tests: Test auto-alias generation on base tree, not overlay

The current testcases for the -A "auto alias generation" option operate on
a "plugin" tree.  Although not technically wrong, this is an odd approach,
since a plugin will almost certainly need the __symbols__ and/or __fixups__
syntax instead of aliases.  On the other hand -A may be useful simply for
generating aliases on a tree which is not using the overlay / plugin
mechanism at all.

Therefore change the tests to operate on a base tree example instead of a

Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david@gibson.dropbear.id.au>
diff --git a/tests/run_tests.sh b/tests/run_tests.sh
index a1baf7a..c87d7d9 100755
--- a/tests/run_tests.sh
+++ b/tests/run_tests.sh
@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@
     run_test check_path overlay_base_with_symbols_no_fixups.test.dtb not-exists "/__local_fixups__"
     # Test generation of aliases insted of symbols
-    run_dtc_test -A -I dts -O dtb -o overlay_overlay_with_aliases.dtb overlay_overlay_dtc.dts
-    run_test check_path overlay_overlay_with_aliases.dtb exists "/aliases"
-    run_test check_path overlay_overlay_with_aliases.dtb exists "/__symbols__"
-    run_test check_path overlay_overlay_with_aliases.dtb exists "/__fixups__"
-    run_test check_path overlay_overlay_with_aliases.dtb exists "/__local_fixups__"
+    run_dtc_test -A -I dts -O dtb -o overlay_base_with_aliases.dtb overlay_base.dts
+    run_test check_path overlay_base_with_aliases.dtb exists "/aliases"
+    run_test check_path overlay_base_with_aliases.dtb not-exists "/__symbols__"
+    run_test check_path overlay_base_with_aliases.dtb not-exists "/__fixups__"
+    run_test check_path overlay_base_with_aliases.dtb not-exists "/__local_fixups__"
     # Bad fixup tests
     for test in $BAD_FIXUP_TREES; do