Force Go CQ to download all of Fuchsia

Until we get our dependencies sorted out,
- Go uses "boot_test_modular",
- "boot_test_modular" imports the "default" gn package,
- and the "default" package requires almost all repositories to be
available from the Fuchsia manifest.

This will artificially for the Go CQ to be much
slower than it should be, but until these dependencies are
untangled, I believe this patch is the only way to
unbreak the Go commit queue.

Change-Id: I77975013acbcdfd0e8521772f268aea5ae472c17
diff --git a/services/cr-buildbucket.cfg b/services/cr-buildbucket.cfg
index 1da4c52..89e2c0e 100644
--- a/services/cr-buildbucket.cfg
+++ b/services/cr-buildbucket.cfg
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   dimensions: "cpu:x86-64"
   recipe {
     name: "fuchsia"
-    properties: "manifest:runtimes/go"
+    properties: "manifest:fuchsia"
     properties_j: "modules:[\"go_stdlib_tests\"]"
     properties: "tests:third_party/go/misc/fuchsia/go_stdlib_tests.json"