blob: a6d074f748ba06f25a2ffe1d9f2b122de99da187 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("compiler") {
# On linux, we want to statically link against our libc++.a and
# libc++abi.a which are shipped as part of the toolchain
ldflags = [
# libc++ and libc++abi are separate in our current toolchain,
# so we have to explicitly statically link it
# Set rpath to find dynamically linked libraries placed next to executables in the host
# build directory.
libs = [ "pthread" ] # libc++ depends on pthreads
lib_dirs =
[ rebase_path("//buildtools/toolchain/clang+llvm-x86_64-linux/lib") ]
configs = [ ":sysroot" ]
config("sysroot") {
cflags = [ "--sysroot=$sysroot" ]
ldflags = cflags
asmflags = cflags