blob: e4cfbff132ca92333bd39bb06fab3d6c12fdcfa8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package util
import (
// The elliptic curve we are using.
var ellipticCurve elliptic.Curve
// The number of bytes used in the serialized representation of a point on
// the elliptic curve.
var ecSerializationSize int
// The maximum number of bytes needed to store a representation of an element of
// the field over which the elliptic curve group is defined. (Currently this
// will be 32 bytes.)
var ecFieldElementSize int
func init() {
// If the choice of curve changes we must change the numerical constants
// above.
ellipticCurve = elliptic.P256()
// 32 bytes if we are using P256.
ecFieldElementSize = (ellipticCurve.Params().BitSize + 7) >> 3
// We use the "compressed" form in which a point is represented by its
// x-coordinate (32 bytes, big-endian) with a leading byte indicating
// which of the two square roots to use for the y-coordinate.
ecSerializationSize = ecFieldElementSize + 1
// Routines for working with Elliptic curves.
// The code in this file was largely cribbed from some code written by Bryan Ford
// in
// Use the curve equation to calculate y² given x
func ySquared(curve *elliptic.CurveParams, x *big.Int) *big.Int {
// y² = x³ - 3x + b
x3 := new(big.Int).Mul(x, x)
x3.Mul(x3, x)
threeX := new(big.Int).Lsh(x, 1)
threeX.Add(threeX, x)
x3.Sub(x3, threeX)
x3.Add(x3, curve.B)
x3.Mod(x3, curve.P)
return x3
// MarshalCompressed returns the X9.62 compressed serialization of the point
// (x, y), which must be a point on the given |curve|. Returns nil on failure.
func MarshalCompressed(curve elliptic.Curve, x, y *big.Int) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, ecSerializationSize)
ret[0] = 2 // compressed point
xBytes := x.Bytes()
if len(xBytes) > ecFieldElementSize {
return nil
copy(ret[ecSerializationSize-len(xBytes):], xBytes)
// The first byte of the encoding indicates which square root of y² y is.
ret[0] += byte(y.Bit(0))
return ret
// Unmarshal returns the point (x, y) on the given |curve| that is encoded
// by |data|, which must be either the compressed or uncompressed X9.62
// serialization of a point on the curve. Returns nil on failure.
func Unmarshal(curve elliptic.Curve, data []byte) (x, y *big.Int) {
// If the data is uncompressed just invoke elliptic.Unmarshal.
x, y = elliptic.Unmarshal(curve, data)
if x != nil && y != nil {
x = nil
y = nil
byteLen := (curve.Params().BitSize + 7) >> 3
if len(data) != 1+byteLen {
if (data[0] &^ 1) != 2 {
return // unrecognized point encoding
// Based on Routine 2.2.4 in NIST Mathematical Routines paper
params := curve.Params()
tx := new(big.Int).SetBytes(data[1 : 1+byteLen])
y2 := ySquared(params, tx)
// Compute the square root of y2.
ty := new(big.Int).ModSqrt(y2, params.P)
if ty == nil {
return // y2 is not a quadratic residue: invalid point
// data[0] encodes which of the two square roots of y2 we want.
if ty.Bit(0) != uint(data[0]&1) {
ty.Sub(params.P, ty)
x, y = tx, ty // valid point: return it
// computeSharedKey returns the ECDH shared key corresponding to the given
// public and private keys.
// If the public key is g^alpha and the private key is beta then the shared key is
// g^{alpha*beta}.
// Since elliptic curve groups use additive notion this will be a scalar
// multiplication instead of an exponentiation. Thus if the public key is
// alpha*g and the private key is beta then the shared key is beta*alpha*g.
// More precisely, let (x, y) be the affine coordinates of beta*alpha*g. So
// x and y are elements of the underlying field and so they are integers in
// the range [0, ecFieldElementSize). The shared key is the big-endian bytes
// of x, padded with leading zeroes so as to have length ecFieldElementSize.
func computeSharedKey(publicX, publicY *big.Int, privateKey []byte) []byte {
xCoord, _ := ellipticCurve.ScalarMult(publicX, publicY, privateKey)
sharedKey, err := padFieldElement(xCoord.Bytes())
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot compute sharedKey: %v", err))
return sharedKey
// padFieldElement pads |fieldElement| with leading zeroes to a length of
// ecFieldElementSize. Returns the padded value or an error if len(fieldElement)
// is greater than ecFieldElementSize.
func padFieldElement(fieldElement []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// Pad with leading zeroes to ecFieldElementSize.
if len(fieldElement) == ecFieldElementSize {
return fieldElement, nil
if len(fieldElement) > ecFieldElementSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("len(fieldElement)=%d", len(fieldElement))
fieldElementPadded := make([]byte, ecFieldElementSize)
copy(fieldElementPadded[ecFieldElementSize-len(fieldElement):], fieldElement)
return fieldElementPadded, nil
// ParseECPrivateKeyPem parses a PEM encoded private EC key. The PEM should contain
// an unencrypted PKCS#8 (see RFC 5208) private key of type ECDSA (see RFC 5480).
func ParseECPrivateKeyPem(privateKeyPem string) (privateKey []byte, err error) {
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(privateKeyPem))
if block == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Private key PEM could not be parsed.")
result, err2 := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
if err2 != nil {
err = err2
ecPrivateKey, ok := result.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("The private key PEM file did not contain an EC private key but rather a %T.", result)
privateKey, err = padFieldElement(ecPrivateKey.D.Bytes())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse hybrid cipher private key PEM: %d.", err)
// ParseECPublicKeyPem parses a PEM encoded public EC key. The PEM should contain a
// PKCS#8 public key of type ECDSA.
func ParseECPublicKeyPem(publicKeyPEM string) (publicKey []byte, err error) {
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(publicKeyPEM))
if block == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Public key PEM could not be parsed.")
result, err2 := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes)
if err2 != nil {
err = err2
ecPublicKey, ok := result.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("The public key PEM file did not contain an EC public key but rather a %T.", result)
if ecPublicKey.Curve != ellipticCurve {
err = fmt.Errorf("The public key PEM contained an EC public key for the wrong curve: %v", ecPublicKey.Curve)
return elliptic.Marshal(ecPublicKey.Curve, ecPublicKey.X, ecPublicKey.Y), nil