctx, blk, None)
_ => lower_expr(lctx, els),
hir::ExprIf(lower_expr(lctx, cond), lower_block(lctx, blk), else_opt)
ExprWhile(ref cond, ref body, opt_ident) => {
hir::ExprWhile(lower_expr(lctx, cond), lower_block(lctx, body),|ident| lower_ident(lctx, ident)))
ExprLoop(ref body, opt_ident) => {
hir::ExprLoop(lower_block(lctx, body),|ident| lower_ident(lctx, ident)))
ExprMatch(ref expr, ref arms) => {
hir::ExprMatch(lower_expr(lctx, expr),
arms.iter().map(|x| lower_arm(lctx, x)).collect(),
ExprClosure(capture_clause, ref decl, ref body) => {
hir::ExprClosure(lower_capture_clause(lctx, capture_clause),
lower_fn_decl(lctx, decl),
lower_block(lctx, body))
ExprBlock(ref blk) => hir::ExprBlock(lower_block(lctx, blk)),
ExprAssign(ref el, ref er) => {
hir::ExprAssign(lower_expr(lctx, el), lower_expr(lctx, er))
ExprAssignOp(op, ref el, ref er) => {
hir::ExprAssignOp(lower_binop(lctx, op),
lower_expr(lctx, el),
lower_expr(lctx, er))
ExprField(ref el, ident) => {
hir::ExprField(lower_expr(lctx, el), respan(ident.span,
ExprTupField(ref el, ident) => {
hir::ExprTupField(lower_expr(lctx, el), ident)
ExprIndex(ref el, ref er) => {
hir::ExprIndex(lower_expr(lctx, el), lower_expr(lctx, er))
ExprRange(ref e1, ref e2) => {
hir::ExprRange(e1.as_ref().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)),
e2.as_ref().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)))
ExprPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
let hir_qself = qself.as_ref().map(|&QSelf { ref ty, position }| {
hir::QSelf {
ty: lower_ty(lctx, ty),
position: position,
hir::ExprPath(hir_qself, lower_path_full(lctx, path, qself.is_none()))
ExprBreak(opt_ident) => hir::ExprBreak(|sp_ident| {
respan(sp_ident.span, lower_ident(lctx, sp_ident.node))
ExprAgain(opt_ident) => hir::ExprAgain(|sp_ident| {
respan(sp_ident.span, lower_ident(lctx, sp_ident.node))
ExprRet(ref e) => hir::ExprRet(e.as_ref().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x))),
ExprInlineAsm(InlineAsm {
ref inputs,
ref outputs,
ref asm,
ref clobbers,
}) => hir::ExprInlineAsm(hir::InlineAsm {
inputs: inputs.iter()
.map(|&(ref c, ref input)| (c.clone(), lower_expr(lctx, input)))
outputs: outputs.iter()
.map(|out| {
hir::InlineAsmOutput {
constraint: out.constraint.clone(),
expr: lower_expr(lctx, &out.expr),
is_rw: out.is_rw,
is_indirect: out.is_indirect,
asm: asm.clone(),
asm_str_style: asm_str_style,
clobbers: clobbers.clone().into(),
volatile: volatile,
alignstack: alignstack,
dialect: dialect,
expn_id: expn_id,
ExprStruct(ref path, ref fields, ref maybe_expr) => {
hir::ExprStruct(lower_path(lctx, path),
fields.iter().map(|x| lower_field(lctx, x)).collect(),
maybe_expr.as_ref().map(|x| lower_expr(lctx, x)))
ExprParen(ref ex) => {
// merge attributes into the inner expression.
return lower_expr(lctx, ex).map(|mut ex| {
ex.attrs.update(|attrs| {
// Desugar ExprIfLet
// From: `if let <pat> = <sub_expr> <body> [<else_opt>]`
ExprIfLet(ref pat, ref sub_expr, ref body, ref else_opt) => {
// to:
// match <sub_expr> {
// <pat> => <body>,
// [_ if <else_opt_if_cond> => <else_opt_if_body>,]
// _ => [<else_opt> | ()]
// }
return cache_ids(lctx,, |lctx| {
// `<pat> => <body>`
let pat_arm = {
let body = lower_block(lctx, body);
let body_expr = expr_block(lctx, body, None);
arm(hir_vec![lower_pat(lctx, pat)], body_expr)
// `[_ if <else_opt_if_cond> => <else_opt_if_body>,]`
let mut else_opt = else_opt.as_ref().map(|e| lower_expr(lctx, e));
let else_if_arms = {
let mut arms = vec![];
loop {
let else_opt_continue = else_opt.and_then(|els| {
els.and_then(|els| {
match els.node {
// else if
hir::ExprIf(cond, then, else_opt) => {
let pat_under = pat_wild(lctx, e.span);
arms.push(hir::Arm {
attrs: hir_vec![],
pats: hir_vec![pat_under],
guard: Some(cond),
body: expr_block(lctx, then, None),
});|else_opt| (else_opt, true))
_ => Some((P(els), false)),
match else_opt_continue {
Some((e, true)) => {
else_opt = Some(e);
Some((e, false)) => {
else_opt = Some(e);
None => {
else_opt = None;
let contains_else_clause = else_opt.is_some();
// `_ => [<else_opt> | ()]`
let else_arm = {
let pat_under = pat_wild(lctx, e.span);
let else_expr =
|| expr_tuple(lctx, e.span, hir_vec![], None));
arm(hir_vec![pat_under], else_expr)
let mut arms = Vec::with_capacity(else_if_arms.len() + 2);
let sub_expr = lower_expr(lctx, sub_expr);
// add attributes to the outer returned expr node
hir::MatchSource::IfLetDesugar {
contains_else_clause: contains_else_clause,
// Desugar ExprWhileLet
// From: `[opt_ident]: while let <pat> = <sub_expr> <body>`
ExprWhileLet(ref pat, ref sub_expr, ref body, opt_ident) => {
// to:
// [opt_ident]: loop {
// match <sub_expr> {
// <pat> => <body>,
// _ => break
// }
// }
return cache_ids(lctx,, |lctx| {
// `<pat> => <body>`
let pat_arm = {
let body = lower_block(lctx, body);
let body_expr = expr_block(lctx, body, None);
arm(hir_vec![lower_pat(lctx, pat)], body_expr)
// `_ => break`
let break_arm = {
let pat_under = pat_wild(lctx, e.span);
let break_expr = expr_break(lctx, e.span, None);
arm(hir_vec![pat_under], break_expr)
// `match <sub_expr> { ... }`
let arms = hir_vec![pat_arm, break_arm];
let sub_expr = lower_expr(lctx, sub_expr);
let match_expr = expr(lctx,
// `[opt_ident]: loop { ... }`
let loop_block = block_expr(lctx, match_expr);
let loop_expr = hir::ExprLoop(loop_block,|ident| lower_ident(lctx, ident)));
// add attributes to the outer returned expr node
expr(lctx, e.span, loop_expr, e.attrs.clone())
// Desugar ExprForLoop
// From: `[opt_ident]: for <pat> in <head> <body>`
ExprForLoop(ref pat, ref head, ref body, opt_ident) => {
// to:
// {
// let result = match ::std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(<head>) {
// mut iter => {
// [opt_ident]: loop {
// match ::std::iter::Iterator::next(&mut iter) {
// ::std::option::Option::Some(<pat>) => <body>,
// ::std::option::Option::None => break
// }
// }
// }
// };
// result
// }
return cache_ids(lctx,, |lctx| {
// expand <head>
let head = lower_expr(lctx, head);
let iter = lctx.str_to_ident("iter");
// `::std::option::Option::Some(<pat>) => <body>`
let pat_arm = {
let body_block = lower_block(lctx, body);
let body_span = body_block.span;
let body_expr = P(hir::Expr {
id: lctx.next_id(),
node: hir::ExprBlock(body_block),
span: body_span,
attrs: None,
let pat = lower_pat(lctx, pat);
let some_pat = pat_some(lctx, e.span, pat);
arm(hir_vec![some_pat], body_expr)
// `::std::option::Option::None => break`
let break_arm = {
let break_expr = expr_break(lctx, e.span, None);
arm(hir_vec![pat_none(lctx, e.span)], break_expr)
// `match ::std::iter::Iterator::next(&mut iter) { ... }`
let match_expr = {
let next_path = {
let strs = std_path(lctx, &["iter", "Iterator", "next"]);
path_global(e.span, strs)
let iter = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, iter, None);
let ref_mut_iter = expr_mut_addr_of(lctx, e.span, iter, None);
let next_path = expr_path(lctx, next_path, None);
let next_expr = expr_call(lctx,
let arms = hir_vec![pat_arm, break_arm];
hir::ExprMatch(next_expr, arms, hir::MatchSource::ForLoopDesugar),
// `[opt_ident]: loop { ... }`
let loop_block = block_expr(lctx, match_expr);
let loop_expr = hir::ExprLoop(loop_block,|ident| lower_ident(lctx, ident)));
let loop_expr = expr(lctx, e.span, loop_expr, None);
// `mut iter => { ... }`
let iter_arm = {
let iter_pat = pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx,
arm(hir_vec![iter_pat], loop_expr)
// `match ::std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(<head>) { ... }`
let into_iter_expr = {
let into_iter_path = {
let strs = std_path(lctx, &["iter", "IntoIterator", "into_iter"]);
path_global(e.span, strs)
let into_iter = expr_path(lctx, into_iter_path, None);
expr_call(lctx, e.span, into_iter, hir_vec![head], None)
let match_expr = expr_match(lctx,
// `{ let _result = ...; _result }`
// underscore prevents an unused_variables lint if the head diverges
let result_ident = lctx.str_to_ident("_result");
let let_stmt = stmt_let(lctx, e.span, false, result_ident, match_expr, None);
let result = expr_ident(lctx, e.span, result_ident, None);
let block = block_all(lctx, e.span, hir_vec![let_stmt], Some(result));
// add the attributes to the outer returned expr node
expr_block(lctx, block, e.attrs.clone())
ExprMac(_) => panic!("Shouldn't exist here"),
span: e.span,
attrs: e.attrs.clone(),
pub fn lower_stmt(lctx: &LoweringContext, s: &Stmt) -> hir::Stmt {
match s.node {
StmtDecl(ref d, id) => {
Spanned {
node: hir::StmtDecl(lower_decl(lctx, d), id),
span: s.span,
StmtExpr(ref e, id) => {
Spanned {
node: hir::StmtExpr(lower_expr(lctx, e), id),
span: s.span,
StmtSemi(ref e, id) => {
Spanned {
node: hir::StmtSemi(lower_expr(lctx, e), id),
span: s.span,
StmtMac(..) => panic!("Shouldn't exist here"),
pub fn lower_capture_clause(_lctx: &LoweringContext, c: CaptureClause) -> hir::CaptureClause {
match c {
CaptureByValue => hir::CaptureByValue,
CaptureByRef => hir::CaptureByRef,
pub fn lower_visibility(_lctx: &LoweringContext, v: Visibility) -> hir::Visibility {
match v {
Public => hir::Public,
Inherited => hir::Inherited,
pub fn lower_block_check_mode(lctx: &LoweringContext, b: &BlockCheckMode) -> hir::BlockCheckMode {
match *b {
DefaultBlock => hir::DefaultBlock,
UnsafeBlock(u) => hir::UnsafeBlock(lower_unsafe_source(lctx, u)),
pub fn lower_binding_mode(lctx: &LoweringContext, b: &BindingMode) -> hir::BindingMode {
match *b {
BindingMode::ByRef(m) => hir::BindByRef(lower_mutability(lctx, m)),
BindingMode::ByValue(m) => hir::BindByValue(lower_mutability(lctx, m)),
pub fn lower_struct_field_kind(lctx: &LoweringContext,
s: &StructFieldKind)
-> hir::StructFieldKind {
match *s {
NamedField(ident, vis) => hir::NamedField(, lower_visibility(lctx, vis)),
UnnamedField(vis) => hir::UnnamedField(lower_visibility(lctx, vis)),
pub fn lower_unsafe_source(_lctx: &LoweringContext, u: UnsafeSource) -> hir::UnsafeSource {
match u {
CompilerGenerated => hir::CompilerGenerated,
UserProvided => hir::UserProvided,
pub fn lower_impl_polarity(_lctx: &LoweringContext, i: ImplPolarity) -> hir::ImplPolarity {
match i {
ImplPolarity::Positive => hir::ImplPolarity::Positive,
ImplPolarity::Negative => hir::ImplPolarity::Negative,
pub fn lower_trait_bound_modifier(_lctx: &LoweringContext,
f: TraitBoundModifier)
-> hir::TraitBoundModifier {
match f {
TraitBoundModifier::None => hir::TraitBoundModifier::None,
TraitBoundModifier::Maybe => hir::TraitBoundModifier::Maybe,
// Helper methods for building HIR.
fn arm(pats: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Pat>>, expr: P<hir::Expr>) -> hir::Arm {
hir::Arm {
attrs: hir_vec![],
pats: pats,
guard: None,
body: expr,
fn expr_break(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, span, hir::ExprBreak(None), attrs)
fn expr_call(lctx: &LoweringContext,
span: Span,
e: P<hir::Expr>,
args: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Expr>>,
attrs: ThinAttributes)
-> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, span, hir::ExprCall(e, args), attrs)
fn expr_ident(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, id: hir::Ident,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr_path(lctx, path_ident(span, id), attrs)
fn expr_mut_addr_of(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, e: P<hir::Expr>,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, span, hir::ExprAddrOf(hir::MutMutable, e), attrs)
fn expr_path(lctx: &LoweringContext, path: hir::Path,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, path.span, hir::ExprPath(None, path), attrs)
fn expr_match(lctx: &LoweringContext,
span: Span,
arg: P<hir::Expr>,
arms: hir::HirVec<hir::Arm>,
source: hir::MatchSource,
attrs: ThinAttributes)
-> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, span, hir::ExprMatch(arg, arms, source), attrs)
fn expr_block(lctx: &LoweringContext, b: P<hir::Block>,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, b.span, hir::ExprBlock(b), attrs)
fn expr_tuple(lctx: &LoweringContext, sp: Span, exprs: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Expr>>,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
expr(lctx, sp, hir::ExprTup(exprs), attrs)
fn expr(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, node: hir::Expr_,
attrs: ThinAttributes) -> P<hir::Expr> {
P(hir::Expr {
id: lctx.next_id(),
node: node,
span: span,
attrs: attrs,
fn stmt_let(lctx: &LoweringContext,
sp: Span,
mutbl: bool,
ident: hir::Ident,
ex: P<hir::Expr>,
attrs: ThinAttributes)
-> hir::Stmt {
let pat = if mutbl {
pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx, sp, ident, hir::BindByValue(hir::MutMutable))
} else {
pat_ident(lctx, sp, ident)
let local = P(hir::Local {
pat: pat,
ty: None,
init: Some(ex),
id: lctx.next_id(),
span: sp,
attrs: attrs,
let decl = respan(sp, hir::DeclLocal(local));
respan(sp, hir::StmtDecl(P(decl), lctx.next_id()))
fn block_expr(lctx: &LoweringContext, expr: P<hir::Expr>) -> P<hir::Block> {
block_all(lctx, expr.span, hir::HirVec::new(), Some(expr))
fn block_all(lctx: &LoweringContext,
span: Span,
stmts: hir::HirVec<hir::Stmt>,
expr: Option<P<hir::Expr>>)
-> P<hir::Block> {
P(hir::Block {
stmts: stmts,
expr: expr,
id: lctx.next_id(),
rules: hir::DefaultBlock,
span: span,
fn pat_some(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, pat: P<hir::Pat>) -> P<hir::Pat> {
let some = std_path(lctx, &["option", "Option", "Some"]);
let path = path_global(span, some);
pat_enum(lctx, span, path, hir_vec![pat])
fn pat_none(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat> {
let none = std_path(lctx, &["option", "Option", "None"]);
let path = path_global(span, none);
pat_enum(lctx, span, path, hir_vec![])
fn pat_enum(lctx: &LoweringContext,
span: Span,
path: hir::Path,
subpats: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Pat>>)
-> P<hir::Pat> {
let pt = hir::PatEnum(path, Some(subpats));
pat(lctx, span, pt)
fn pat_ident(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, ident: hir::Ident) -> P<hir::Pat> {
pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx, span, ident, hir::BindByValue(hir::MutImmutable))
fn pat_ident_binding_mode(lctx: &LoweringContext,
span: Span,
ident: hir::Ident,
bm: hir::BindingMode)
-> P<hir::Pat> {
let pat_ident = hir::PatIdent(bm,
Spanned {
span: span,
node: ident,
pat(lctx, span, pat_ident)
fn pat_wild(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span) -> P<hir::Pat> {
pat(lctx, span, hir::PatWild)
fn pat(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, pat: hir::Pat_) -> P<hir::Pat> {
P(hir::Pat {
id: lctx.next_id(),
node: pat,
span: span,
fn path_ident(span: Span, id: hir::Ident) -> hir::Path {
path(span, vec![id])
fn path(span: Span, strs: Vec<hir::Ident>) -> hir::Path {
path_all(span, false, strs, hir::HirVec::new(), hir::HirVec::new(), hir::HirVec::new())
fn path_global(span: Span, strs: Vec<hir::Ident>) -> hir::Path {
path_all(span, true, strs, hir::HirVec::new(), hir::HirVec::new(), hir::HirVec::new())
fn path_all(sp: Span,
global: bool,
mut idents: Vec<hir::Ident>,
lifetimes: hir::HirVec<hir::Lifetime>,
types: hir::HirVec<P<hir::Ty>>,
bindings: hir::HirVec<hir::TypeBinding>)
-> hir::Path {
let last_identifier = idents.pop().unwrap();
let mut segments: Vec<hir::PathSegment> = idents.into_iter()
.map(|ident| {
hir::PathSegment {
identifier: ident,
parameters: hir::PathParameters::none(),
segments.push(hir::PathSegment {
identifier: last_identifier,
parameters: hir::AngleBracketedParameters(hir::AngleBracketedParameterData {
lifetimes: lifetimes,
types: types,
bindings: bindings,
hir::Path {
span: sp,
global: global,
segments: segments.into(),
fn std_path(lctx: &LoweringContext, components: &[&str]) -> Vec<hir::Ident> {
let mut v = Vec::new();
if let Some(s) = lctx.crate_root {
v.extend(components.iter().map(|s| hir::Ident::from_name(token::intern(s))));
return v;
// Given suffix ["b","c","d"], returns path `::std::b::c::d` when
// ``, and `::core::b::c::d` otherwise.
fn core_path(lctx: &LoweringContext, span: Span, components: &[&str]) -> hir::Path {
let idents = std_path(lctx, components);
path_global(span, idents)
fn signal_block_expr(lctx: &LoweringContext,
stmts: hir::HirVec<hir::Stmt>,
expr: P<hir::Expr>,
span: Span,
rule: hir::BlockCheckMode,
attrs: ThinAttributes)
-> P<hir::Expr> {
let id = lctx.next_id();
P(hir::Block {
rules: rule,
span: span,
id: id,
stmts: stmts,
expr: Some(expr),
mod test {
use super::*;
use syntax::ast::{self, NodeId, NodeIdAssigner};
use syntax::{parse, codemap};
use syntax::fold::Folder;
use std::cell::Cell;
struct MockAssigner {
next_id: Cell<NodeId>,
impl MockAssigner {
fn new() -> MockAssigner {
MockAssigner { next_id: Cell::new(0) }
trait FakeExtCtxt {
fn call_site(&self) -> codemap::Span;
fn cfg(&self) -> ast::CrateConfig;
fn ident_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Ident;
fn name_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Name;
fn parse_sess(&self) -> &parse::ParseSess;
impl FakeExtCtxt for parse::ParseSess {
fn call_site(&self) -> codemap::Span {
codemap::Span {
lo: codemap::BytePos(0),
hi: codemap::BytePos(0),
expn_id: codemap::NO_EXPANSION,
fn cfg(&self) -> ast::CrateConfig {
fn ident_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Ident {
fn name_of(&self, st: &str) -> ast::Name {
fn parse_sess(&self) -> &parse::ParseSess {
impl NodeIdAssigner for MockAssigner {
fn next_node_id(&self) -> NodeId {
let result = self.next_id.get();
self.next_id.set(result + 1);
fn peek_node_id(&self) -> NodeId {
impl Folder for MockAssigner {
fn new_id(&mut self, old_id: NodeId) -> NodeId {
assert_eq!(old_id, ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID);
fn test_preserves_ids() {
let cx = parse::ParseSess::new();
let mut assigner = MockAssigner::new();
let ast_if_let = quote_expr!(&cx,
if let Some(foo) = baz {
let ast_if_let = assigner.fold_expr(ast_if_let);
let ast_while_let = quote_expr!(&cx,
while let Some(foo) = baz {
let ast_while_let = assigner.fold_expr(ast_while_let);
let ast_for = quote_expr!(&cx,
for i in 0..10 {
let ast_for = assigner.fold_expr(ast_for);
let ast_in = quote_expr!(&cx, in HEAP { foo() });
let ast_in = assigner.fold_expr(ast_in);
let lctx = LoweringContext::new(&assigner, None);
let hir1 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_if_let);
let hir2 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_if_let);
assert!(hir1 == hir2);
let hir1 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_while_let);
let hir2 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_while_let);
assert!(hir1 == hir2);
let hir1 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_for);
let hir2 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_for);
assert!(hir1 == hir2);
let hir1 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_in);
let hir2 = lower_expr(&lctx, &ast_in);
assert!(hir1 == hir2);